英语人>词典>汉英 : 车棚 的英文翻译,例句
车棚 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
carport  ·  shed  ·  sheds

car shed · carriage shed
更多网络例句与车棚相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The bicycles in the shed fell down all of a lump.


This morning, I took a bullhead fish and ride toward to the old factory rapidly, I found the cat lying under the megranate tree, in front a shed from a building's windows threw several case layer upon layer on the ground, there are three or four paper cases had been thrown out the building's window, when I saw this scene, my first idea is about the little cat, if the scene had been in n years ago, Teacher Huang should say to another young teacher Huang and me for we had been in favor of raising many ducks:" You have the catface of mother loving!"

今天天气晴好,早上,我带了大头鱼,朝老厂区的方向迅速地骑车,找到了正卧在石榴树下面的猫,前面车棚前的大楼楼道里往窗外扔下重重的纸盒箱,有三四个纸箱已经被扔了出来,看见这幅场景,我的第一个念头是想到了那只小猫,如果在 n ……年前,黄老师一定会对我另一位年轻的黄老师对养鸭子的爱好程度给予有力的讽刺的:"母爱的畸形变态!"

He passed the cabman 's shelter.


He came to your city, in the corner of the carport together for ever figure.


He cameto your city, in the corner of the carport together for everfigure.


Sat in my car in the carport at night, hiding from gangsters.


Carport, many kinds of roof tent for all kind of cars , roll up room etc.


Nerad also suggests storing your car in a garage or under a carport or cover.


The door pipe well tube well but really, really see carport, how does not know the kithens before, now put shed is shed have also don't put!


They were under a great shadowy train shed, where the lamps were already beginning to shine out, with passenger cars all about and the train moving at a snail's pace.


更多网络解释与车棚相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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car shed:车棚

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car shed; carriage shed:车棚

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carriage shed:车棚

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freight car temporary repairing shed:修车库;修车棚

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