英语人>词典>汉英 : 车床工 的英文翻译,例句
车床工 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Among the many remarkable final projects that have been proposed and presented at the end of the course have been a Renaissance hourglass blown in the MIT glass shop and set into a frame turned on our set shop lathe; a four harness loom built by a student who then wove cloth on it; a number of chain mail tunics and coifs; a wide variety of costume and furniture pieces and electrified period lighting fixtures.


Secondary, there were several departments of Nantou Craft Seminar in 1954-58. They were bamboo crafts, wood crafts, canes crafts, lathe, ceramics, knit and sculpture. Yen Shui-Long was the leader of the class and Wang Chin-Shuan was the deanery. Planning to adopt the theory and practice to regard as equally important in course, arrange theory discipline in the morning, there are Chinese, citizen, sketch, drawing, making maps and craft summary, etc.


Main assignment countries : Singapore, Korea, Japan, Kuwait, the UAE, Qatar, Indonesia Pellets Island, Maldives, and other countries and regions, industries involving construction bricklayers, carpenters, Careless, sewing, aquatic products, electronics, waiters, cooks, Seafarers, the deckhand, karaoke girls, unskilled workers, cleaners and other non-technical personnel.


Employment positions involving senior and junior clerk,senior and junior sales, administration staff, accounting engineeers ,mechanical programmer, mechanical draftman, moulding technician, latheman and miller,construction engineer, draftman, bricklayers, carpenters, steel bender, sewers, aquatic workers , electronics workers, waiters, cooks, Seafarers, the deckhand, karaoke girls, masseuse,manicure and pedicure,unskilled workers, cleaners and other non-technical.


A brand new open-center pneumatic cylinder was developed by JATO Precision for the high speed and high accuracy CNC lathes which use spring collets to clamp work-parts.

JATO Precision针对高转速,高精度,使用弹性筒夹夹持工作物的小型数控车床,开发了一款全新的高速中空气压回转缸JAL636-PL。

Forensics:"college English class A certificate of qualification certificate of the computer level of senior drafters of the intermediate drafters of CNC lathe operator of the CNC milling machine operators GongYiYuan nc" Intern: general practice, practice, car PuXi benchwork internships, machinery, mechanical manufacturing process design of surveying and mapping, reducer, sonic experimental design, manufacture of PLC switch Major in: the nc programming and operation of CAD/CAM application technique of the application of the principle of nc MASTERCAM9.0 typical of the CNC system and electric control and application of PLC in the electrical and electronic technology ","mechanical drawing the computer drawing" of the "mechanical manufacturing technology","" the hydraulic principle and application of the technology of chip" engineering mechanics of higher mathematics in the numerical control of the secondary specialized English language C


Employment positions involving senior and junior clerk,senior and junior sales, administration staff, accounting engineeers ,mechanical programmer, mechanical draftman, moulding technician, latheman and miller,construction engineer, draftman, bricklayers, carpenters, steel bender, sewers, aquatic workers , electronics workers, waiters, cooks, Seafarers, the deckhand, karaoke girls, masseuse,manicure and pedicure,unskilled workers, cleaners and other non-technical.


Among the many remarkable final projects that have been proposed and presented at the end of the course have been a Renaissance hourglass blown in the MIT glass shop and set into a frame turned on our set shop lathe; a four harness loom built by a student who then wove cloth on it; a number of chain mail tunics and coifs; a wide variety of costume and furniture pieces and electrified period lighting fixtures.


Forks, spoons, whisks, turners and lifters are some of most sought after kitchen utensils used in carrying out various kitchen functions.


Major equipment has: 2M X 10M ordinary lathe, 250 and below, various types of boring machine specifications, 5M roll 7M double column vertical lathe comb, 100X6M deep-hole drilling, 3M X12M gantry milling bed, HR Two-table machining centers, CNC boring 130 milling machine, frequency, medium frequency quenching machine, 15T electric furnace, etc..

主要设备有:2M X 10M普通车床、250及以下规格各类镗床、 5M 辊梳齿 7M双柱立车、 100X6M 深孔钻、3M X12M 龙门铣刨床、HR双工作台加工中心、130数控镗铣床、工频、中频淬火机床、15T电炉等。

更多网络解释与车床工相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


sojourner 逗留者,旅居者 | mourner 哀痛者,哀悼者,送葬者 | turner 车床工,锣工,翻拌者,体育家


turndown 翻领的 | turned-on 疯狂的 | turner 车床工


turner 车床工 | turnery 车床细工 | turning point 转折点


QA Quality Assessment 质量评价 | latheman 车床操作工人,车工 | toolsmith 刀具工


pattern recognition 图象识别 | patternmaker 模型工 | patternmaker's lathe 模工车床


patternmaker模型工 | patternmaker'slathe模工车床 | patternmaker' hop制模车间


patternmaker 模型工 | patternmaker'slathe 木工车床 | patternmaker'sshop 制模车间


toolmakinglathe 工具车床 | toolman 刀具工 | toolmanagement 工具管理


latheman 车床操作工人,车工 | toolsmith 刀具工 | management of colleges and schools 院校管理

Wood Turners 4921:4921-13 木料旋工,木工车床工人

4416-11 墙面地面瓷砖工 | 墙壁地板装修工 | 墙壁和地板砖瓦工 Wall and Floor Tiler 4416-11 | 4921-13 木料旋工,木工车床工人 Wood Turners 4921-13 | 4929-79 木材技工 Wood Tradespersons 4929-79