英语人>词典>汉英 : 踢拳 的英文翻译,例句
踢拳 的英文翻译、例句


kick boxing
更多网络例句与踢拳相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am twenty-two blocks from where Rudolph Valentino lay in state, eight blocks from where Nathan Hale was executed, five blocks from the publisher's office where Ernest Hemingway hit Max Eastman on the nose, four miles from where Walt Whitman sat sweating out editorials for the Brooklyn Eagle, thirty-four blocks from the street Willa Cather lived in when she came to New York to write books about Nebraska, one block from where Marceline used to clown on the boards of the Hippodrome, thirty-six blocks from the spot where the historian Joe Gould kicked a radio to pieces in full view of the public, thirteen blocks from where Harry Thaw shot Stanford White, five blocks from where I used to usher at the Metropolitan Opera and only 112 blocks from the spot where Clarence Day the elder was washed of his sins in the Church of the Epiphany (I could continue this list indefinitely); and for that matter I am probably occupying the very room that any number of exalted and somewise memorable characters sat in, some of them on hot, breathless afternoons, lonely and private and full of their own sense of emanations from without..


If you want Tuesdays off for kickboxing class, then say so.


Taekwondo training generally includes a system of blocks, kicks, punches, and open-handed strikes and may also include various take-downs or sweeps, throws, and joint locks.


At any time a kick on the shins will cause the strongest man to lurch forward and stick out his chin leaving him open for a chin jab or uppercut.


But krav maga isn';t popular at all here, i don';t think many people even know what it is so, the best thing to train here to feel ';safe'; is muay thai, kick-boxing or karate.


Difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard;* 9 bonuses, including punishing thunderbolt, temporator, and spike shield;* 7 original cars of individual tech specs;* Customizable button controls and easy stylus input;* Advanced options and tune ups;* Record logbook, highscores and enclyclopedia of bonuses;* Smart graphics;* English, German, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish and Russian languages support.

特点: -猛烈的动作-要同时对付多达18个对手-6种不同攻击-3种拳法和3种脚踢技巧-指南描述了移动和游戏结构-6关,外加最终战斗-直观而可定制的操作-有趣的故事和主要英雄-应用不同武器、技击和战略的多样化的敌人-惊人的视角效果-多层次的图象,视差效果,900+动画结构-3种难度级别-3D声音,过70种的音效-高分榜-适合长时间游戏。

Many, MANY manuals combined Boxing, wrestling, savate, La Lutte, Jiujitsu/Judo, Chinese Boxing, etc.

不是。很多很多的格斗手册融合了拳击、摔跤、法式踢拳、法式搏击(La Lutte Parisienne,一种融合踢拳和摔跤的格斗技术)、柔术/柔道、中国拳术,等等。

Stance knifehand guarding block, dodge last punch, turning kick to solar plexus


In Gong fu, Shifu Shi Yanzi, studied many traditional Shaolin forms during his time at the temple, among them were; 72 styles in which he became a master at the iron jacket and iron leg; sanshou a form of free fighting that involves punching, kicking and throwing amongst its range of techniques and which he was eight-time national champion of China and world champion twice; and hand and weapon forms, notably Xiao Hong Quan, Da Hong Quan, Lohan Quan and Xingyi Ba.


Most people who don';t train any martial art have a glass jaw, so one punch/kick may be enough to put him to sleep.

如果KRAV MAGA不是最好的自卫术那我想泰拳,踢拳或拳击是最好的。

更多网络解释与踢拳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Burmese Bando:缅甸拳

泰拳: Muay thai | 缅甸拳:Burmese Bando | 前脚掌踢: toe kick

Karate Chop:空手拳


about body kick:轉身踢運動足球

64881轉身跳運動泳潛衝浪twist dive | 64882轉身踢運動足球about body kick | 64883轉身擺蓮?運動太極拳-拳位turning body to sweep "lotus" -?


他1974年9月10日出生于克罗地亚,踢拳(Kickboxing)出身. 虽然米尔科从未获得过K-1冠军,但他的人气不亚于任何一位k1冠军. "腿王二世"的绰号,就充分体现了人们对他的期望之高. 难得的是,米尔科练的既不是泰拳,也不是拳击,而是踢拳.


空手道以击(punching)、打(striking)、踢(kicking)三种基本技术为根本,构成了空手道的各种攻防动作. 它的本质在於发挥技巧於极致,在最短的时间 ,并以最极限的冲击力,朝目标部位爆发 ,掌握重点,一决胜败,也正是所谓 「一拳必杀」的道理.


泡 泡(bubble) 可增加装备水气球的数量 力量水(fluid) 增加炸开来的水流长度 旱冰鞋(roller) 角色的移动速度加快 大力丸(ultra) 大水流的水气球拳 套(glove) 可以扔水泡的物品 运动鞋(shoes) 可以踢水泡的物品 隐身衣(ghost) 使其他人很难看清自己 乌龟(turtle) 可以骑,但是速度变慢 猫头鹰(owl) 可以骑,速度稍微


"跆拳道"(taekwondo)这个词来源于韩语. "跆"是指用脚、腿踢,"拳"是用拳击,"道"是方法,训练途径. 合起来,"跆拳道"就是一种用脚踢与拳击的抟踢方法. 今天,跆拳道运动分属于两个组织:世界跆拳道联合会(WTF)和国际跆拳道联合会(ITF).

Dragon Talon:(龙爪)-增加了踢的伤害,增加了攻击

ASSASSIN-武学艺术 | Dragon Talon(龙爪)-增加了踢的伤害,增加了攻击. | Fists Of Fire(炎拳)-具有技能加成


法式踢打术(Savate)是由法国发扬的一种技击运动,其腿法非常突出. 又称为法式拳击、法国踢拳、法国踢腿术等;音译名词是"萨瓦特",它是使用拳法技术与腿法攻击的一种格斗技,包括许多在空手道和跆拳道中能见到的腿上功夫,包括侧踢、旋转踢和钩踢.

serial kicks:连踢

second 助手 | serial kicks 连踢 | shadow boxing 空拳