英语人>词典>汉英 : 踝反射 的英文翻译,例句
踝反射 的英文翻译、例句


ankle jerk · ankle reflex
更多网络例句与踝反射相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Five months after discharge examination showed diffusely increased deep tendon reflexes, mainly on the right, clonus of the right ankle, absent abdominal reflexes and right facial hypoaesthesia.


Chose 30 health adults and 40 patients of chronic alcoholism of daily tippled alcohol more than 250mL and have five more years of tippling history, tested the thermal sensation threshold and vibration threshold of left hypothenar, left index finger, left instep and left first toe, and also tested the sense and motion conduction velocity of left nervus tibialis, median nerve and nervus ulnaris.


The results suggest that sensory of magnetic-electron stimulus and motor corralling on complex and integrative brain functions are manifested in the superposition of several oscillations and in frequency stabilization.


On investigation the lower limbs showed an up-per motor neurone type of lesion with complete loss of power, brisk knee and ankle- jerk s, absent abdominal reflexes, and bilateral extensor plantar response.


If these abnormities were laid according as frequency among 2-6 months,reflex abnormities are knee tendon reflex, palmar grasp reflex,...

其中 2— 6个月组,4个方面的异常项目按出现多少分别排列为:①反射异常:膝反射、手持握反射、巴氏征、非对称性颈肢反射、踝阵挛、坐位平衡反应、踏步反射、交叉伸展反射、紧张性迷路反射、躯干侧弯反射、拥抱反射;②姿势异常:仰卧翻成侧卧头后仰≥ 15°、立位悬垂、平卧颈后空隙≥1cm、俯卧悬垂、侧位悬垂、拉起、紧张性头偏斜、自发姿势异常;③肌张力异常:足背屈角、上肢围颈、手握拳、扶立足跟抬起≥ 3 0°、拇指交叉达掌心、窝角、内收角、跟耳角;④其他异常:头围≤ x -2s、斜视、主动运动减少/异常、听觉异常、视觉异常、眼颤、癫痫。

更多网络解释与踝反射相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

achilles jerk:踝反射

acetyl-spiramycin 乙酰螺旋霉素 | Achilles jerk 踝反射 | Achilles tendon reflex 踝反射

biceps reflex:肱二头肌反射

一侧减弱或消失见于锥体细胞束损害.但局部病变如腹股沟斜疝,阴囊水肿等也可影响提睾反射.4.趾反射(plantar reflex) 患者仰卧,下肢伸直,评估者手持其踝部,用钝头竹签划足底外侧,正常反应为足跖屈曲.1.肱二头肌反射(biceps reflex) 患者取坐位或卧位,

cremasteric reflex:提睾反射

③提睾反射(cremasteric reflex)竹签由下而上轻划股内测上方皮肤,可引起同侧提睾肌收缩,睾丸上提. ④跖反射(plantar reflex)患者仰卧,下肢伸直,检查者手持患者踝部,用钝头竹签划足底外侧,由足跟向前至近小趾关节处转向拇趾侧,正常反应为足跖屈曲.

plantar reflex:跖反射

④跖反射(plantar reflex)患者仰卧,下肢伸直,检查者手持患者踝部,用钝头竹签划足底外侧,由足跟向前至近小趾关节处转向拇趾侧,正常反应为足跖屈曲. ⑤ 肛门反射(anal reflex) 用大头针轻划肛门周围皮肤,可引起肛门外括约肌收缩.

ankle jerk:足踝反射

ankle clonus 踝阵挛 | ankle jerk 足踝反射 | ankle joint 踝关节

ankle jerk:踝反射

ankle flexibility || 踝关节的灵活性 | ankle jerk || 踝反射 | ankle joint || 踝关节

jerk, ankle:踝反射

反射 jerk | 踝反射 jerk, ankle | 颌反射 jerk, jaw

jerk, jaw:颌反射

踝反射 jerk, ankle | 颌反射 jerk, jaw | 膝反射 jerk, knee

Achilles tendon reflex:跟腱反射

⑤ 跟腱反射(achilles tendon reflex)又称踝反射(ankle reflex) 患者仰卧,髋及膝关节屈曲,下肢取外旋外展位. 检查者左手将患者足部背屈成直角,以叩诊锤叩击跟腱,反应为腓肠肌收缩,足向跖面屈曲. 反射中枢为骶髓1~2节. ⑥ 阵挛(clonus) 锥体束以上病变,

Achilles tendon reflex:踝反射

Achilles jerk 踝反射 | Achilles tendon reflex 踝反射 | acinesia 运动不能