英语人>词典>汉英 : 踏板 的英文翻译,例句
踏板 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
footplate  ·  pedal  ·  treadle  ·  gangboard  ·  gangplank  ·  treadboard  ·  pedaled  ·  pedaling  ·  pedalled  ·  pedalling  ·  treadled  ·  treadles  ·  treadling  ·  footplates  ·  springboards

running board · balance brow · floor sheet
更多网络例句与踏板相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A control algorithm of pedal force simulation was developed according the brake pedal force and stroke relationship.


We pose this paper for analyze the approach speed impact on footboard accuracy of the long-jump from posture of long-jump that before the approach and approach rhythm etc.


Operate when clutch pedal pad, answer to be fulcrum with calcaneal, step to go up in clutch pedal pad with left sole, walk with the extend movement of knee joint and gambrel or loosen clutch pedal pad.


Mainly divided into three parts: 1 delayed sound Pedal : Are British horse (John Broadwood block 1783), usually under the piano is invented the right medial step by step, when delay sound pressure nowadays, usually in the string is Damper immediately lift.

主要分为三个部分: 1 延音踏板:是英国人布劳马于1783年发明,通常是钢琴下最右内侧的踏板,当延音踏板被压时下,平时压在弦上的制音器立即扬起。

Analyzing the characteristics of Bach's work, combining with application and general using law of pedal, the paper presents the reasons of debate and puts forward some suggestions: connecting two tunes, retouching psalterium tune and resonating chord need pedal when playing Bach's piano works; auditory is the key to decide whether to use pedal or not; using pedal should consider arrangement of harmony in Bach's polyphonic works.


Aside from the direct connection between the fingers on the keys and the sound, the piano also has two different pedals which are the "sustain" or damper pedal and the "soft" pedal.


Pedals Damper Soft and sostenuto pedal operations enabled by the optional SP-30 Pedal Unit.

踏板阻尼器(软,持音踏板的可选的警司- 30踏板单元使操作。

Sostenuto (3) censored Pedal Pedal : But modern piano sound pedal and soft sound delayed beyond the middle, is located in step one step with special performance.


Aside from the direct connection between the fingers on the keys and the sound, the piano also has two different pedals which are the "sustain" or damper pedal and the "soft" pedal.


This paper treats the mechanism and application of piano pedal in four aspects: the history、the construction mechanism、the sorts and the application of piano pedal.


更多网络解释与踏板相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accelerator pedal hinge:加速器踏板铰链

accelerator pedal bracket | 加速器踏板支架, 油门控制踏板支架 | accelerator pedal hinge | 加速器踏板铰链 | accelerator pedal rod | 加速器踏板

accelerator pedal hinge:加速踏板铰链

10 accelerator pedal 加速踏板 | 11 accelerator pedal hinge 加速踏板铰链 | 12 accelerator pedal mounting bracket 加速踏板安装支架

accelerator pedal bracket:加速器踏板支架, 油门控制踏板支架

accelerator nerve | 加速神经 | accelerator pedal bracket | 加速器踏板支架, 油门控制踏板支架 | accelerator pedal hinge | 加速器踏板铰链

accelerator pedal rod:加速器踏板杆

accelerator pedal hinge | 加速器踏板铰链 | accelerator pedal rod | 加速器踏板杆 | accelerator pedal | (汽车等的)油门踏板

brake pedal switch:制动踏板开关

brake pedal return spring;制动踏板回位弹簧 | brake pedal switch;制动踏板开关 | brake pedal travel;制动踏板行程

Pedal effort:踏板力

踏板最大行程 maximum pedal travel | 踏板力 pedal effort | 有效踏板长度 effective pedal length


重叠弦列(Over-stung)见交叉弦列(Cross-stung),踏板(Pedals)钢琴有两至三只踏板. 延音踏板在右,它可以把制音器从弦列上移开. 弱音踏板(立式钢琴称soft pedal;三角钢琴称una-cords pedal)在左,una-cords(原意:一根弦)能把所有的琴键向右偏移,


踏板又称弱音踏板(Soft pedal). 在平台式钢琴中,踩下这个踏板,琴槌立刻向旁推移,使它只敲三弦中之二弦,或二弦中之一弦. 在直立式钢琴中踩下此踏板,所有琴槌移近琴弦,籍以减轻冲力. 这个踏板的功能,是使琴声产生变化,对于减低音响,


treadle 踏板vi.踩踏板开动 | treadle 踏板踏板开动 | treasure room 贵重品贮藏室

damper pedal:(英)制音器踏板,即右踏板,又称培音踏板(钢琴)

d?monisch(德)恶魔似的,凶暴的,残忍的. | damper pedal(英)制音器踏板,即右踏板,又称培音踏板(钢琴). | d?mpfen(德)抑制或减弱乐器的声音.