英语人>词典>汉英 : 踉跄 的英文翻译,例句
踉跄 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bumble  ·  teeter  ·  bumbled  ·  bumbles  ·  teetered  ·  teetering  ·  teeters

更多网络例句与踉跄相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am staggering, attacking the body that embraced Ping Ping, the excited bunches of sparkling and crystal-clear teardrops, billow and backfall, drip on soft white snow, and melt out many blocks of cavities.


Under the buddle tottered the old woman, her face as white as a linen sheet.


What I want is to the see company burn to the ground ,and you in prison.


"It seemed hardly the face of a man alive, with such a deathlike hue ; it was hardly a man with life in him, that tottered on his path so nervelessly, yet tottered, and did not fall!"


"It seemed hardly the face of a man alive, with such a deathlike hue; it was hardly a man with life in him, that tottered on his path so nervelessly, yet tottered, and did not fall!"


It seemed hardly the face of a man alive, with such a deathlike hue; it was hardly a man with life in him, that tottered on his path so nervelessly, yet tottered, did not fall!


The man lurched drunkenly out of the pub.


He stumbled to get to his closet, don something warm, and jump through the escape hatch to the ice cave beneath the basement, Miller struggled to run across the room.


Student Alex Gilbey and his three best friends are staggering home from a pasty when they stumble upon the body of a young woman.

Alex Gilbey和他的三个好朋友刚刚从派对上回来,踉跄地回家了,在回家的路上他们无意中发现了一具尸体。

One by one the soldiers around him stumbled back, turning to run sobbing or praying down the hill, lurching into the darkness of the girdling trees.


更多网络解释与踉跄相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

falter: v.1:蹒跚,踉跄 2.颤抖,结巴地说 3.动摇,犹豫,畏缩

generate: v.1.产生,发生 2.造成,引起,导致 3.生育 | falter: v.1.蹒跚,踉跄 2.颤抖,结巴地说 3.动摇,犹豫,畏缩 | controversial: a.1.争论的,辩论的 2.引起争论的 3.爱争论的

falter vi.1:(嗓音)颤抖,结巴地说 2.犹豫,畏缩 3.蹒跚,踉跄 逻辑辨证记忆提示

fairy n.小精灵,小仙子 逻辑辨证记忆提示:fair | *falter vi.1.(嗓音)颤抖,结巴地说 2.犹豫,畏缩 3.蹒跚,踉跄 逻辑辨证记忆提示:fold | favorable a.1.称赞的,赞同的 2.有利的,顺利的

Still they stagger graciously:他们还步履优雅地踉跄着

Yet her red lips still smile 但她红色的嘴唇还在微笑 | Still they stagger graciously 他们还步履优雅地踉跄着 | But they too eventually fall to the ground 但最后也会落到地上

groggily ad. weakly; unsteadily:虚弱地;脚步踉跄地

expletive n. meaningless words used for swearing, to express violent feelings 赌咒语 | groggily ad. weakly; unsteadily 虚弱地;脚步踉跄地 | jostle vt. knock or push against 挤,推

but for me ,is in totter:脚步踉跄

夜风习习 The wind blows gently, | 脚步踉跄 but for me ,is in totter | 看不见,月光飘荡的脚步 I can not see the trace of moonlight

totter proceed weakly, wobbling with faltering steps:蹒跚, 踉跄,摇摇欲坠的走法

37. toddle walk with short, uncertain steps东倒西歪地走, 蹒... | 38. totter proceed weakly, wobbling with faltering steps蹒跚, 踉跄,摇摇欲坠的走法 | 39. tramp walk, tread, or step heavily; tromp重步行走...

groggilyad.weakly; unsteadily:虚弱地;脚步踉跄地

expletiven.meaningless words used for swearing, to express violent feelings赌咒语 | groggilyad.weakly; unsteadily虚弱地;脚步踉跄地 | jostlevt.knock or push against挤,推

Stumble: to walk unsteadily:蹒跚而行,踉跄

At the weekend, Tom and his friends went strolling(闲逛) in the town. | Stumble: to walk unsteadily 蹒跚而行,踉跄 | Trudge:to walk with heavy steps ,slowly and with effort步履沉重地走,艰难地走

I'm confessing that I stumble:而是坦承我一路步履踉跄蹒跚而行

I don't speak of this with pride. 並不是因为我可以夸耀比你高一等 | I'm confessing that I stumble 而是坦承我一路步履踉跄蹒跚而行, | someone to be my guide. 所以我需要一位生命中的向导

(commentator) Simpson's got it! He fumbles it. He's in the end zone:辛普森接到了! 他踉跄着...冲到了终点区

He's over, he's over, he's over.... | (commentator) Simpson's got it! He fumbles it. He's in the end zone!|辛普森接到了! 他踉跄着...冲到了终点区! | (commentator) 24-14. Now it is out of reach.|24-14,落...