英语人>词典>汉英 : 跳弹 的英文翻译,例句
跳弹 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ricochet  ·  riccocheted  ·  riccocheting  ·  riccochets

更多网络例句与跳弹相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The research results indicate that retroflexion moment is the radical causation of ricochet phenomena.


You're lucky it was a ricochet.


How do you explain this ricochet?


Ricochet Trap is unusual in that it's a red card showing a blue mage casting a spell.


The details contents in this paper are as follows: 1 Studied the theory analysis of the causation of ricochet phenomena.

针对动能弹斜侵彻混凝土靶时的跳弹现象,本文分别采用理论分析方法和数值模拟方法对这种特殊现象进行了分析计算,具体的研究内容如下: 1)进行了跳弹现象产生原因的分析研究。

This round will also fragment on any surface that would cause a lead bullet to ricochet.


The ricochet went out into the store.


Mathematical model was set up,on the basis of dynamics formulation,normal expanse of the target interface ,and supposed concrete medium was constringent material.

根据弹体动力学基本方程和假定混凝土为可压缩材料,基于弹靶接触表面处靶体材料的法向膨胀性,对跳弹现象进行理论分析,在合理假设的前提下,建立了跳弹现象的数学模型; 2)针对该模型编制计算机程序,在给定初始入射速度、入射角后可以判断出能否产生跳弹现象,输出产生跳弹现象时所对应的初始侵彻条件,并通过穷举法得出跳弹临界相图,对于斜侵入情况,能计算出弹体在不同侵彻阶段下的运行时间并能绘制出侵彻轨迹,结合现有的试验数据,进行对比分析,二者符合良好,证实了理论分析模型的合理性; 3)开展了跳弹现象的数值模拟研究。

This compilation has a lot of his dribbles, cross, snap-shots, goals.


Shoot at everything that moves. Blow up everything that you possibly can blow up. Pick up everything portable. There is spare armor that fits you, and ammunition that fits your weapons, all over the place. You can't be hit by your own ricochets. No matter how much noise you make, no more than four or five guys will ever come to investigate at any one time. It is normal to store explosives inside air conditioning ducts. Injuries don't slow you down and can be healed instantly. It is morally acceptable and in fact imperative to loot the bleeding bodies of the dead. You may be required to jump off cliffs to win this game, but you can do so without any harm.


更多网络解释与跳弹相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


resilience 弹回 | resiliency 跳回 | resilient 弹回的


类似Diablo2里的陷阱,以及各类等级的隐秘行动),工程[engineering)(让您将不用的武器变成您的小塔楼,或者"物品宠物"("item pets")),或者射手(marksman)(能够施展特别攻击像是多重射击(multishot)和跳弹(ricochet)).

ricochet burst:跳弹炸

rickshaw 人力车=>人力車 | ricochet burst 跳弹炸 | ricochet fire 跳弹射击

shrapnel ball:跳弹(榴霰弹)

畸形 deformity | 跳弹(榴霰弹) shrapnel ball | 蜂窝织炎 cellulitis

spring back:回跳,回弹

spreading of ink 油墨扩散 | spring back 回跳,回弹 | spring bearing 弹簧轴承座


SPRING BOARD:弹簧跳,可以让玛俐欧跳跃起来摔死 | BOMB-OMB CLOUD:爆弹云,可以投下爆弹人攻击玛俐欧 | THWOMP:大怒岩,可以落下攻击玛俐欧


jumping spider:跳蛛;蝇虎 | springtail:跳虫;弹尾目昆虫 | fly tiger:跳蛛;蝇虎

rebound clip:回弹夹箍,回跳夹,钢板弹簧骑马螺栓

rebound clearance ==> 回跳间隙 | rebound clip ==> 回弹夹箍,回跳夹,钢板弹簧骑马螺栓 | rebound curve ==> 回弹曲线

ricochet fire:跳弹射击

39型高爆弹击出达4700公尺远;最低装药的射程约1475公尺;破片散布范围100-200公尺宽,12-15公尺深;使用跳弹射击(ricochet fire)最远可达1400公尺,在目标上空20公尺处爆炸杀伤敌炮兵、机枪巢和壕沟的敌人;此外还可以发射25公斤重的高爆穿甲弹(HEAT,


recommend itself to 使自己成为可取,使自己受欢迎 | ricocheting 跳飞,跳弹 | dock hands 码头人手,码头雇员