英语人>词典>汉英 : 跑遍 的英文翻译,例句
跑遍 的英文翻译、例句


travel all over
更多网络例句与跑遍相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Worse, he had spent two years traveling up and down Germany trying to win back politicians, businessmen and a hostile press after his public-relations gaffe during the first Mannesmann trial: a two-fingered Churchillian V for victory when making his first court appearance.


And, says Mr Dixon, if ever he got scent of a cattleraider in Roscommon or the wilds of Connemara or a husbandman in Sligo that was sowing as much as a handful of mustard or a bag of rapeseed out he run amok over half the countryside rooting up with his horns whatever was planted and all by lord Harry's orders.

因此,"迪克森先生曰,"只要风闻罗斯康芒或康尼马拉原野上有盗牲畜者,抑或斯莱戈[135] 农夫播种一把芥籽或一袋菜籽,彼即奉哈利王御旨,跑遍半壁乡村,用犄角将所种之物连根掘起。""

In the 1980s in the medicine circles of China, there was a blind spot in? Zhu Changqing' parents visited all the hospitals in Shanghai in order to find out the pathology. At last, they searched the cyclopedia for the information and found the brief explanation less than 100 words. It was said that the cause of this disease was still a mystery, maybe resulted from gene mutation, and till now there was no efficient means to treat it.


If you represent a big state like Illinois, there are flights upstate or downstate, to attend town meetings or ribbon cuttings and to make sure that the folks don't think you've forgotten them.


You draw my hand, opinted at the blue sea and said "you must promise a wish", then you let me tell you my wish, first I did/t tell you so you chased me, we ran over the whole sand beach, I pretended to fall down, then I told you that my wish is about our everlasting blessedness. you laugh, very effulgent and very happily……Now, you forget our past?


Of expostulate with fine Mou, the level of GDP of average per capita of China and Korea comparatives, china had red flag car in those days, had emancipatory truck, and whats don't have Korea, but now the contemporary car of Korea, went around China, went around whole world; Korea still does not have the computer and semiconductor at that time, and China had had, but now of Korea shine putting digital mobile phone is all over the world we had celebrated each local sale; at that time 10 thousand tons of a large ship of China enter the water, korea does not make even the boat in those days, the shipbuilding industry of Korea takes the world now the first.


As I was reflecting, a he-goat with a prominent horn on its forehead suddenly came from the west across the whole earth without touching the ground.


Define Ck =∪rCk,r, where r passesthrough all monic irreducible polynomials of degree k over Zn.


If ris also irreducible in Z_nand f~n~κ≡fmodn,r(xfor all f∈Z_nthen we call n a Carmichael number of orderκmodulo r.Denote the set of all such numbers by C_κ,r(x.Define C_κ=∪_r(xC_κ,r(x,where rpasses through all monic irreducible polynomials over Z of degreeκ.We call elements of the set C_κCarmichael numbers of orderκ.ZHU and SUN[Journal of Sichuan University,42;1(2005), 47-51]first gave a necessary condition for Carmichael numbers of order 3.Then they gave a sufficient condition for Carmichael numbers of order 3,but did not find any such numbers less than 10~8 satisfying the sufficient condition.At last,they asked three questions;1.is the necessary condition also sufficient?


Paraguayan hopes of a quarter-final place have been boosted by a draw which, though it forces them to travel all over South Africa, pits them against opponents they will not fear.


更多网络解释与跑遍相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


将由"中国"(China)和"非洲"(Africa)合成的"中国与非洲"(ChinAfrica)作为书名的这本书是法国和瑞士的非洲专门记者跑遍非洲后编写的. 作者在2006年至2007年走遍了非洲15个国家. 结果汇集了很多生动的"成功事例".


就是啊 ... 我最近刚申 80 级 ... 北境 (Northend) 还没有每个区域都跑遍 (只剩 Storm Peak) ...都有机会 (Oracles 的 "蛋" 可能机会小小小 ... 或是非常幸运 ...) 但是都是需要冲到崇拜 (Exalted) 才能 ...

first base:一垒

棒球场设有四个垒(bases):一垒(first base)、二垒(second base)、三垒(third base)、本垒(home base). 球员击球之后,必须跑遍相隔颇远的一、二、三垒,而且他的脚或者其他部位必须接触及每一个base,才能得分. 现在,

home base:本垒

按棒球场设有四个垒 (bases)∶一垒 (first base)、二垒 (second base)、三垒 (third base)、本垒 (home base). 球员击球之后,必须跑遍相隔颇远的一、二、三垒,回到本垒,才可以取得一分. 现在,人们就常常用 touch all bases来比喻全面探讨某个问题 ,


赫拉克勒斯展开追逐,整整一年,跑遍了希腊、色雷斯(Thrace)、伊斯特利亚(Istria),甚至到了北边亥帕波尼亚人(Hyperboreans)的领土. 牝鹿最后进了阿尔忒弥山(Artemision)躲避,又从那儿跑到拉顿河畔(the LadonRiver),想要渡河.

Dark Moor:黑暗沼泽

现在红遍全球的西班牙金属乐队"黑暗沼泽"(Dark Moor)的音乐走向就是以修罗的成功之路为蓝本的. 接下来一位是史昂适应偶像时代到来需要特地跑遍全球终于从靠近北极的鸟不生蛋的格陵兰岛抓来的,本名费伊,与天地比肩日月争辉的大超级美男,

second base:二垒

按棒球场设有四个垒 (bases)∶一垒 (first base)、二垒 (second base)、三垒 (third base)、本垒 (home base). 球员击球之后,必须跑遍相隔颇远的一、二、三垒,回到本垒,才可以取得一分. 现在,人们就常常用 touch all bases来比喻全面探讨某个问题 ,

third base:三垒

按棒球场设有四个垒 (bases)∶一垒 (first base)、二垒 (second base)、三垒 (third base)、本垒 (home base). 球员击球之后,必须跑遍相隔颇远的一、二、三垒,回到本垒,才可以取得一分. 现在,人们就常常用 touch all bases来比喻全面探讨某个问题 ,

Deja Vu:似曾相识

叫做 "似曾相识" (Deja Vu) 什麼的 ... 一个跑遍世界大小城市的男摄影师来到上海


太空(the space)宝藏 罗伯特.哈格(Robert Haag )是一名太空陨石(meteorites)收藏者. 20多年来,他跑遍了世界的每个角落,收集到了各色各样的来自太空的流星(shooting stars)、陨星. 哈格的这些太空宝藏使他成为目前世界上最富有的人之一.