英语人>词典>汉英 : 跑腿 的英文翻译,例句
跑腿 的英文翻译、例句


went on errands
更多网络例句与跑腿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The bootboy brought back a scribbled note from Lettie, saying she had put her things in the girls' dormitory and Cesari's seemed great fun.


I've no time to run errand s for you.


"Now that I am out on errand, they will never know whether I am working or not."


I didn't take many photos as I ran errands in Fairbanks, sorry.


They used to bring their gallopers to our village and we lads got the job of fetch and carry.


You can say that again. But remember he has Kate to do all his footwork for him.


B: You can say that again . But remember he has Mary to do all his footwork for him .


Well, then we shall have to do some footwork ourselves.


Sales takes a lot of courage and footwork.


Write your errands on an errands list throughout the week, and do them all on one day.


更多网络解释与跑腿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Pardos帕杜斯 | Errand-Boy跑腿的 | Cornelius科尼利厄斯

on errand:干差使,在跑腿

take one's stand 表明立场 | on errand 干差使,在跑腿 | pick out 挑选

run an errand:跑腿

64 把握机会 seize the opportunity | 65 跑腿 run an errand | 66 树立楷模 set a good example

run an errand:跑腿,办事

Sth.enter one's head想过某事 | Run an errand跑腿,办事 | Founder's ball慈善晚会

run an errand:跑腿,办事(如送信、买东西等)

851ruggeda. 高低不平的,崎岖的,粗糙的 | 852run an errand跑腿,办事(如送信、买东西等) | 853run out of用完,用尽

Go messages for sb:为某人送信,跑腿

State of the Union Message (美国总统的)国情咨文 | Go messages for sb 为某人送信,跑腿 | Leave a message 留个话


where is this coming from究竟怎么回事 | legwork跑腿的工作 | make waves 惹事

3.Let him do the legwork:3.让他去做跑腿的工作

[14:22.11]1.That's his job. 2.Let others do it. ;1.那是他... | [14:26.31]3.Let him do the legwork. ;3.让他去做跑腿的工作. | [14:29.52]4.I stuck him with the job. 5.You're shirking your duties. ;4.我把...

run errands:出差,跑腿

errand n.差使,使命 | run errands 出差,跑腿 | go an errand 出差,跑腿

His errands:跑腿

He has three assistants. I run his errands.|他有三个助手,我帮他跑腿 | His errands!|跑腿? | Is that an errand gift-wrapped on the bed?|帮他包装床上那个礼物?