英语人>词典>汉英 : 足底的 的英文翻译,例句
足底的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
thenar  ·  pelmatic  ·  volar

更多网络例句与足底的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Foot pain problems can be with thick soles to relieve pain.


If you wear high heels for too long, you need a lot of experience on two issues: Corn and the foot of the corpus callosum.


This shoe looks like a flat tree gel mat, the work undertaken is to provide a good buffer to absorb the shock to face the foot impact.


Warts, Genital Warts, Plantar's Warts, Molluscum and Skin Tag Information ...

疣, 生殖器疣,足底的疣,传染性软疣和皮肤标记信息。。。

Has had a plantar's wart for over a year now ...


Plantar's Warts: A common wart that grows on the side or bottom of your foot ...


During early fetal development tissue on the fingers, palms and soles of the feet swells to form what are known as volar pads.


The most common foot conditions that occur with age are arthritic joints, thinning of the fat pads cushioning the soles, plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the fibrous tissue along the sole), bunions (enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe), poor circulation and fungal nails.


Effectively stimulates the leg department and the full bottom blood circulation.


"Yi Zhang" camphor-wood massage shoes have been made by particular camphor wood in our country through the joint research of many well-known medical experts and famous massage massagists according to the treatise of channels and acupuncture points of the human body in "The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine", a classic literature of traditional Chinese medicine as well as the structural design of the human foot.


更多网络解释与足底的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


路途越是崎岖,对鞋底硬度的要求就越高. 好的户外鞋不光有好的外底,内底也都很硬,为你提供双层保护. 内底有经过强化处理的塑料或金属板来支撑足底,这样的鞋底相当结实. 外底(Outsole)的材料各式各样,最好的大概是Vib

verruca filiformis:丝状疣

疣体呈细长状突起,顶端角化者,称丝状疣(verruca filiformis),好发于颈、眼睑. 疣体表面呈参差不齐的指状突起者,称指状疣(verruca digitalis),好发于头皮及趾间. 2.跖疣 跖疣(verruca aplantaris)为发生于足底的寻常疣. 多发生在足底前部受压部位,

Calcaneal spur:跟骨骨刺

当这绷紧的筋膜组织被拉扯和撕离跟骨,钙便会沈积,跟骨骨刺 (calcaneal spur) 於是乎形成. 一般的见解相抵触,跟骨骨刺本身不导致疼痛,但是说得更确切些,被撕的足底筋膜及 慢性发炎 反而会 导致疼痛. 骨刺是足底筋膜炎的一个标志,


plantain 车前草 | plantar 足底的 | plantation 耕地


\\"车前属\\",\\"Plantago\\" | \\"跖的,足底的\\",\\"plantar\\" | \\"跗垫,褥盘叶\\",\\"plantula\\"

plantar fasciitis:足底筋膜炎

Pujols在2004年虽然受到足底筋膜炎(plantar fasciitis)的困扰,但仍然缴出.331打击率,.415上垒率,.657长打率,46支全垒打,123分打点和133分得分的成绩单.

plantar fascitis:足底筋膜炎

接骨点(enthesis)是肌腱、韧带、关节囊与筋膜附着于骨头处,在发炎后修复的过程,会渐渐发生纤维化与钙化,最常发生的位置是脊椎关节、骶髂关节(sacro-iliac joint),亦可见于脚跟处的阿基里斯腱炎(Achilles tendinitis)、足底筋膜炎(Plantar fascitis)、膝盖髌骨肌腱炎(

verruca plantaris:跖疣

图片1 跖疣(verruca plantaris)是发生在足底部的寻常疣. 跖疣是发生于足底的赘生物. 古医籍有称之为牛程蹇. 本病西医称为跖疣. 目前的治疗方法有冷冻、激光和外用药物. 冷冻需要连续多次,每两周一次. 激光容易残留部分,导致复发,


\\"跖的,足底的\\",\\"plantar\\" | \\"跗垫,褥盘叶\\",\\"plantula\\" | \\"实囊蚴\\",\\"planula\\"

Comfortably Positions the Foot at Rest for Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis:舒适的职位,脚在休息治疗足底筋膜炎

Features: 特点: | Comfortably Positions the Foot at Rest for Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis舒适的职位,脚在休息治疗足底筋膜炎 | Open-Toe, Comfortable Slipper Design开放的脚趾,舒适的拖鞋的设计