英语人>词典>汉英 : 足尖 的英文翻译,例句
足尖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与足尖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This type of employee is addressed in my Law of the Cross-eyed Discus Thrower: He seldom wins any prizes, but he sure keeps the crowd on its toes.


It indicated the restless vivacity of her spirit, which to-day was doubly indefatigable in its tip-toe dance, because it was played upon and vibrated with her mother's disquietude.


"T indicated the restless vivacity of her spirit, which to-day was doubly indefatigable in its tiptoe dance, because it was played upon and vibrate d with her mother's disquietude."


"T indicated the restless vivacity of her spirit, which to-day was doubly indefatigable in its tiptoe dance, because it was played upon and vibrated with her mother's disquietude."


A good source of cheap, but very comfortable unitards and catsuits of good quality can be found at Fets Fash Textilien in Germany.


Sometimes she'll nap in her dressing room or on the physical therapy table in the opera house,or she'll take the time to prepare her pointe shoes.


Who would have thought he was a toe tapper?


Who would've thought he was a toe tapper?


With involvement of the L4 root, the patellar tendon reflex may be diminished and slight quadriceps weakness may be observed.


Usually the work of paediatricians often encountered in clinical treatment in children: 2-month-old baby is not laugh, or four five-month-old baby will not rise up the first non-erect, or more than 3-year-old child to walk properly, toe down, heel and could not walk forward, walking instability, the majority of children with mothers who have children with a detailed statement of the history of neonatal asphyxia and abnormal birth processes, such as breech births, adequate presentation production, mothers had pregnancy-induced hypertension or fetal heart rate or pre-B ultra-poor can be seen with cord around neck, wrapped around limbs or broken membrane as early as more than 12 hours and even some more than three days.


更多网络解释与足尖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"芭蕾"(ballet)起源于意大利,兴盛于法国,"芭蕾"一词本是"法语"ballet的英译,意为"跳"或"跳舞". 芭蕾最初是欧洲的一种群众自娱或广场表演的舞蹈,在发展进程中形成了严格的规范和解构形式、其主要特征是女演员要穿上特制的足尖鞋立起脚尖起舞.

Bellybutton Lint:肚脐棉绒

360. Rhubarb 大黄 | 361. Bellybutton Lint 肚脐棉绒 | 362. Toe Nails足尖钉子,脚趾钉子

toe mounter:足尖下指

足尖踢球 toe kick | 足尖下指 toe mounter | 足尖后点地 toe pointing backward standing

stand on tiptoe:足尖站立

落地不稳 unbalanced landing | 足尖站立 stand on tiptoe | 跨越 stride leap

toe dance:足尖舞

toe cap 鞋头 | toe dance 足尖舞 | toe dancer 跳脚尖舞者

Loligo edulis:剑尖枪乌贼

头足类主要种类为剑尖枪乌贼(Loligo edulis)、太平洋褶柔鱼(Todarodes pacificus)、金乌贼(Sepia esculenta)等. 多元分析结果显示,各季节头足类群聚类型不同. 根据各群聚类型分布的海域大致可以将其划分为黄海南部-东海外海-东海中南部群聚、长江口外海域群聚和东海北部海域群聚3种群聚类型.

Rhynchoplax messor:篦额尖额蟹

Rhizopa gracillipes 瘦长根足蟹 | Rhynchoplax messor 篦额尖额蟹 | Rhynchoplax setirostris? 毛额尖额蟹

ruing on toes:足尖跑

山羊 buck | 足尖跑 ruing on toes | 高杠 high bar


[15]长鬚鲸的腹部有56到100条褶沟,在其进食时,胃部需要更多空间容纳食物,此时褶沟可以张开,以增加其腹部的容量. 牠们的背鰭呈弧形,长约60公分. 牠们的鰭足(flippers)小而尖细,尾部宽广,吻部较尖. [5]

toe hold:握足趾

踵趾步 toe heel | 握足趾 toe hold | 足尖踢球 toe kick