英语人>词典>汉英 : 足印 的英文翻译,例句
足印 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pelmatogram  ·  podogram

更多网络例句与足印相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

O Troupe of little v ag rants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.


The Blackfeet Indians call the Black Bear "Kihayo", meaning "Bear"


The little castaway in the world,please leave behind your steps in my own words.


Where there is a duly stamped policy, reference may be made, as heretofore, to the slip or covering note, in any legal proceeding.


Where there is a duly stamped policy, reference may be made, asheretofore, to the slip or covering note, in any legal proceeding.


Slip as evidence) 89.Where there is a duly stamped policy, reference may be made, as heretofore, to the slip or covering note, in any legal proceeding.


O Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my wor ds.


Fh"D"rv^0 Let me keep your footprints in my heart.


Particiants with flat associated with rearfoot pronation over 10 degrees and age-matched healthy controls were included in the study.


Methods One hundred footprints of 56 children who were cerebral palsy with talipes valgus in the hospital-community-family-based rehabilitation mode were divided into light, middle and heavy types, and they were counted with two footprint-based approaches, and the two approaches were compared with chi-square criterion, and the dependability on consequence of the footprint and lateral X-rays in weight loading were analyzed.


更多网络解释与足印相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Abominable Snowman:大雪怪

There's only one creature|capable of leaving|a footprint that size.|只有一种怪物能留下这种足印 | The abominable snowman.|大雪怪 | Yeah, a snowman.|We dead meat.|没错,大雪怪|我们死定了


"鸟"足印 bird tracks | (镁)铁白云石 ankerite | (地形)轮廓 configuration

Is the closest picture to blissfulness:你說那是最接近幸福的畫面

雪地上兩雙足印The two sets of footprints in the snow | 你說那是最接近幸福的畫面Is the closest picture to blissfulness | 帶笑的臉 髮上的雪Smile on our face,Snow on our hair

Footmark in the city:城市足印

09 谁又欠了谁 Who are indebt to whom | 10 城市足印 Footmark in the city | 11 顺流逆流 Along or adverse current

ecological footprint:生态足印

>一书的另一独特之处是,根据"生态足印"(ecological footprint)概念来理解生态公民之责任和义务的具体内容. 生态足印指的是我们在满足自己的物质需求时所消耗的生态空间(ecological space). 生态空间既包括我们所消耗的物质产品的数量,


含化石面 smothered bottom | 含化石足印岩石 ichnolite | 含硷植物 soda plant

Here's the remarkable video. These appear to be Tyrannosaurus Rex tracks:请大家看一段不同寻常的录像 这些雷克斯暴龙的足印

It's what's in the snow. There are dino... | Here's the remarkable video. These appear to be Tyrannosaurus Rex tracks...|请大家看一段不同寻常的录像 这些雷克斯暴龙的足印... | ...and they lead straight t...


化石足印 ichnite | 迹印化石 ichnofossils | 含化石足印岩石 ichnolite

Our footprints are the inscript on the cloud stone:足印 熔在隕石裡 (不管來或去)

星海 隨便去寄居 Float leisurely among the ocean of... | 足印 熔在隕石裡 (不管來或去) Our footprints are the inscript on the cloud stone | 烏煙俗氣 就快看不見甚麼是愛 Love is disturbed by corruption and...


pellumina /氧化铝膜/ | pelmatogram /足印/ | pelmet /狭长门框/