英语人>词典>汉英 : 超导电性 的英文翻译,例句
超导电性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
superconductivity  ·  superconuctivity

更多网络例句与超导电性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The discovery of superconductivity with a critical temperature higher than 40 K in the iron arsenide LnFeAs has drawn much interest in condensed matter physics.


We proposed that CDW order and superconducting order are competing with each orther ,which does not support the coexistence of these two orders.


We have further studied the effects of the spin density and charge densityfluctuations on the high-Tc superconductivity.


High temperature superconductivity ; cryostat ; low temperature thermometer ; the tetrode method


These two basic electrodynamic properties give superconductivity its unique interest.


It is found that partial substitution of Sr for La induces the hole carrier evidenced by positive thermoelectric power but no bulk superconductivity is observed.


The branch of physics that studies the properties of materials in the solid state: electrical conduction in crystals of semiconductors and metals; superconductivity; photoconductivity.


The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity by Bednorz and M〓ller in1986 opened a new chapter in the field of solid-state physics in general and in su-perconductivity in particular.


In chapter 1, the progress in study of the ruthenium complex oxides. especially the coexistance of magnetism and superconductivity in 〓 and 〓 are introduced. The introduction makes conclusion that all of the Ru-1212 and Ru-1222 compounds reported are accompanied by small amounts of SrRuO〓 impurities, this is to say that, it is difficult to synthesize pure samples of these two compounds by traditional solid state reaction. So the author think that the studies for new synthesis methods of ruthenate superconductors which is beneficial to the synthesis of new type precious metals superconductivity is very important till now.


Structural measurements and annealing results show that this phase is not caused by chemical imperfection but by oxygen dopants.


更多网络解释与超导电性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

subatomic particle:亚原子 子

849. 剥 反应 stripping reaction | 850. 亚原子 子 subatomic particle | 851. 超导电性 superconductivity


superconducting material 超导材料 | superconductivity 超导电性 | superconductor 超导体

hard superconductor:硬超导体

hard superconducting alloy 超导电性硬合金 | hard superconductor 硬超导体 | hard surface 硬表面,硬质路面,壳体


superconductor超导体 | supraconduction超导 | supraconductivity超导电性


amplifiers using SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 使用超导电性的放大器 | amplifying 放大 | amplifying for TELECOMMUNICATION 通讯放大器


该结果表示,这些材料中的声子(phonons)对其超导电性至关重要. 在新出版的美国<<国家科学院院刊>>上,美国卡内基研究所、中国华南理工大学和香港中文大学科学家发表的研究报告表明,压力和氧原子同位素替代均能改变超导体的特性.