英语人>词典>汉英 : 超导性 的英文翻译,例句
超导性 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
superconductivity  ·  superconduction

更多网络例句与超导性相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The properties of thin films have been investigated with modern analysis technique, such as AFM, SEM, XRD (X-ray diffraction) and Rocking curve. And the properties of YBCO thin film and its substrate and deposition temperature have been analysed, comparing with LAO substrates crystallization quality, YBCO thin film properties, such as morphology and degree of grain alignment, was concluded to correlate with the crystal orientation uniform of LAO substrate as revealed by XRD.


It is shown that the Josephson junction can reflect the quantum coherences of the external QEMF and distinguish different nonclassical light fields.


We obtained the infrared reflection spectra of Pr〓Y〓 Ba〓Cu〓O〓 system for the first time, in which the existence of Pr〓 is confirmed and found the reason, which the superconductivity descends along the increasing of the content of praseodymium, should be the great decrease of the carrier density.


As examples, he gave the onset of microchip studies, and the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity.


Third, we discuss is the competing between superconductivity and spin accumulation in the island.


Superconductivity means no electrical resistance , and that in turn means no wasted power.


We obtained an estimate of the third critical field for cylindrical superconductors, and proved that, as the applied magnetic field decreases from the third critical field, superconductivity nucleates first at the surface of the cylinder where the curvature is maximal; and also gave a mathematical theory to describe the surface superconducting state.


However the different alkali metal azides RN3 show different reactivity with β-MNCl, and the properties of the products such as superconducting fractions, the lattice constant, and stability against thermal or air, are very dependent on the kinds of alkali metals used.


更多网络解释与超导性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一般公认磁性是与超导性(superconductivity)是不共存的,然而在美国与法国物理学家共同创造的一个奈米结构中,磁性与超导性却可以同时存在. 这个结果揭露了一个至今还未证实的铁磁性与超导性之间的交互作用,

unconventional superconductivity:异常超导性

uncertainty relation 测不准关系 | unconventional superconductivity 异常超导性 | undamped oscillation 无阻尼振荡

superconductivity memory:超导存储器

superconductive magnetometer 超导磁力仪 | superconductivity memory 超导存储器 | superconductivity 超导性

type superconductivity:第一类超导性;第二类超导性

type doublet 型双重态 | type superconductivity 第一类超导性;第二类超导性 | typhoon 台风


superconductivity 超导(电)性 | superconductor 超导(电)体 | superconductors 超导电体


这种超导体的临界相变温度为9.6K,在高磁场下仍能维持超导性,是该研究小组所发现第二个具有焦绿石(pyrochlore)结构的超导体,其超导本质至今仍是个谜. 详见即将出刊的Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.近年来,超导研究经常有令人惊叹的进展.

superconductive state:超导电状态

superconductive generator 超导发动机 | superconductive state 超导电状态 | superconductivity 超导性

superconductive state:超导状态

superconduction transition temperature 超导转变温度 | superconductive state 超导状态 | superconductivity 超导性,超导率


superconduct电超导作用 | supraventricular室上性的 | syncopal晕厥的


superconductivity 超导性,超导现象 | superconductors 超导体 | superlattices 超(结晶)格子,有序化点阵