英语人>词典>汉英 : 起点 的英文翻译,例句
起点 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
start  ·  starts  ·  started  ·  baselines  ·  origins

jumping-off point · terminus a quo · a point of departure · jumping-off
更多网络例句与起点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results: The anterolateral length of the origin of the deltoid muscle is (8.73±0.64) cm, the distance between the acromion and the deltoidtuberosity is(15.49± 1.57) cm.


The measurements used are fork length, head length, upper jaw length, snout length, length of dorsal fin base and anal fin base and the distances from the tip of snout to insertion of dorsal fin, to pectoral fin, to ventral fin and to hard margin of preopercle.


This is a life's crossing and a new starting point,which indicates that numerous students pursue advanced studies or get into society,a new start is waiting for them.


According to this characteristic, the search matching method of this diagonal line in this calculation is to regard the main diagonal lines as the superior searched route, discard the elements far from the main diagonal lines and it won't generate matching matrix when actually realized. Just regard the present search point as the start point, search matching elements at the small rectangle from the bottom right, regard the element when found as the new start point, so this can happen repeatedly until the ends of the two strings.


The adopting of the recursion type computation avoids the floating point calculation and has accelerated the operating.And the adopting of the symmetrical analysis method has simplified the Bresenham programme code designing of the straight line on any direction.


Each letter is used exactly once.1{"ABC","FED","GAI"}"ABCDEA"Returns: 2Once we get to the ''E'', we can choose one of two directions for the final ''A''.2{"ABC","DEF","GHI"}"ABCD"Returns: 0We can trace a path for "ABC", but there''s no way to complete a path to the letter ''D''.3{"AA","AA"}"AAAA"Returns: 108We can start from any of the four locations.


The Vietnamese material is dearly distinguished from the examined holotype (AMNH 8365)and paratypes (AMNH 10316, 10307) of Schistura fasciolata by the pelvic-fin origin situated below unbranched or first branched dorsal-fin ray (vs. pelvic-fin origin dearly in front of dorsal-fin origin in S.fasciolata).

越南采集的标本和横纹南鳅的模式标本(AMNH 8365)和副模式标本(AMNH 10316, 10307)有明显的差别,腹鳍起点位于不分支鳍条或第一分背鳍枝鳍的下方(vs S.fasciolata的腹鳍起点明显在背鳍起点的前方)。

Fiction reading, from fiction to provide the latest list of chapters and sections, Sin Hup writing fiction is the author, the official starter fiction section, the latest update to make the starting point for the Chinese novel network.


Then, straight from the starting point, to determine the best approach in a straight line y coordinates are integers, and let X from start-to-end change, every step an increase, calculated corresponding y, y = Response kx B, and admission pixel x, round


The generations occurred undulatingly and overlap with each other.


更多网络解释与起点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

point of departure:起点

换言之,论者的起点(point of departure)不同:论者对直译与意译有着各自不同的界定. 本文试图以此为起点,将论争[1]中的各家观点加以分类,希望藉此给出一个较为完整的图"象",从而更加深入地探讨翻译方法.


snowmydog 用了原来的游戏模式: 玩家要把水管从 起点 (Start) 连接到 终点 (Finish), 连接时 水会慢慢从起点流出. 如果水在途中流出来, 未能到终点, 玩家就会输 (Game Over).

starting:起始 起点

start tangent 起点切向 起始切点 | starting 起始 起点 | statements 状态说明 叙述,. 声明, 陈述式

start tangent:起点切向 起始切点

start angle 起点角度 起始角度 | start tangent 起点切向 起始切点 | starting 起始 起点

start tangent:起点切向

"start angle","起点角度" | "start tangent","起点切向" | "Start Up dialog box",""启动"对话框"

start tangent:起点切向.加工中心 起始切点 .加工中心

Start 起点 启动 | start angle 起点角.CAD度 起始角度 .绘图 | start tangent 起点切向.加工中心 起始切点 .加工中心

trimmed start:修剪后起点 修剪后起点

trimmed end 修剪后终点 修剪后终点 | trimmed start 修剪后起点 修剪后起点 | trimmer 修剪器 修剪器


DL :讫点后一需求点; | tOOP :起点位址至起点前一需求点之最短旅行时间; | tOOL :起点位址至起点后一需求点之最短旅行时间;

RTPOE Routing Point of Origin End:(路由中止发起点)

RTPOC Routing Point of Origin Change(路由改变发起点) | RTPOE Routing Point of Origin End(路由中止发起点) | RTPOP Routing Point of Origin Print(路由打印发起点)

RTPOI Routing Point of Origin Initiate:(路由发起点初始化)

ROUTING(路由) | RTPOI Routing Point of Origin Initiate(路由发起点初始化) | RTPOC Routing Point of Origin Change(路由改变发起点)