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起源说 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This attempt is argued to be specific to the tradition of syncretistic cosmogony identified.


For many years, I used Longgupo to promote this pre-erectus origin for H. erectus finds in Asia.


I didn't expect you to go back as far as the beginning of the Universe.


The SARS virus origin which obviously differs from the theory of out space origin and the theory of wildlife origin was theoretically discussed based on principles of pollution evolution ecology,pathogenesis and infectant characteristics of SARS,and some relevant experimental evidence. It emphasizes on the fact that increasingly combined pollution in China provides a substantial basis for virus evolution.


We compared three competing hypotheses which maintained that euprimates originated in Africa, the India subcontinent, or East Asia. Combined the recent achievements on the mammalian fauna exchanges during early Eocene between Europe and Africa, Europe and Asia, and Asia and India subcontinent, the paleogeographic models of around Turgai Strait, the new dating results of the collision between Indian subcontinent and Asia, and the phylogenetic analysis of euprimate, we suggested that the Asian-origin hypothesis of euprimates are more reliable.


The proprietorial origin theory of new-system economics equals to the origin theory of private ownership; although it has many doctrine-schools yet they are unanimous in essense.


The origin of the word is probably the most logical place to start.


I know you are pussies, but don't be pussies like this.this is way lower then be pussies in humen history.


At the same time, the Shie drum is differentiate and relation with the Surnel and wasp-waisted drum. The third chapter is genre and spread of Shie drum. Shie drum originated by Qiu Ci in Ili Area and spread into western region of ancient China with jiezu.


Following the developments of mitochondrial genetics, Sykes traces back human migrations, discusses the out of Africa theory and refutes Heyerdahl's theory of the Peruvian origin of the Polynesians, opposing an Indonesian origin.


更多网络解释与起源说相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anthropocentrism 人类中心说 | anthropogenesis 人类起源学 | anthropogenetic 人类起源学的

theory of anthropogenesis:人类起源论

the Orthodox Eastern Church东正教 | theory of anthropogenesis人类起源论 | theory of consanguinity relationship亲缘关系说

nebular hypothesis:星云说

星系型成的学说起源於所谓的星云说(Nebular Hypothesis) 太阳系的起源於一团旋转的如碟子形状的气团以及宇宙尘. 由於重力以及旋转的离心力的交互影响, 这些粒子互相结合, 或者是分开. 就慢慢形成了星球, 当重力大於旋转力的影响,


另外有的把纽虫类(这一类有血管系和肛门,雌雄异体)包括在扁形动物中,把涡虫、吸虫、绦虫这三纲合并成为真扁虫亚门(Euplaathelminthes),把纽虫纲划为吻腔亚门(Rhynchocoela). 关于扁形动物起源问题,过去曾有栉水母起源说和浮浪幼体(Planula)起源说.

abiogenesis;abiogeny;spontaneous generation:无生源说;非生物起源说;天然发生说

再生力 ability to regenerate | 无生源说;非生物起源说;天然发生说 abiogenesis;abiogeny;spontaneous generation | 非生物浮块 abioseston

cosmogonic theory:宇宙起源说

宇宙矿物学 cosmic mineralogy | 宇宙起源说 cosmogonic theory | 元素 element

holarctic origin:泛北极起源

12.086 大陆漂移说 continental drift theory | 12.087 泛北极起源 holarctic origin | 12.088 植物区系亲缘 floral relation

Linne l:生命起源"微粒说"创始人

( )11 W.Fox k. 提出"中心法则"理论 | ( )12.Linne l.生命起源"微粒说"创始人 | ( )13.Oparin m.种质不死学说


高尔顿定律 Galton's law | 多源发生说 polygenism | 多次起源说 polychronism

biogenic:源于生物的 生命起源的

biogenesis 生源说 生源說 Y | biogenic 源于生物的 生命起源的 Y | biogeochemical cycle 生物地理化学循环 元素循環 Y