英语人>词典>汉英 : 走马观花 的英文翻译,例句
走马观花 的英文翻译、例句


cast only a passing glance at · give a hurried and cursory glance at
更多网络例句与走马观花相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They traveled like a blue streak through Italy.


The only problem with this is, if drivers get to the last corner and realise they've only done a 1m25s, then they're going to end up effectively stopping at the last corner, waiting six seconds, and then getting going just so they don't get penalised.


Embody in mainly: The resource touring is the basis that tour estate develops , making use of to the resource touring must consider future need , realize persistence developing , can not limit in the tour need satisfying the modern or the part people but first, on the resource making use of,; Secondary industry, develops a form going ahead , development of tour estate forms a regiment from initial simplicity ,"casting only a passing glance at" developing to tradition is dyadic tour , now already begin to transform spending self holidays to lying fallow and tour to experience that union , successive steps are hoisted each other; The plan and exploitation touring on the plan touring, are owing to being geared to the needs of future one job now thirdly,if is necessary to have long-term sight and acute insight , then it is possible, exceed the time restricting , estate fix position with the tour in future in the plan; The tourist enjoys fourthly, on need, from elementary sense organ , is advanced step by step even with oneself accomplishment touring as lifting and the way realizing the value of life having arrived at vigorous enjoyment.


However, this exhibition, which consists of twenty-five works, offers little more than a fleeting glance at what the majolica artists have absorbed and transmitted from the world of music, from its courtly aspects to its more popular expressions.


Arthur pursued Lancelot to France but went back to Britain after learning that Modred had seized his kingdom.


Learn to go up in management normally, the active management range of a person is 10 people, a few largish information websites or industry website, itself of its editor amount has exceeded 10 people dimensions, everybody is squeezed together, cent belongs to different column, although be of one mind endeavors, but actual editor effect can sell at a discount greatly however, this creates a kind of confused situation very easily: Each column does not have characteristic, which column also have not a leg to stand on, final and whole website also became giant information fill warehouse, what have day after day only is stickup and duplicate, for years only answer a year delete newlier, editors work not only as dry as a chip, interest cannot be found in the job, website reader also is to trot along on horseback view is beautiful, letter hand browses and stop hard scrutiny, whole website is to produce enough and striking force hard more.


Such a whistlestop tour does not remotely qualify me to prognosticate on China's grander questions.


As the saying goes, the retentiveness is inferior to the rotten writing skill, now has 78% middle-school students not to be able to achieve this point, has not grasped this kind correctly to study the method, only pauses in giving a cursory look and gaining shallow understanding.


You mustn't rush through the book.


Don't just skim the surface on your next trip: with over 600 spoken and written phrases in each guide, you can shop, socialise and shout like a native.


更多网络解释与走马观花相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

start afresh:改弦更张

166.高不可攀/想入非非 an impossible dream | 167.改弦更张 start afresh | 168.走马观花 superficial

cast a passing glance at flowers while on horseback:走马观花

鸟瞰=a bird's eye | 走马观花=cast a passing glance at flowers while on horseback | 用中文比喻来说=use a chinese metaphor

cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horse back:走马观花

皮脆肉嫩 cripy skin and tender meat | 走马观花 cast a passing glance at flowers while riding on horse back | 酸甜适口 sweet and sour source

Play dumb:打马虎眼

168.走马观花 superficial | 169.打马虎眼 play dumb | 170.发人深省 food for thought

The Heeren:(麒麟大厦)

本来还想把柏丽宫(PARAGON SHOPPING CENTRE),麒麟大厦(THE HEEREN),DFS时格华(DFS GALLERIA SCOTTSWALK)等顺带逛一圈,却发现体力真是大不如前,走马观花的逛了前面两个就决定放弃,还是吃东西实惠!


美国那点历史,好不容易堆起了个三层大楼来陈列,走马观花,正欲登三楼,一个牌子闲人免进(Staff Only)体面的替建馆者解了围. 至于艺术馆,说实在的,看不太懂,艺术这个东西,太玄幻,馆子又大,不免在里面迷失自我. 好在随处可见沙发,

You mustn't rush through the book:你不要走马观花地看这本书

A good idea rushed through my mind. 我突然想出一个好主意. | You mustn't rush through the book. 你不要走马观花地看这本书. | They rushed through the work and went home. 他们匆匆忙忙地干完活就回家了....