英语人>词典>汉英 : 走漏 的英文翻译,例句
走漏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
filter  ·  filtered  ·  filters

更多网络例句与走漏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I don't doubt that it was he who leaked the information.


He is sure to spill the beans before long.


If we was to squeak ' bout this and they didn't hang him.


Leaked from an anonymous White House senior advisor, this would be a trial balloon.


Use tall purity to not have seam violet copper pipe, shutter type sine is undee hydrophily aluminium comes loose character hot fim piece use 14mpa hydraulic go up the canal ensures copper pipe and aluminium piece close together union, coil passes thermal efficiency taller;2, use wind rotor of fire prevention ABS, activity has been balanced, the moment of force that start is small, pittsburgh type oversews, not air leak; 3, electric machinery uses oiliness sliding bearing, noise is less; 4, hy


I won''t let the cat out of the bag.


I wish she wouldn't talk and give the show away.


This is since 1954 Japanese army establishment ransacks first degrees by police , and the reason that initiates this action is a maritime militia sergeancy that married Chinese woman the information that is suspected of divulging time Sidun warship .


That's what we got to do -- swear to keep mum .


Since the secret about the shipment has leaked out, I'm afraid we can't land it at Chefoo as the navy might intercept it off the shantung coast


更多网络解释与走漏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Leak artifact:走漏器

Leak 走漏孔 | Leak artifact 走漏器 | Leak detector 检漏仪

leak out:走漏(消息等);(水,煤气等)泄露

lead to 领;带;导向;通向;通往;导致;造成 | leak out 走漏(消息等);(水,煤气等)泄露 | lean on 对...施加压力;讹诈;逼迫;倚靠;依靠

leak out:走漏,泄露

lay out: 设计,铺开 | leak out: 走漏,泄露 | leave out: 删去

liable:可能的 有法律责任的 易于. . 的

leak v 漏 渗出 泄露 n漏洞;泄露 走漏 | liable 可能的 有法律责任的 易于. . 的 | liberal a 心胸宽阔的 自由主义的 慷慨的


passant 向前直走的 | passbook 存款簿 | passed ball 捕手漏接

Shaft seal:轴封

轴封(Shaft Seal)是避免泵轴与壳体处走漏需设置的密封安装,常用的轴封(Shaft Seal)型式有填料密封、机械密封、动力密封. 1、填料密封,构造简单,价钱廉价,维修便当,但走漏量大,功耗损失大,多用于普通介质的低压密封或往复泵上. 2、机械密封,

to take air:传播,走漏

in the place of 在......原址 | 16、to take air 传播,走漏 | to take the air 吸新鲜空气

to take the air:吸新鲜空气

16、to take air 传播,走漏 | to take the air 吸新鲜空气 | 17、in character 一致、相称


E. 布料玩具 物料走紗 materials run | E. 布料玩具 漏車骨 missing marrowing | E. 布料玩具 彩盒沒貼膠紙 missing tape on color box

Keep your ear to the ground:警觉一点

1. He looked at me lasciviously. 他色迷迷地打量我. | 2. Keep your ear to the ground. 警觉一点. | 3. A mole leaked the secret. 有内奸走漏了风声.