英语人>词典>汉英 : 走极端 的英文翻译,例句
走极端 的英文翻译、例句


go to excess · go to extremes · go too far · run to an extreme
更多网络例句与走极端相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Low-key creed is a kind of behavior plays the life manner of betwixt and action philosophy.


I think my boss may be bipolar.


The author suggeststhat this trend of extremeness is rather dangerous,anticipating it would even go againstthe task of environmental protection in practice.


I am a man who lives in extremes.


Some of us tend to go to extremes.


It's max of extremism and lack of maturity.


Still harping on my daughter: Yet he knew me not at first; He said I was a fishmonger: He is far gone, far gone: And truly im my youth I suffered much extremity for love; Very near this.


Don't go to excess\extremes


It shows the tendency to go to extremes, promising more than you can deliver.


This is not only because of her witty language and her original contribution to the development of the art of novel-writing, but also because of the fact that her vivid and lively narration is by no means shallow or transparent.


更多网络解释与走极端相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beyond expression:无法形容

come into existence开始存在 | beyond expression无法形容 | go to extremes 走极端

beyond expression:无法形容,表达不出

express oneself 表达自己的意见 | beyond expression 无法形容,表达不出 | go to extremes 走极端

go to excess:走极端

go through 经历;完成;检查 | go to excess 走极端 | go to great lengths 竭尽全力

go to extremes:走极端

go off duty 下班 | go out with 与......约会 | go to extremes 走极端

go to extremes:走极端,采取极端手段

(2) 音乐家或歌唱家举办音乐会叫give a concert. | go to extremes走极端,采取极端手段: | He has gone to extremes in his views. 他发表意见时走了极端.

go to extremes/the other extreme:走极端/走到另一个极端

go into 调查, 了解, 研究;从事(某一行业);讨论, 细谈;进入(某种状态) | go to extremes/the other extreme 走极端/走到另一个极端 | go with 相配

go to extremes to do sth:走极端做某事

△go to extremes to do sth.走极端做某事 | The boss went to extremes to dismiss most of his employees.老板走极端地解雇了大部分员工. | PS:be sacked解雇;打包走人

It's not good to go to extremes:走极端不好

11 我花了两个月时间解决这个问题. I took two months to solve the problem./ It took me two months t... | 12 走极端不好. It's not good to go to extremes. | 13 这个杂志要付印了. The magazine is about to go...

to the opposite extreme:走极端

have advantage over sb 比某人有优势 | to the opposite extreme 走极端 | and vice versa 反之亦然


service station 加油站 | political campaign 竞选 | middle-of-the-road 不走极端,为多数人接受