英语人>词典>汉英 : 赫赫 的英文翻译,例句
赫赫 的英文翻译、例句


very impressive
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Named after the 19th century German chancellor Otto von Bismarck, Bismarck's fame came from the Battle of the Denmark Strait in which the flagship and pride of the British Royal Navy, the battle cruiser HMS Hood, was sunk in May 1941, from Churchill's subsequent order to "Sink the Bismarck", and from the relentless pursuit by the Royal Navy which ended with her loss only three days later.


Beowulf is shown not only as a glorious hero but also as a protector of the people .


Everybody in Ruth's family looked up to Judge Blount as a man of power and achievement, and they were horrified at Martin's outbreak.


A noted comic opera comedian was holding forth that week, and the air of distinction and prosperity overawed her.


Therefore, in Japan today, the University continues to be highly competitive entrance examination, the candidates for their goal, and that is what the reputation of the National hehe prestigious universities.


The estimated variance of error terms is in the same situation as well.


From there they were discovered by manager Jorge Hernandez.


HIgh on a Throne of Royal State, which far Outshon the wealth of Ormus and of Ind, Or where the gorgeous East with richest hand Showrs on her Kings Barbaric Pearl and Gold, Satan exalted sat, by merit rais'd [ 5 ] To that bad eminence; and from despair Thus high uplifted beyond hope, aspires Beyond thus high, insatiate to pursue Vain Warr with Heav'n, and by success untaught His proud imaginations thus displaid.

V1:撒旦带着王者赫赫的气概,坐在宝座上,高高在上,那宝座的豪华,远远胜过奥木斯和印度地方的富丽,或鲜艳的东方,毫不吝惜蛮夷的金银珠宝,像雨一样洒在他们君王的头上;他凭实力登上高位,心高气傲,在绝望之余,出乎意料地,能升到如此高度,更激发了他的雄心壮志,虽经对天交战而徒劳、败绩,却不灰心,向大众宣告自己傲慢的遐想: V2:撒但带着王者赫赫的气概,高高地坐在宝座上,那宝座的豪华,远远胜过奥木斯和印度地方的富丽,或鲜艳的东方,不惜蛮夷的金银珠宝,象雨一样洒在他们君王的头上;他凭实力登上高位,意气扬扬,出乎意料地,在绝望之余,能升到如此高度,更引起他的雄心壮志,虽经对天交战而徒劳、败绩,却不灰心,向大众披露傲慢的遐想

Illustrious temper, and go read with illustrious Chinese medicine, the doctor said that he irascibility wang, also led to weak spleen and stomach, have to eat dates and so on, opened the medicine, I do not have to eat him Chinese medicine, fear of side effects have.


Like with the illustrious temper with illustrious go read Chinese medicine, the doctor said that he irascibility wang, also led to weak spleen and stomach, have to eat dates and so on, opened the medicine, I did not give him to eat Chinese medicine, fear of side effects have.


更多网络解释与赫赫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


特拉斯堡(SXB) 斯坦斯特德(巴利亚多利德(VLL) 塞维莱(SVQ) 圣港(PXO) 腓德烈斯哈芬 斯查奈费尔德 台佩尔霍夫 特搁尔 希思罗 马斯特里赫赫(MST)非洲: 开罗(CAI) 喀土穆(KRT) 亚的斯亚贝巴 (ADD) 阿斯马拉(ASM) 吉布提(JIB)

Mermaid - Eloquence:美人鱼-擅辩

Harpy - Ferocity under provocation.鸟首女妖-被激怒后会变得凶残... | Mermaid - Eloquence.美人鱼-擅辩. | Centuar - For those who have been eminent in the field. 半人马-指在平原战场中取得赫赫成就而已经闻名...




Hazaras 哈扎拉人(西亞) | Hebrews 希伯來人(西亞) | Hehe 赫赫人(東非)


"赫克托"(Hector)式双翼联络/轰炸机新的设计规格书刚一提出,就吸引了诸多英国飞机制造商参与竞标. 尽管此时霍克航空公司正在研制日后在不列颠空战中立下赫赫战功的"飓风"(Hurricane)式战斗机,并与英国空军部保持着良好的关系,


当时 Thetis 拎着 Achilles 的一个脚后跟 (heel) 35 将他浸入河水中,自然被她拎着的这个脚后跟就没有被神奇的冥河水浸湿,Achilles 的这个 脚后跟就和凡人一样容易受伤.后来,在一次战斗中,Achilles 被他的仇敌射中了这只脚后跟.这位战功赫赫,

Sleepy Hollow:无头骑士

)、1999的>(Sleepy Hollow)以及风靡全球的>系列这些经典杰作把一个原本普通的名字--蒂姆.波顿推上了"好莱坞电影巫师"的宝座在2001年暑假这位声名赫赫的"大巫师"又携带着他最新的作品>登上好莱坞的竞


赫赫大名的西方现代"形式主义"画家康定斯基(Kandinsky)曾把绘画中的"再现因素"(represen tative ele-ment)贬称作"障碍"(impediment),应该在绘画中彻底摒弃,康定斯基自己的创作实践中就是如此做的,遂成了"抽象派"绘画的开山鼻祖.

Rex tremendae:赫赫君王

2. Tuba mirum 神奇号声 | 3. Rex tremendae 赫赫君王 | 4. Recordare 求你垂怜

the circle time parade of changes:赫赫轮转的时光之河

And then they have to die, trapped within 然后它就消逝,(它只是)捆限在 | the circle time parade of changes. 赫赫轮转的时光之河 | Scenes of my young years were warm in my mind, 我心中的青春形貌依然温暖