英语人>词典>汉英 : 赘述 的英文翻译,例句
赘述 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tautology  ·  tautologize  ·  tautologies  ·  tautologized  ·  tautologizes  ·  tautologizing

give unnecessary details · say more than is needed
更多网络例句与赘述相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Have the legal obligation to do, be obliged/obligated to, shall do, be under the obligation to do


Have the legal obligation to do, be obliged/obligated to, shall do, be under the obligation to do,be liable/responsible to do, be liable/responsible for

在英文合同中这一组短语都表达"有责任、有义务"。shall do sth。在第二章英文合同特点时,已经述及,在此不再赘述。其他短语的用法,参看下例

M5O2H+mj#Hk07 have the legal obligation to do, be obliged/obligated to, shall do, be under the obligation to do,be liable/responsible to do, be liable/responsible for,…三衢博客t:#o0W{3Q

在英文合同中这一组短语都表达"有责任、有义务"。Shall do sth。在第二章英文合同特点时,已经述及,在此不再赘述。其他短语的用法,参看下例

We need not belabor the point that the sexual relevances of these three individuals will not coincide.


BIOS update as a result of failure or CIH virus damage caused by the BIOS, if guided block (Award BIOS as the BIOS Boot Block, Phoenix BIOS called Flash Recover boot Block) has not been damaged, can be made to re-boot disk set BIOS (site specific methods can refer to the relevant articles, will not repeat them here), if the boot block is also damaged, the available hot-swap method or by the use of security programmer repair.

由于 BIOS 刷新失败或 CIH 病毒造成的 BIOS 受损的问题,如果引导块(Award BIOS 中称为 BIOS Boot Block 、 Phoenix BIOS 中称为 Flash Recover boot Block)未被破坏,可用自制的启动盘进行重新刷新 BIOS(具体方法可以参考本站的相关文章,这里就不再赘述),假如引导块也损坏的话,可用热插拔法或用利用编程器进行安全的修复。

And now that I understand your question, I must pronounce it to be a very unfair one. it is always the lady's right to decide on the degree of acquaintance. miss fairfax must already have given her account.- I shall not commit myself by claiming more than she may chuse to allow.


Disorganized process of thinking characterized by disruption of goal-directed sequencing, e.g., circumstantiality, tangentiality, loose associations, non-sequiturs, gross illogicality, or thought block.


spatial relation ; polygon ; Delaunay triangular net ; closest distance ; restricted circle


I won't enter into the details.


Harvesting the vascularized fibular graft is a very standardized procedure 21 and will not be described here.


更多网络解释与赘述相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




后来从乳海中一共升起了14种宝物,这里不一一赘述了,只说和本故事各有关的三种:女神"吉祥天"(Lakshimi)、月亮神(Chandra)和甘露(Amrita). 毗湿奴为了不让阿修罗得到甘露,便化身漂亮的女神诱惑他们,与此同时天神就分饮甘露.

antibacterial agent:抗菌剂

1.一般说的抗生素(antibiotic agent)主要是指对抗细菌的抗菌剂(antibacterial agent).虽然两者的原始定义是有一点点出入.(暂不赘述)所以,原则上只对细菌感染有用.2.抗生素依其灭菌的效果,区分为:灭菌的(bactericidal),抑菌的(bacteriostatic) 两种.顾名思义,

Artemisia absinthium:洋艾

苦艾(wormwood) 即洋艾(Artemisia absinthium),它的提取物被验出含有α-侧柏酮等物质. 侧柏酮最主要的毒性在于阻断断脑内GABAA受体,因而令中毒者感官失调,思觉混乱. 而根据某些号称生产最正宗苦艾酒的酒厂赘述,由于欧洲禁苦艾酒多年,


"6.病理性赘述(circumstantiality) 思维活动停滞不前迂回曲折,联想枝节过多,做不必要的过分详尽的累赘的描述,无法使他讲得扼要一点,一定要按他原来的方式讲完.

pathological circumstantiality:病理性赘述

病理性谎言 pathological lying | 病理性赘述 pathological circumstantiality | 病理性醉酒 pathological drunkenness

be needless to say:毋庸赘述

the proper authorities 有关当局 | be needless to say 毋庸赘述 | pending 未决定的;有待解决的

tautological:重复的, 赘述的 (形)

tautness 绷紧; 结构严谨; 紧张; 紧凑 (名) | tautological 重复的, 赘述的 (形) | tautologically 重复地 (副)

tautologically:重复地 (副)

tautological 重复的, 赘述的 (形) | tautologically 重复地 (副) | tautologous 同义反复的; 赘述的 (形)

tautologous:同义反复的; 赘述的 (形)

tautologically 重复地 (副) | tautologous 同义反复的; 赘述的 (形) | tautology 同义反复, 重复 (名)