英语人>词典>汉英 : 赌博的人 的英文翻译,例句
赌博的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与赌博的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The man who gambles upon the exchanges is in the condition of the man who gambles at the gaming table.


But since before the Depression, the true problem gamblers are those who load up on debt to make their bets.


Those treated with naltrexone, compared with placebo, reported fewer gambling urges and thoughts, and indicated they were better able to resist their urges to gamble.


Wind up (i是发字母i本身的音,不是wind风那个音) If you wind up in a particular place, situation, or state, you are in it at the end of a series of actions, events, or experiences, even thought you did not originally intend to be.比如If he continues to spend money this way, he's going to wind up in bankruptcy. How did you ever wind up in this little town in the middle of nowhere?9. Someone is playing a shell game , Bruce. I'm just trying to find out who.

shell game原指一种大家都知道的游戏——藏豆赌博游戏:一种通常涉及赌博的游戏,一个人将一个小物体藏在三个坚果壳、杯子或茶杯中的一个里,然后当旁观者试图猜测物体的最终位置时,这个人在平坦表面上移动果壳、杯子或茶杯以变戏法也作thimblerig,后来可以泛指类似的骗局,不一定是藏豆子,本句里就在说Bruce搞的藏史高飞等人的游戏

At the time, it was a gamble for both Rabin and Arafat, who couldn't be sure how their people would react.


City public security organs "Guangdong Eagle 2" action-news : Recently, the city Public Security Bureau, together with the ancient town public security subbureau rapid attack destroyed a hidden market in the ancient town of the ancient four four underground "Mark Six" gambling dens and arrested Makers Chen, totaling 32 people, scene captured "Mark Six" gambling 14,327 yuan, Hong Kong dollar 100, the book five (a total of 112855 billion), as well as other computer for illegal gambling lottery, Choi reported, a number of items such as betting slips.


Now it is a social policy: the most important and aggressive promoter of gambling in America is government.


McMurphy swaggers into the ward and introduces himself as a gambling man with a zest for women and cards.

McMurphy swaggers进入病房,并介绍自己作为一个赌博的人,以热情为妇女和卡。

In part, this is because that is where the market is: Europeans place some 40% of all online wagers.


To give up gambling, by definition, will no longer belong to the ranks of gamblers.


更多网络解释与赌博的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


赌博的害处是引人"冲动"(Compulsive)及"上瘾"(Addictive),各国法律对赌博都有严格限制. 不少时候,我们头脑里面貌似赌博的东西,原来应该算"投机". ...7月18日消息,由微软开发的开放办公文档格式在美国遭遇挫折.


crappie 淡水鱼 | craps 双骰儿赌博 | crapshooter 赌双骰的人


craps | 双骰儿赌博 | crapshoot | 有风险的事业 | crapshooter | 赌双骰的人


craps 双骰儿赌博 | crapshooter 赌双骰的人 | crapulence 暴饮

crapshooter:赌双骰的人 (名)

craps 双骰儿赌博; 输去赌注的一掷 (名) | crapshooter 赌双骰的人 (名) | crapulence 狂饮暴食引起之疾病; 暴饮暴食 (名)


gambit 以取得优势的开局棋法 | gambler 赌博的人 | gamblergamester 赌徒



Mayor Cryer and half|the force are on the take:克瑞尔市长和炮团里一半的人都有入股

The LAPD wanted to|wipe out the competition.|洛杉矶... | Mayor Cryer and half|the force are on the take.|克瑞尔市长和炮团里一半的人都有入股 | Gambling, prostitution,|bootlegging, you name it.|赌博、卖淫...

He's a real stuffed shirt:他是个妄自尊大的人

He lost his shirt when he went gambling. 他去赌博,结果输了个精光. | He's a real stuffed shirt. 他是个妄自尊大的人. | SHOES 鞋

Boux ak doj henx rin:喜欢赌博的人咬石头

Boux gaenx hong gwn noh,、勤于劳动的人吃肉, | Boux ak doj henx rin.喜欢赌博的人咬石头. | Bouxgaenx mbouj fouq hix lw gai,勤快人不富也剩米来卖,