英语人>词典>汉英 : 赋予灵感 的英文翻译,例句
赋予灵感 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
inspire  ·  inspires

更多网络例句与赋予灵感相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It could become Adoptionism, seeing Jesus as a man inspired by the "logos".Or the "logos" could be understood as an independent being equal to God, thus making two Gods


What moves men of genius, or rather what inspires their work, is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough---Eug ne Delacroix,French Romantic artist.


It allows users to transform photos or sketches into works of art, and its advanced range of brushes gives a multitude of effects, such as watercolour, oil, pencil, impasto and ink.


Many rich ladies, although nature has not endowed them with any spontaneous pleasure in literature or art, decide to be thought cultured, and spend boring hours learning the right thing to say about fashionable new books that are written to give delight, not to afford opportunities for dusty snobbism.


My design of "butterfly lovers" series of top level women's costume draws its eternal inspiration from the butterfly with its beautiful and serene language to add colors to my works and express the idea of liveliness and colorfulness everywhere.


Inspired by occult philosophy and the teaching of his mentor, Waldman, he builds a creature in the semblance of a man and gives it life.


The HD 650 are headphones with a "soul"- inspiring Sennheiser to endow them with luxuriously rich basses and pleasantly natural trebles.


The HD 650 are headphones with a "soul"- inspiring Sennheiser to endow them with luxuriously rich basses and pleasantly natural trebles.


Rich Jade, established in 1999, has given jadeite jewelry whole new styles and spirits by extracting innovation from both the east and the west. This out of tradition spirit has always been the favorite of those jade adorers'. Rich Jade has not only led the fashion of jadeite jewelry design but also been devoted to the creation of jadeite art. The first and only jadeite museum in the world—"MoJA", the Museum of Jade Art, has opened in 2009. MoJA assimilates the contemporary aesthetic and then explores a new style of this eastern treasure to successfully build a new territory for jadeite art.


更多网络解释与赋予灵感相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

la Bretagne:布列塔尼

旅行还常常赋予他创作的灵感:在旅行中,因邂逅厄拉莉亚.富科(Eulalie Foucard),以及四天的风流韵事,让他写出小说>(Noverbre),平时他还习惯写游记,如写出>(La Bretagne)等作品.

council of ministers:内阁

邻近内阁(Council of Ministers)而且距离壮观的大教堂仅仅700米的Hotel Arte酒店,新近经过装修,为您提供一个附有富有艺术感的理想住宿. 在酒店里,您会被周围的一切赋予灵感,因为全酒店的内部都装饰由著名的保加利亚艺术家制作的、鲜艳的油画布. 您可以在在舒适、现代的Arte...




细木镶嵌(intarsia)这种古老工艺,是通过将珍贵的材料敷设于基面上形成装饰性镶嵌图案的. 这种工艺,再一次赋予镶嵌细工于灵感,并创造出全新艺术魅力. 透过优雅的圆形18K玫瑰金、白金表壳和镶钻外圈,可以看到表盘上装饰有荧光的刻度圆点和表针.

You'd better liberate the mind from prejudice:你最好解除心中偏见

2.Liberate.v.解放, 释放 | You'd better liberate the mind from prejudice.你最好解除心中偏见. | 3.inspire.vt.吸(气), 鼓舞, 感动 vi.吸入, 赋予灵感


她从恋人的粗羊毛呢短大衣(pea jacket)和皮上衣(pelisse)等服装上汲取设计灵感,赋予更柔美的线条. 1927年,她与沙皇的调香师恩尼斯鲍(Ernest Beaux)共同为其自己创作香水>. 华丽的刺绣和俄罗斯皇室珠宝中的拜占庭风情,


由纽约的盖亚工作室设计而成,W首尔华克山庄的客房使顾客不由自主地"哇噢(WOW)"一声赞叹. 客房和浴室,赋予客人灵感和美感,只有W才拥有的床上用品和最尖端客房便利设施提供了超凡的入住体验,令顾客焕然一新.

He was inspired by fossils of armadillos and sloths:不是苹果,赋予达尔文灵感的是犰狳和树懒的化石

Darwin's First Clues 达尔文的最初线索 | He was inspired by fossils of armadillos and sloths. 不是苹果,赋予达尔文灵感的是犰狳和树懒的化石 | Modern Darwins 现代达尔文

The next spells used are more powerful:赋予下一次符咒更强大的力量

Inspiration灵感 | The next spells used are more powerful. 赋予下一次符咒更强大的力量 | Toughness坚韧