英语人>词典>汉英 : 赊卖 的英文翻译,例句
赊卖 的英文翻译、例句


credit sale · tally trade · sale on account · tally system
更多网络例句与赊卖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I had no change to buy my paper this morning but the newsagent put it on the slate and said I could pay him tomorrow.


更多网络解释与赊卖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

account of credit sales:赊卖帐户

account of cash in vault 库存现金簿 | account of credit sales 赊卖帐户 | account of exchequer 金库帐

cheap clearance sale:清仓贱卖,库底贱卖,清仓廉售

charge sale 赊售,赊销 | cheap clearance sale 清仓贱卖,库底贱卖,清仓廉售 | execution sale 强制拍卖

Credit sale:赊卖

credit note 付款票 | credit sale 赊卖 | credit side 贷方

credit sale invoice:赊销发票

credit sale agreement | 赊销合同 分期付款赊销法 | credit sale invoice | 赊销发票 | credit sale | 赊卖, 先售货后收款

work in process:半成品

根据它来估计期末余额,从期末赊卖货款减去期初赊卖货款,其差就是期中赊卖货款了. 3.存货资产增加存货资产(inventories property)分为:(1)产品、商品;(2)半成品(work in process)、物料. 其增加额也是采用周转率算出.

credit note:付款票

credit inquiry 信用 调查 | credit note 付款票 | credit sale 赊卖


taking a bath注销一笔巨额损失 | takings现金收入,进款 | tally trade赊卖,分期付款交易

tally trade:赊卖

tally system 赊卖 | tally trade 赊卖 | tally 符木

tally trade:赊卖,分期付款交易

takings现金收入,进款 | tally trade赊卖,分期付款交易 | talon息票付券

tally man:点数人,卖赊人

tally 点数,计数 | tally man 点数人,卖赊人 | tally sheet 计数纸