英语人>词典>汉英 : 资金外流 的英文翻译,例句
资金外流 的英文翻译、例句


capital flight · outflow of capital
更多网络例句与资金外流相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The drain of money from the country is a serious problem.


In China,Dual economic structure results in Capital Liquidity Preference which accelerates the rural fund outflow.


At a fixed exchange rate, a current account surplus not offset by a corresponding voluntary capital outflow will generate an increase in the monetary base.


This means that the outflow of capital will be even greater than in the past.


However, the rate cut to a certain extent, will carry an outflow of funds.


One result of that siphoning of money has been a stagnant local economy and a continuing drop in the Falklands' population - from a peak of 2,392 in 1931 to about 1,800 today.


The answer is misguided economic policies, mismanagement, poor maintenance, sloppiness , tribalism and corruption.


The answer is misguided economic policies, mismanagement, poor maintenance, sloppiness, tribalism and corruption.


Some experts think that Beijing may actually be countenancing the outward flows as a safety valve against rising pressure on its own currency, even if officially the government wants to keep money flowing through channels it can monitor.


UBS has been haemorrhaging funds, with an outflow of SFr30 billion ($28 billion) so far this year.


更多网络解释与资金外流相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolute convergence:绝对收敛

现代经济增长理论中的绝对收敛(absolute convergence)假说认为,如果国家(地区)项基本相等. 农信社的影响程度由其资金外流比例前的系数( rccr )决定,分别为0.225、使用农信社资金外流比例( rccFOR )衡量整个地区外流比例(FOR )时会相对低估较高在式(1)中我们用一乡镇的人均收入(YPC)来代表该乡镇的经济发展水平.

flight of capital:资金外流;资本外逃

*flexible tariff 伸缩关税;可变关税 | *flight of capital 资金外流;资本外逃 | *floating exchange rate 浮动汇率

drain of capital:资金外流

Drain 流失 | drain of capital 资金外流 | drain of state owned property 国有资产流失

drain of reserve:外汇储备外流

drain of capital 资金外流 | drain of reserve 外汇储备外流 | dramastic adj.引人注目的;生动的;戏剧性的

drain of state owned property:国有资产流失

drain of capital 资金外流 | drain of state owned property 国有资产流失 | stem drain of state assets 防止(堵塞)国有资产流失

for:abbr. fund outflow ratio; 资金外流比例

net operating profit:营业纯利;营业净利

net open position未平仓合约净额 | net operating profit营业纯利;营业净利 | net outflow of fund资金外流净额

ounce troy:金衡安士

Oslo Stock Exchange 奥斯陆证券交易所 | ounce troy 金衡安士 | outflow of capital 资本外流;资金外流

ocean shipping agent:海运代理人

outflow of funds资金外流 | ocean shipping agent海运代理人 | output产量

overaccumulation of capital:资本积累过剩

outflow of capital 资金外流 | overaccumulation of capital 资本积累过剩 | own capital 自有资本