英语人>词典>汉英 : 资本化 的英文翻译,例句
资本化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与资本化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By these analysis and research, it puts forward that the contradiction of agriculture production and big market is the base of system changing of agriculture industrialization; it is the basic way to system changing and organization innovating that it can provide enhancive organization system guarantees for the development of agriculture industrialization by promoting actively agriculture resources and production factors to become capital on the base of the present production factors system of ownership in country; it can promote modern agriculture to come into being by resolving thorough the contradiction of agriculture production and big market and satisfy socialization big production; The stock cooperative system is a direction of managerial organization innovation of agriculture industrialization because it can make production factors flow and be recomposed, and promote actively agriculture resources and production factors to become capital, and realize per capital to be accumulated, and satisfy socialization big production of agriculture.


In the last part, the paper appraises mortgage value using the former and improved capitalization rate respectively. Making using of the method of appraisal bias, the paper concludes that using the former capitalization rate results in overrating the appraisal result, while using the improved capitalization rate does not exist overrating problem. Based on that, the paper compares the former and improved capitalization rate from the following six aspects- mortgager, financial institution, appraisal institution, conservative principle of appraisal of mortgage, default risk, mortgage rate, and finally concludes that the improved capitalization rate is more scientific and accurate.


Its main feature is the high union of thought and capital, the thought after union has the trend of capitalization and capital to have the tendency of socialization, the organization inside the enterprise concerns to translate into economy concerns and be commercialized gradually then, fortune configuration diversity appears the effect that partial the sum is more than whole.


Its main feature is the high union of innovation thought and capital, the innovation thought after union has the trend of capitalization and capital to have the tendency of socialization, the organization inside the enterprise concerns to translate into economy concerns and be commercialized gradually, fortune configuration diversity appears the effect that partial the sum is more than whole.


Then, by the supermarginal analytical methods, the author further puts forward the supermarginal strategic decision of marketized division and professional management of regional environmental assets pack, and initiatively constructs the concessionary chain contract and professional management theory of regional environmental assets pack.


From the conception of capitalization operation of intangible assets, including the definition, main characteristic and ways of working, the importance of capitalization operation of intangible assets is clarified. I explain questions on capitalization operation of intangible assets, which are financing and external investment. Attention is paid on absorption of venture investment, absorption of foreign investment, the expansion through a low cost and hypothecated loan for financing by intangible assets. As for external investment with intangible assets, explanations are given to purchasing and merging between enterprises with a low cost using intangible assets and intangible assets taking part in distribution. At last, the development of capitalization operation of intangible assets in the world, in our country is explained. After I give my points on the difficulties of capitalization operation of intangible assets in our country, the solutions are concluded.


Marx s theory of city criticism is mainly about the philosophized critical analysis of a pedigree chart of city problems in the light of interaction between city and capital in the time of capital globalization .


Due to the above problems in ascertaining capitalization rates, it can be assumed that capitalization rate is one of the main factors in causing risks in REA. Thus, the ascertaining of capitalization determines the accuracy of profitable housing properties appraisal. On the other hand, it indirectly influences the rationality of the re-composition of capitals and the structural modulation. Furthermore, it influences the legitimate rights of the privies involved in real estate dealings; it influences the standardization of real estate markets; it influences the risks involved in real estate financing; it also influences real estate taxation.


The birth of theory of capital of labor power has provided a condition and way for a capitalization of ethical value, and has made the capitalization of ethical value to become a reality.


Starting from human resources capitalization in the financial accounting, the effect of human resources capitalization upon enterprise management is analysed using comparative and analytical method. It is held that the effects are mainly shown in the contents of financial statements and the changes in structures, in current gains and losses and taxations, the enterprise cupital, enterprise financial management and enterprise operation management.


更多网络解释与资本化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

capital form capitalization issue:从资本化股票发行获得资本

capital flight 资本外流 | capital form capitalization issue 从资本化股票发行获得资本 | capital from consolidation 从合并获得资本




Capitalization 资本结构:负债加业主权益. | Capitalized 资本化:成本被计入资本帐户而不是马上被费用化. | Carrying amount帐面值:参看book value.

capitalized value:资本化的价值

Capitalized profits 资本化的利益 | Capitalized value 资本化的价值 | Capital liabilities 资本负债(同funded debts)

capitalized ratio:资本化比率

capitalization 资本总额 | capitalized ratio 资本化比率 | capitalized value 资本化价值

capitalization of interest:利息的资本化

capitalization of borrowing costs;借入成本资本化;; | capitalization of interest;利息的资本化;; | capitalization of interest on borrowed funds;借入款利息资本化;;

capitalize selectively:有选择的资本化

capitalize expenditure on property, plant and equipment;将用于财产、厂房和设备费用资本化;; | capitalize selectively;有选择的资本化;; | capitalized amounts of pension obligations;资本化的养恤金待付款;...

capitalizable costs:可资本化成本;可本金化成本

capital turnover;资本周转率;; | capitalizable costs;可资本化成本;可本金化成本;; | capitalization;资本总额;本金化;;

Capitalizing development costs:研发费用资本化

capitalization of interest 利息资本化 | capitalizing development costs 研发费用资本化 | capitalizing development expenditures 研发费用资本化

Capitalizing development expenditures:研发费用资本化

capitalizing development costs 研发费用资本化 | capitalizing development expenditures 研发费用资本化 | capitalizing interest costs 利息成本资本化