- 更多网络例句与资料板相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
A short list of features include: Multiple user account capability, Drag and drop operation for insertion of user name and password, Printing function for hard copy of passwords, Password protected database functionality, Internal security features to help maintain privacy from "over the shoulder" intrusion using our -Hide/Show password function, Descriptive titles allowing the same username to be used repeatedly, Configurable random password generation, Memo section for noting important info about password, like inception date, expiration date or special site instructions, Method of storing and launching relative URL information for quick access to the web site the particular password might pertain, Ability to disable Splash screen after registration, Configurable timeout function for unattended program lock-up, Ability to copy username and password to clipboard without entering that particular record, Ability to clear clipboard from within program and upon program exit, Full program help files.
On Monday, 3 August 2009 if in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter: the success of the Rights Issue would be materially and adversely affected by: the introduction of any new law or regulation or any change in existing law or regulation (or the judicial interpretation thereof) or other occurrence of any nature whatsoever which may in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter materially and adversely affect the business or the financial or trading position or prospects of the Group as a whole; or the occurrence of any local, national or international event or change, whether or not forming part of a series of events or changes occurring or continuing before, and/or after the date hereof, of a political, military, financial, economic or other nature (whether or not ejusdem generis with any of the foregoing), or in the nature of any local, national or international outbreak or escalation of hostilities or armed conflict, or affecting local securities markets which may, in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter materially and adversely affect the business or the financial or trading position or prospects of the Group as a whole; or any material adverse change in the business or in the financial or trading position of the Group as a whole; or any material adverse change in market conditions (including, without limitation, a change in fiscal or monetary policy or foreign exchange or currency markets, suspension or restriction of trading in securities) occurs which in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter makes it inexpedient or inadvisable to proceed with the Rights Issue; or the Prospectus or announcements of the Company published since the date of the Underwriting Agreement when published contain information (either as to business prospects or the condition of the Group or as to its compliance with any laws or the GEM Listing Rules or any applicable regulations) which has not prior to the date hereof been publicly announced or published by the Company and which may in the reasonable opinion of the Underwriter is material to the Group as a whole and is likely to affect materially and adversely the success of the Rights Issue or might cause a prudent investor not to accept the Rights Shares provisionally allotted to it, the Underwriter shall be entitled by notice in writing to the Company, served prior to the Latest Time for Termination, to terminate the Underwriting Agreement.
Based on lots of literature and information, this paper has engaged in deep studies and brought forth a new kind of matchboard cement concrete pavement. Firstly, based on the theory of elastic thin slab and elastic subgrade, this paper has discussed the strong points and weaknesses of existed mechanics models of cement concrete pavements. Then, integrating each model's strengths and considering the practical conditions, this paper has put forward reasonable simulating models as well as basic mechanics hypothesis.
objective the purpose of this study was to summarize our experience of the application of internal rigid fixation with miniplate to treatment of mandibular fractures.methods a retrospective analyisis of clinical data of 67 cases,who had experienced the anatomic reduction and rigid fixation by using miniplate.with the help of maxillomandibular distraction pre operation and post operation and temporary maxillomandibular fixation during operation,the fracture bones were smoothly reduced and fixed.results clinical and radiographic examination showed that all cases gained good clinical results and precise anatomic alignment of fracture postoperatively without infection,malocclusion,bone malunion or other complications.conclusion mocortical miniplate fixation of the mandible is a reliable and effective techinique providing rigid fixation and an ideal modality for the treatment of mandibular fractures.combined with maxillomandibular fixation.
对67例下颌骨骨折患者的临床资料进行回顾总结,所有患者应用小型接骨板行坚固内固定治疗。其中7例颏部骨折,12例颏旁骨折,16例颏孔区骨折,9例体部多发性骨折,5例体部粉碎性骨折;18例合并其他部位骨折。所有患者术前经临床检查和影像学检查明确骨折的位置和骨折线的数目后,分段牙弓夹板结扎、颌间弹性牵引,使移位的骨折段逐渐复位;术中经口内切开复位、细钢丝颌间结扎、小型接骨板坚固内固定;术后行临床检查和影像学复查,必要时颌间弹性牵引7~10 d。结果所有患者手术切口ⅰ期愈合,治疗效果满意;临床检查所有患者牙合关系良好、面部对称;影像学复查证实骨折线对位良好。结论经口内切开小型接骨板坚固内固定辅以颌间固定治疗下颌骨骨折效果可靠,术后并发症少,是一种理想的手术方法。
Methods verificate the feasibility and outcome of surgical treatment isthmic spondylolisthesis with laminoplasty by analysis the surgical data of 16 isthmic spondylolisthesis patients.
The thickness of internal elastic laminae correlated to some extent with mean pulmonary pressure.
Therefore, we selected the 5 genes, as well as SMTN gene related to human cardiovascular diseases, for chromosomal mapping, CDS cloning and analysis, spatio-temporal distribution, mutation riddling, and association analysis with production traits of 3 porcine populations. We expect to know the structure and function of these 6 genes primarily, and supply data for porcine marker assistant selection of improving meat production.
Objective. The proximity of the plate to the adjacent disc space appeared to be the critical determinant of adjacent level ossication development but we had no data on unplated arthrodesis.
Companies are not generally required to issue paid announcements in gazetted newspapers. Accordingly, prospective investors should note
Clinical use of allograft menisci should be based on practical requirement of patients and the data recorded in the Menisci Bank.
- 更多网络解释与资料板相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
edge-board contact:板边金手指.LYm电子资料网
Edge-Board Connector板边(金手指)承接器.LYm电子资料网 | Edge-Board Contact板边金手指.LYm电子资料网 | Edge-Dip Solderability Test板边焊锡性测试.LYm电子资料网
data point:资料点,数据点
"data plate ","资料板" | "data point ","资料点,数据点" | "data pool ","数据源"
data tablet:資料輸入板
"资料表","data table" | "资料输入板","data tablet" | "资料标签","data tag"
daughter board:子板.LYm电子资料网
Datum Reference基准参考.LYm电子资料网 | Daughter Board子板.LYm电子资料网 | Debris碎屑,残材.LYm电子资料网
Chip Interconnection:芯片互连.LYm电子资料网
Chip芯片(粒).LYm电子资料网 | Chip Interconnection芯片互连.LYm电子资料网 | Chip on Board芯片粘着板.LYm电子资料网
Main Board:主机板
主机板 主机板(Main Board)是电脑的主体,负责各设备间的控制与资料传输的桥梁,所有元件周边都必须和他连接才能为我们所使用与控制. 记忆体 记忆体(RAM)是CPU工作的平台,所有程式或资料都必须先载入他才能为CPU处理做运算的工作.
Warp, Warpage:板弯.LYm电子资料网
Warp Size 浆经处理.LYm电子资料网 | Warp, Warpage板弯.LYm电子资料网 | Washer垫圈.LYm电子资料网
Drilled Blank:已钻孔的裸板.LYm电子资料网
Drill Pointer钻针重磨机.LYm电子资料网 | Drilled Blank已钻孔的裸板.LYm电子资料网 | Dross浮渣.LYm电子资料网
thin copper foil:薄铜箔.LYm电子资料网
Thief辅助阳极.LYm电子资料网 | Thin Copper Foil薄铜箔.LYm电子资料网 | Thin Core薄基板.LYm电子资料网
Drill Pointer:钻针重磨机.LYm电子资料网
Drill Facet钻尖切削面.LYm电子资料网 | Drill Pointer钻针重磨机.LYm电子资料网 | Drilled Blank已钻孔的裸板.LYm电子资料网