英语人>词典>汉英 : 贯 的英文翻译,例句
贯 的英文翻译、例句

be linked together · follow in a conntinuous line · place of one's ancestral home
更多网络例句与贯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the basis of analytic geometry, the projection curve types of intersection lines of cone and cylikder, cone and cone on V plane is hyperbola and cone and sphere is parabola.

基于锥与圆柱、圆锥、圆球正时,相线V 面投影为双曲线和抛物线,且X 向极值点所在高度只与柱、锥轴线、球心距离锥顶高度和立锥锥顶角有关,而与它们的直径无关,给出了求该极值点的作图方法。

Some of them such as the South China Jiao Ao down, and some belly landing and may Chihuahua; some家财万贯, wealthy, and some to both color and poor milk no match; some pie incarnation, and some variation of the full moon, wet socks off some legs, some chest hidden devices; some sister-pronged battle, his family south, and some enter孤狼alone, all the way north; some wearing X cards natural mother, some of the blame if the animal food force female;满纸more that directory, empty cans everywhere ...... the face of the enemy's getting pounded and wave after wave of counterfeit tickets and ANTI offensive, in the pre-war Kyoto, has already fallen too much on the elite.


When cylinder surface and cone surface penetrate each other,if their axises intersect slantly and are parallel to the frontal projecting plane,there will he special points in the penetrating line.


The main jobs of this paper are as followed: 1 The reuse of the frame design technology for aircraft assembly fixtures is researched. a frame line part library is built with the templet driven technology, the reuse of the frame line part come true by the tools for instantiation and instance modification. The design resources are effectively used, some repeating work is cut. 2 Two methods to obtain the assembly feature are proposed: the straight way by the Enumeration method and the indirect way by project features to the assembly plane. All of the assembly features of the frame and the adjustable bearings are obtained by these two methods which makes the frame automatic assembly technology for aircraft assembly fixtures come true. 3 The frame automatic assembly technology aircraft assembly fixtures based on assembly features is researched. A binary tree assembly model is used to express the assembly information of the frame for aircraft assembly fixtures, the automatic assembly between the frame, the aircraft and the adjustable bearing is completed within the three steps: distribute, obtain and evaluate assembly feature. Finally, the efficiency of the frame assembly design is proved. 4The frame interpart modeling technology for aircraft assembly fixtures is researched, the intersection methods are concluded and the arithmetic of the single-cut, double-cut and inter-cut intersection is proposed, the interpart fast modeling of the frame design for aircraft assembly fixture come true. 5Based on the researches mentioned before, a sub-system of frame fast design for aircraft assembly fixture is developed on CATIA. The sub-system is used to design the aircraft assembly fixtures in a large aeronautics corporation and make a good- effect.

论文的主要工作如下: 1研究了飞机装配型架骨架设计重用技术,在总结归纳骨架线框结构类型的基础上,应用模板驱动的方法建立了骨架线框库,通过骨架线框零件的实例化和离线编辑实现骨架线框的重用,有效利用设计资源,减少重复劳动; 2提出穷举几何对象的装配特征直接获取方法,遍历零件模型的几何对象,从中捕捉所需装配特征,该方法简捷、高效;提出向装配面投影的装配特征间接获取方法,该方法在现有特征基础上生成装配特征,解决了部分装配特征难以直接获取的问题; 3研究了基于装配特征的飞机装配型架骨架自动装配技术,采用一种二叉树装配模型表达骨架的装配关系,并通过装配特征的分配、获取和赋值三个步骤,实现了骨架分别与飞机产品和可调支承的自动装配,避免了繁琐的人工交互操作,提高了骨架设计的效率和规范化程度; 4研究了飞机装配型架骨架零件间建模技术,在总结归纳骨架元件相处理方式的基础上,提出了骨架元件单剪切相、双剪切相和互剪切相的实现算法,简化了骨架相处理的过程; 5基于以上研究,在CATIA平台上开发了飞机装配型架骨架快速设计子系统,并应用于某大型航空企业的装配型架设计,提高了设计效率和设计质量。

Bayes sequential decision problems, stopping rule problems, optimality of sequential probability ratio test, Wald identity, asymptotic theory, and other topics.


With shape and location dimensions, the interpenetration curves are uniquely defined, and there is no need either to dimension interpenetration lines.


A lot of investors of cabarets and executive not is saw, but thoughted of, their 习贯 realizes in the small agriculture economy, going back and forth in the ages of the flour mill homework, failing to catch or still doing not up step this at that time the superhighway of the generation.


Results of eight investigations make use of the soil experience and analysis form the disaster area of 921 earthquakes, The result of soil investigation and analysis form the disaster area of 921 earthquakes, Understanding such as: 1. The recommand degree depth of drive stake is 40% of stake length for stake and wattling method on dry soil condition. And 58% of stake lengths on unsaturated condition. And 67% of stake length on soil saturated condition.


This analytical approach shows that, as increasing the wear flat of indenter, the maximum indentation force needed to develop critical plastic zone increases and its corresponding critical penetration depth also increases slightly, Note that the effect of wear flat will affect rock fracture behavior. In addition, regarding the simulation of the effect of doubled-indenters, result shows that two adjacent indenters may interact each other as reaching the transient/critical relative space between indenters of 2~3. It dicpicts that a proper spacing arrangement between indenters may enhance a efficient mechanical cutting due to the less required maximum indentation force and energy dissipation.


To obtain both construction security and the feasibility in tunnel engineering, and to understand the contact mechanism in these complex cutting cases, this numerical approach simplifies normal wedge cutter indented into intact rock for simulating the process of fragmentation using a two-dimensional tool of distinct element method, so-named PFC2D.


更多网络解释与贯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

concordant injection:整接贯入,顺层贯入

整接注入岩体 concordant injected body | 整接入,顺层入 concordant injection | 整接入深成岩体 concordant pluton

injection gneiss:贯入片麻岩

injection folding 入褶皱 | injection gneiss 入片麻岩 | injection metamorphism 入变质

hypericum perforatum:贯叶连翘

叶连翘(Hypericum perforatum)属金丝桃属藤黄科多年生草本植物,全草可入药. 这种野生植物的全草或带根全草有药用价值. 叶连翘具有清热解毒、收敛止血、利湿等功效,主要用于止血、抗炎、治疗妇科病等. 目前,用叶连翘提取物制成的制剂已在欧美大量上市,

sequential Monte Carlo method:序贯蒙特卡罗方法

决策|sequential decision | 序蒙特卡罗方法|sequential Monte Carlo method | 序设计|sequential design

sequential sampling inspection:序贯抽样检验

抽样检验...序抽样检验(sequential sampling inspection)是多次抽样的进一步发展,最早是由美国A.Wald于二次大战时期为适应贵重军品抽样检验的需要提出的,序抽样检验不实现规定抽样次数,每次从批中只抽取一个单位产品,

sequential analysis:序贯分析

试验(sequentialtrial)又称序分析(sequential analysis),起始于第二次世界大战期间应用于军火质量检验.因为此种设计可以满足带有破坏性和危及安全性的试验要求:(1)试验的样本数尽可能少;(2)试验的方式一个一个或一对一对的序进行;

sequential method:贯序法

Sequential design,序设计 | Sequential method,序法 | Sequential test,序检验法


throughput turnaround time 输转回时间;输变向时间 | throughput, simultaneous 同时生产;同时产出;同时输 | throughput,simultaneous 同时生产;同时产出;同时输

sequential decoding:序贯解码, 序贯译 码

pronumeral [数]变元,变项,未知数 | sequential decoding 序解码, 序译 码 | aerospace telemetry 空间遥测(术)

Nukite Spear Hand:贯手 (贯指)

Nakayubi Ippon Ken--Middle Finger Knuckle Fist--中指一本拳(中指突起拳) | Nukite--Spear Hand--手 (指) | Oyayubi Ippon Ken--Thumb Knuckle Fist--亲指一本拳(拇指突起拳)