英语人>词典>汉英 : 贮蓄 的英文翻译,例句
贮蓄 的英文翻译、例句


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It is shown by the results of observation and analysis on the tests of water collection and saving utilization of hillside orchards located in the gullied rolling loess area that to build two encircling water collection works in the orchard to store excess rain.


How green the duckweeds are, seemly to bring out all the green which they have stored through a whole year.


But, in the Chia-nan IA, among 13 places of main intakes investigated, 4 places are bad in water quality, another place is already fallowed for several years, only left 8 places scattered over within 70000ha.

以新竹会而言,改善竹东圳3号虹吸工(约需2,200万元)、明渠加高(约需400万元),在提高通水容量下,约可增加7,140万 m3之进水量,可确保从上坪拦河堰取水并贮蓄在宝山水库。

We also do not have enough resources to sustain our economy on a war footing, we can either buy these and have to divert IC in consumer goods production to pay for them or we can simply take these from other countries stockpiles.


更多网络解释与贮蓄相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bankside storage:岸边水库(蓄存河道水的)

balancing storage 调节库容,平衡库容 | bankside storage 岸边水库(蓄存河道水的) | bank storage 河岸贮量,堤岸贮水


贮蓄泡之基底长出1-2条鞭毛,其基部具有小颗粒之毛基体(blepharoplast). 鞭毛是由一或二条中纤维轴(axoneme),外包於一鞘层之内而构成,其长鞭毛属於栉(梳)型. 细胞口至贮蓄泡之间,在一侧面有红色眼点(stigma)和伸缩泡(contractile vacuole).


case-dough 贮蓄 | case-hardened 定型的 | casease 酵素


常见的有眼虫门属(裸藻属)(Euglena),细胞为梭形. 前端有胞口(cytostome),有一条鞭毛(flagellum)从胞口伸出. 胞口下有沟,沟下端有胞咽(cytopharynx),胞咽以下有一个袋状的贮蓄泡(reservoir). 附近有一到几个伸缩泡(contractile vacuole).

storage tracheide:贮藏管胞

storage time constant ==> 存储时间常数 | storage tracheide ==> 贮藏管胞 | storage tube ==> 贮能管,存储管,存储显像管,记忆管=>蓄積管