英语人>词典>汉英 : 质询时间 的英文翻译,例句
质询时间 的英文翻译、例句


question time
更多网络例句与质询时间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On Thursday's Question Time, the PM's close ally, Ed Miliband, said that all the technical stuff in the Treaty was really not the sort of thing to be bothering us dimwit voters with.


Chinese company law could be improved through unification of legal norms, clarification of the meaning of terms, and supplement of correlative regulations; Modeling on German and Japanese law, limited norms should be adopted for the object of right to address inquiries. Chinese company law should re-locate the object of right to address inquiries to matters related to topics of general meeting of shareholders. Objective standard should be adopted. Third, by incorporating elements such as beforehand written inquiry, Chinese company law could be further perfected in the area of time, venue, representation and reproduction of right of access to documents. This is a conclusion based on thorough research and summary of practice of various countries. Fourth, the author pointed out the international trend of relaxation of objective limits and specification of subjective limits, and proposed the standards for limitation and the distribution principle of inversion of burden of proof.


The ritual pounding of the door, announcement of the Sergeant at Arms, hand-pumping strolls, and periodic standing ovations would not be repeated (or covered by all major networks) every two weeks.


Therefore , the company law of the countries all over the world confer rights to learn the truth on shareholders , which including the right of inspecting financial accounting report , the right of inspecting books and records , the right of inquiry and the right of request for empanelling inspector . the author writes the paper to present the assumptions on how to perfect our system of shareholders ' rights to learn the truth , by drawing on other countries ' successful experience of legislation and analyzing the shortages of our existing laws . this article is composed with four chapters


A maiden speech in the House of Commons .


The examination of all the eyewitnesses took a week.


更多网络解释与质询时间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

interpellation clause:质询条款

船东为了避免这种尴尬处境,就在合同中订一条"质询条款"(Interpellation Clause)来保护自己,即规定如船东或船长将船舶延误情况和预期抵达装货港的日期通知租船人,则租船人应在一定时间内作出是否解除租船合同的答复.

question time:质询时间

自由党国会议员叶礼庭(Michael Ignatieff)表示,财长在CTV质询时间(Question Time)里的言论并没有在劝服两党联合问题上有什么帮助,因此自由党仍打算在下周举行的财政报告中投不信任票.

question time:(英国议会中大臣答复议员所提问题的)质询时间

sylleptic [语]兼用法的 | question time (英国议会中大臣答复议员所提问题的)质询时间 | soigne 整齐的, 整洁的

No question time for some action:没有为这些行为而质询的时间了

Table dancing, glasses are crashing 桌椅欢舞,杯盘砸碎 | No question time for some action 没有为这些行为而质询的时间了 | Temperatures up (can you feel it), 'bout to erupt 温度骤升(你能感觉得到吗),快要...


小田回答时没有用平反(redress)的字眼,但小田办公室说,这并不等于联邦政府在平反人头税事宜上立场动摇. 据加拿大星岛日报报道,邹至蕙在众议院质询时间,向小田提问:"仅存的(人头税)家庭还要等多久,才可见到公义与和解?

soigne:整齐的, 整洁的

question time (英国议会中大臣答复议员所提问题的)质询时间 | soigne 整齐的, 整洁的 | in space 片刻就, 一会儿就

question tag:疑问句尾

question mark 问号 | question tag 疑问句尾 | question time 质询时间


whoreson 私生子 无赖, 恶棍 下贱人(骂人语) | sylleptic [语]兼用法的 | question time (英国议会中大臣答复议员所提问题的)质询时间