英语人>词典>汉英 : 质料 的英文翻译,例句
质料 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
metal  ·  metaling  ·  metaled

更多网络例句与质料相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These rags in bales, of all hues and qualities, the lowest condition to which cotton and linen descend, the final result of dress —— of patterns which are now no longer cried up, unless it be in Milwaukee, as those splendid articles, English, French, or American prints,ginghams, muslins, etc., gathered from all quarters both of fashion and poverty, going to become paper of one color or a few shades only, on which, forsooth, will be written tales of real life, high and low, and founded on fact!


There is also a variable in the materials to include chemicals in order to increase the degree of loose material, so that implantated incompact.


Internal cylindrical drum machanistic imagesetter scan records section of the main characteristics is that sencitivity is adsorbed on drums of intine, phototypesetting, drum does not rotate, but by scanning head side to side movement in turnused mediumso imaging, usually on the exposure from drum 360 degree of 270 degrees as a scan of the film to prevent blurry due to reflection.


This technique requires less treatment on the surface of the tube and needlessness of heat treatment to the tube, in addition, there is no need of large machines.


Paper publishes materials that are used by anlistatig is a tetravalent salt toxicchemical on the surface of the paper, in low humidities quadrivalent salt water from the air, to reduce the material surface resistance.


Different filmogen its shrinkage have greater differences, so you want to use the material to control tensility.


Another situation is in order to reduce material costs and adopt only 330-molecular-weight natural Rosin, in order to achieve-and-ink system stability, in recent years, we have dozens of chemical properties caused by not changing inorganic materials, use of the tetrahedroid of hydrated silicon dioxide as a porous form of assiociation matozoa, a steady and adsorbed on low molecular weight of rosin Sol heterogoneous on the surface, forming a layer, the Pro-numberrepresentationof goes with liquid water, addresses the thixoforming improve its water washable, and has a certain thickness, especially when more than 5 per cent, packaging business card printing and membership card by making the formation of a layer of short thick membrane of lowmolecular of monlchamus, in which case it reduce-and-Ink viscosity, increase the concentration would affect the business card printing and membership card to make the mobility of transfer affects gloss, the reason is that in the process of associating exothermic rise ink system temperature diminishes the Rosin molicule assiociation.


Now products commonly used bibasic emiting material, its size is not a single material, but is an interval, select the screen at the same time bearing in mind that should be made to the bottom of the fluorescent material manufacturers.


The stability of production materials are also important, films and soft and hard on business card printing membership card making ink adhesion can be expected to a certain extent, the high density of ink on filmogen is not particularly good, soft point on monlchamus filmogen passbys.


Within the drum rotation rotary record images on a single chip, support in the exposure of the rollers in the supratrochlear, driven by a synchronous motor, because it is located in the center of the drum, with sencitivity keeping distance rotate and move back and forth exactly isolinetic (exposure drum and sencitivity stay), thus making a reflection of the laser beam can be uniform, equally spaced and vertically onto photographic materials on the geometry of always the same.


更多网络解释与质料相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

audiovisual materials:视听质料

伏击式营销ambush marketing | 视听质料audiovisual materials | 公告牌bulleting boards

Cherry Brandy:樱桃白兰地

经发酵后蒸馏而得2.外国蒸馏酒(1)白兰地(Brandy)白兰地因此葡萄或其他水果为质料经发酵蒸馏而得的酒以葡萄为质料制成的白兰地可仅称为白兰地,而以其他水果为质料制成的白兰地务必标明水果名称,如苹果白兰地(Apple Brandy)樱桃白兰地(Cherry Brandy)等新蒸馏出来的白兰地须盛放在橡木桶内使之老练,

raw material:原料

"成为质料的(material)东西,如在"原料"(raw material)这样的说法中,就是一种存在形式. 一样东西,除非我们通过对它的操作把它定义为质料,它就不是质料;只有成为如下形式的操作对象,某物才是质料的东西:对它进行加工,目的是用它制成某种东西.


[x]"物质主义"(Materialism)语出"物质"或者"质料"(Mater,亚里士多德语),旧译"唯物主义",不妥. 在"质料"意义上,自然实在主义也是一种物质主义;但抽象的"物质"意义是近代物质主义的观念. 近代哲学所谓"物质",并非具体的自然事物,

Sargassum pallidum:海蒿子

发哄骗供给资料质料与方法:1、质料1.1海藻种类石花椰菜(Gelidium amansii)海蒿子(Sargassum pallidum)采于福建省石狮市永宁镇1.2受试菌类球菌:枯草杆菌钾球菌结肠杆菌真菌:黑曲霉青霉1.3培养基1.3.1球菌用的牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基牛肉膏3.0g,

forsterite refractory:镁青果石耐火质料

forsterite 镁青果石 | forsterite refractory 镁青果石耐火质料 | forvacuum 预抽真空


Huxley,Thomas Henry 赫胥黎 759 | hylomorphism 形式质料说684 | hypothetical imperative 相对命令648

Multimolecular Materials:高份子质料

质料化学Materials Chemistry | 高份子质料Multimolecular Materials | 情况工程Environmental Engineering

Shanghai Snowl Architecture Decoration Co., Ltd:上海斯诺扮饰质料有限公司

Sichuan Jiaxi Industry and Commerce Co., Ltd. 四川嘉熙工商企业有... | Shanghai Snowl Architecture Decoration Co., Ltd. 上海斯诺扮饰质料有限公司 | Taizhou Delong Bathroom Co., Ltd. 浙江省台州市德龙浴业有...

Packages Material:包装质料

称量装置 Load Weighing Devices | 包装质料 Packages Material | 拣选体系 Picking System