英语人>词典>汉英 : 责任重大的 的英文翻译,例句
责任重大的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与责任重大的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So the general procedure of the decision making for the space engineering is discussed.


Evidential burden of administrative action is an important theoretical and practical question for study.


I m glad that we on here are being so responsible to let people know that owning a Pyr is not all fluffiness and hugs .


He hold a position of a great responsibility.


He hold s a position of great responsibility.


As a long system, the social security is main responsibility of the government. As a basic duty, the country finance develop from half-position to whole-position, including the central finance will make the invested increase system fixed and proportionable, while the local finance will develop from no or less undertaking social security responsibility to the unite of the right of property and arrangement.


He holds a position of great resp*****ibility upon him.


Based on the concept and theory of liability without fault, this article discusses the 76th statute in the Law of On-road Traffic Safety, which says that the liability without fault gauge will be applicable if there is an accident between motor vehicle and a non-motor vehicle or pedestrians. It also elaborates the significance of the principle of applying the liability without fault in traffic accident cases. It means that besides intentionally, the non-motor vehicle driver or pedestrians don't have to pay the loss of the side of motor vehicle, even though there is a severe mistake by non-motor vehicle driver or pedestrians. This conclusion disaffirms that the damaged motor vehicle may claim for compensation to the non-motor vehicle driver or pedestrians.


She is very responsible for these six-year-old children.


One way of looking at American society at present is to divide it into two groups of people: one, a relatively small whitecollar and professional group who work long hours and bear disproportionate responsibilities;and the other, a relatively large group who work short hours(even if one does not include coffee breaks) and bear few taxing responsiblities.


更多网络解释与责任重大的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

annual report:年报

按照法律(这点中国和美国是一样的,所有法制国家也都是这样的),为了保护社会公众小股东的利益,保证董事和大股东履行自己的忠诚责任,上市公司必须在招股书(prospectus)、年报(annual report)等重大文件中披露所有的关联交易,否则就是违规,


因此,肯定地断言最高法院确实不在宪法中"找寻"(finding)犯意的要件是主观武断的. 可以理解的是,最高法院常常勉强地对它并不完全理解且其含义存在着重大分歧的责任原则给予宪法保护. 有位学者指出:"将普通法中的犯意概念变为现行宪法标准的主要

Seamless Handover:无缝切换

这是LTE相对传统的行动通信网路的重大变化,产生这种变化的原因在於网路架构中没有了RNC,原有的树型分支架构被扁平化,使得基站须承担更多的无线资源管理责任,需要更多地和其相邻的基站直接对话,从而保证用户在整个网路中的无缝切换(Seamless Handover).



Run Away:《策馬入林>

>(Run Away)是导演王童尝试以写实角度诠释的武侠大作,摄影责任更形重大,而李屏宾成功地从视觉上强调了五代十国的动荡氛围,以及山贼与平民女子由掳掠到动情的起伏.


[>华盛顿专稿/特约记者 林瑞轩]美国财长盖特纳当地时间4月22日承认,美国应为前所未有的全球金融危机承担"重大"(substantial)责任,而在应对危机与中国汇率问题上,美国正在小心翼翼地平衡.


office (总统)职务 | humbled 身感责任重大的 | bestowed 授予

crookes tube:克鲁克斯管

克鲁克斯的一个重大成就是"克鲁克斯管"(Crookes Tube),这最终导致阴极射线、X射线和电子的发现. 克鲁克斯对灵异事件感兴趣事出偶然,皆因他年仅21岁的弟弟在1867年病逝. 1870年,克鲁克斯认为,科学应担负起对与唯心论有关的现象进行实验的责任.