英语人>词典>汉英 : 负债的 的英文翻译,例句
负债的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

be indebted to
更多网络例句与负债的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Examples of current liabilities include accounts payable, accrued wages and salaries payable, sales and excise taxes payable, income or property taxes payable, and short-term notes payable, dividends payable, estimated or accrued liabilities, the various payroll taxes liabilities and the portion of long-term debt due within one year (or the operating cycle, if longer).


Among the most common examples of current liabilities are accounts payable, short-term notes payable, the current portion of long-term debt, accrued liabilities, and unearned revenue.


Based on the analysis of the contingent liability situation of the district, the author will come up and define expenditure contingent liability and income contingent liability, and use local finance availability indicators to replace local finance income indicators, which is more accurate.


"Other definitions include ratio of quick assets to current liabilities , ratio of cash plus near-cash assets to current liabilities , and ratio of cash plus accounts receivable plus the market value of selected investments to current liabilities ."


Other definitions include ratio of current assets less inventories to current liabilities, ratio of quick assets to current liabilities, ratio of cash plus near-cash assets to current liabilities, and ratio of cash plus accounts receivable plus the market value of selected investments to current liabilities.


Other s include ratio of current assets less inventories to current liabilities, ratio of quick assets to current liabilities, ratio of cash plus near-cash assets to current liabilities, and ratio of cash plus accounts receivable plus the market value of selected investments to current liabilities.


S include ratio of current assets less inventories to current liabilities, ratio of quick assets to current liabilities, ratio of cash plus near-cash assets to current liabilities, and ratio of cash plus accounts receivable plus the market value of selected investments to current liabilities.


By expanding the L-B model and integrating the impulsions into the model, we can conclude the different influeces to corporation value and debts level come from different impulsions:1 The change of demand——If the demand increases temperately, the corporation value also increases and the firm will increase its debts level, vice versa.2 The change of technology——New technology reduces products\' cost and improves the corporation value, the firm will increase debts level. 3 The unsymmetrical change of the firm\'s decision——The leader\'s corporation value increases and will increase its debts level, the follower is contrary.


Claims payable, provision for unexpired risk and provision for catastrophes meet the definition of liabilities and should be recognized as insurance liabilities.


For those normally runed firms, shareholders are willing to take more debts to take the advantages of leverage and tax shield effect from debt financing, while the shareholders may not borrow from the ordinary debtees but from themselves.


更多网络解释与负债的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


定义论及了"未来的"(future)经济利益及其牺牲,还用了"可能性"(probable)这样的术语来表达,显然报表要素的定义隐含了有关概率测试的新问题. 未来总是不确定的,对概率的确定是需要进行判定的,亦即有关资产和负债的财务报告必须涉及判定,


incur 招致 | indebted 负债的 | indent 留凹痕於


牐7.I'd be indebted. 我很感激 | 牐爄ndebted=感恩的;负债的 | 牐8.I'll do whatever i can to help you nail that son of bitch.我会尽我所能去帮你们抓住那个狗娘养的


>准则确认预计负债(Provision)的条件:该义务是企业承担的现时义务;履行该义务很可能导致经济利益流出企业;该义务的金额能够可靠地计量. 其实预计负债的解析就是负债定义,因为当履行该义务"

ranking liabilities:认可负债

并无经营任何业务;"资本帐"(capital account)指注入属独资经营或合伙的业务的资本额;"经合组织国家"(OECD countries)指经济合作及发展组织的成员国家;"认可负债"(ranking liabilities)指第IV部订明为认可负债的负债及财政调整;

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