英语人>词典>汉英 : 贝恩堡 的英文翻译,例句
贝恩堡 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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First of all countries in the Rhine Confederation and then the beginning of the reform of Prussia (with Stein, Hardenberg, Scharnhorst, Wilhelm von Humboldt and others linked to the name), its aim is to eventually dismantle feudal obstacles to the establishment of a free, take up the responsibility of bourgeois society: the abolition of serfdom, the achievement of business freedom, urban self-government, equality before the law and the universal service obligation.


H. R.: There is no doubt. Here is just one example: on February 16th, 1993, the Russian police of Viborg, close to the Russo-Finnish border, near Saint Petersburg, seized more than a ton of Colombian cocaine disguised as cans of corned beef. It was an Israeli resident in Bogota, Elias Cohen, married to a Colombian in cahoots with one of the clans related to the Cali cartel, who managed the network along with one Yuval Shemesh. The final destination of the cocaine was a group of Israeli traffickers established in the Netherlands, headed by one Jacob Korakin, a kippa-wearing religious Jew from the diamond district of Antwerp.

这是无疑的,这里有一个例子: 1993年2月16日,维堡的俄罗斯警察,接近俄国与芬兰的边界,邻近圣彼得堡,检获超过一吨的哥伦比亚可卡因被伪装为罐头碎牛肉,是一名波哥大的以色列居民,埃利亚斯科恩,科恩跟一位跟卡利贩毒集团有亲戚关系的哥伦比亚人结婚,这个哥伦比亚人正是跟一名尤瓦贝特谢迈什部族的人一起管理一个贩毒网络,可卡因的最终目的地是送到去一帮在荷兰的以色列毒贩,由一个来自安特卫普钻石区的,穿着犹太教小圆帽的Jacob Korakin 领导

When be wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain turned Hannibal, Missouri—which he later described as a "white town drowsing in the sunshine of a summer's morning"— into an American literary Mecca.


Administrative Districts: 9 Federal States State: Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, Upper Austria, Vienna, Voralberg.


State: Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, Upper Austria, Vienna, Voralberg.


The state of Tyrol is a mountainous region, to its south, sits the state of Vorarlbery, to its east, lie the states of Salzburg and Carinthia.


更多网络解释与贝恩堡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


o)/埃因霍温(Ein)/汉诺威(Haj)/汉堡(Ham)/莱比锡(Lej)/纽伦堡(Nue)/斯图加特(Str)/柏林(Txl)/巴塞罗那(Bcn)/ 里斯本(Lis)/马德里(Mad)/波尔图(Opo)/巴伦西亚(Vlc)/阿伯丁(Abz)/贝尔法斯特(Bfs)/伯恩茅斯(Boh)/哥本哈根(Cph

Habib Beye:哈比布.贝耶 后卫 法国施特拉斯堡队

20、Sylvain Ndiaye 西尔万.恩迪亚耶 中场 法国里尔队 | 21、Habib Beye 哈比布.贝耶 后卫 法国施特拉斯堡队 | 22、Khalidou Cissokho 哈利杜.西索霍 门将 达喀尔弓箭队


顿):>(Howtospeak Dragonese)葛雷熙达.柯维尔●希拉里奥(切尔西):>(Blackand Blue)保罗.卡诺维利●特恩布尔(米堡):>(Blessed)乔治.贝斯特●卡拉格(利物浦):>(WarHorse)迈克尔.莫尔普戈●


"火箭带"是第一任邦德扮演者肖恩.康纳利在1965年007影片<<雷电堡>>(Thunderball)中所使用的著名火箭装置的现代版本. "火箭带"的发明者是一个叫做温德尔.摩尔(Wendell Moore)的工程师于1961年研制,他曾供职于贝尔航行器公司.

GEG SPOKANE:斯波坎 美国 US 北美

FWA FT.WAYNE 韦恩堡 美国 US 北美 | GEG SPOKANE 斯波坎 美国 US 北美 | GRB GREEN BAY 格林贝 美国 US 北美


FWA FT.WAYNE 韦恩堡 美国 US IA 北美 | GEG SPOKANE 斯波坎 美国 US WA 北美 | GRB GREEN BAY 格林贝 美国 US WI 北美