英语人>词典>汉英 : 贝弗莉 的英文翻译,例句
贝弗莉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Reclining on an early nineteenth-century optium bed, wearing a cheongsam from her own collection acquired in Beverly Hills, Tina Lutz sits for 'Chinoiserie by Beaton'.

斜倚在一张早期的十九世纪optium 床上,佩带一cheongsam 从她自己的汇集acquired 在贝弗莉山庄, Tina Lutz 坐为'Chinoiserie 由Beaton'。

Beverley had grown up in the 1950s.


I asked Beverley how the story spoke to her situation. She responded. There was one line that summed it up for me, made me think about my daughter.


After Beverley had described the situation in more detail, we agreed on goals for therapy, one of which was to decide whose problem this was—Beverley's or her daughter's. When it was time for her to leave.


Beverley spoke softly, with none of the confidence that her business suit suggested: As an attorney, I ' m doing all right. I couldn ' t ask for a better career.


After Beverley had described the situation in more detail, we agreed on goals for therapy, one of which was to decide whose problem this was—Beverley's or her daughter's.


But when you get back to Beverly Hills, you can tell all your buddies


"I Don't Know" for Beverly...

嘿 "我不知道"送给贝弗莉。。。

In addition, easy access to public transportation to travel to Beverly Hills, Studio City, and Burbank.


I was going to become a dental hygienist like my sister,Beverly.


更多网络解释与贝弗莉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ashley Judd:阿什莉.朱迪

12月13日周四上午,阿什莉-朱迪(Ashley Judd)和海登-帕内蒂尔(Hayden Panettiere)将在贝弗利山希尔顿饭店与好莱坞外国记者协会会长乔治-玛拉(Jorge Camara)携手揭晓"第65届金球奖"提名.


他需要支付前妻贝弗莉(Beverley)4800万英镑,因为高等法院认为他在百慕大的信托财产应该归他们共同所有. 查尔曼先生在百慕大的律师始终抗议英国法院的判决,质疑其是否有权对百慕大的离岸信托做出裁决.

Beverley J.Oda:贝弗莉.小田 (加拿大新任国际合作部长)

Lawrence Cannon 劳伦斯.坎农 (加拿大新任外交部长) | Beverley J.Oda 贝弗莉.小田 (加拿大新任国际合作部长) | Jean-Marie Ehuzu 让-马里.埃胡祖 (贝宁新任外交和非洲一体化部长)


其中,雷蒙德及其夫人贝弗莉(Beverly)捐资冠名了大都会博物馆里面的近东艺术馆. 另一个兄弟莫蒂默的妻子杰奎琳(Jacqueline),则是古根海姆博物馆年轻收藏家委员会主席(Chair of the Young Collectors Council of the Guggenheim Museum).

bewail:悲悼, 哀泣, 叹惜

Beverly | 贝弗莉 | bewail | 悲悼, 哀泣, 叹惜 | beware of | 对小心

Christopher Nolan:导 演 克里斯托弗.诺兰

片中最爱是理查 基尔跟戴安 莱恩在旅馆中的晚饭戏:"我最爱这场戏,这是男 ...布洛林(Josh Brolin)和太太戴安 莱恩(Diane Lane)、>男主角克里斯蒂(明星派)安 贝尔(Christian Bale)和导演克里斯托弗 诺兰(Christopher Nolan)和娜塔莉 波特曼(

Felicita Fanny:费莉奇塔.范妮

Frederick Stafford 弗雷德里克.斯塔福德 | Felicita Fanny 费莉奇塔.范妮 | Isabella Rosa 伊莎贝拉.罗萨



Millie Esperson:米莉.艾斯泼森

梅贝尔.弗兰克林 Mabel Franklin | 米莉.艾斯泼森 Millie Esperson | 莱文尼亚.路易斯 Levenia Lewis

Nathalie Baye:娜塔莉o贝伊

玛丽娜o汉斯 Marina Hands | 娜塔莉o贝伊 Nathalie Baye | 莎拉o弗里斯蒂 Sara Forestier