英语人>词典>汉英 : 贝尔德 的英文翻译,例句
贝尔德 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Between this point and the high at present unlit warehouses of Beresford place Stephen thought to think of Ibsen, associated with Baird's the stonecutter's in his mind somehow in Talbot place, first turning on the right, while the other who was acting as his fidus Achates inhaled with internal satisfaction the smell of James Rourke's city bakery, situated quite close to where they were, the very palatable odour indeed of our daily bread, of all commodities of the public the primary and most indispensable.


Here, a Baird's tapir forages in a clearing in Costa Rica's Corcovado National Park.


Space thunder 汉姆?The shell 尔 Doctor encouragement Helen becomes the emancipator of thought, Joseph?Hero 弗 is lousy to deduce a drama for Helen of ingenious and vivid portrayal, Carnegie enthusiasm help Helen tested to go into Harvard to pull virtuous gram benefit man woman college, these a wise mans increased the 姿 of life for Helen colourful, created for her vital of fun.


It is named after the American naturalist Spencer Fullerton Baird who travelled to Mexico in 1843 and observed the animals.


Know that, having regard to God and for the salvation of our soul, and those of all our ancestors and heirs, and unto the honour of God and the advancement of the holy Church, and for the reform of our realm, by advice of our venerable fathers, Stephen archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England and cardinal of the holy Roman church, Henry archbishop of Dublin, William of London, Peter of Winchester, Jocelyn of Bath and Glastonbury, Hugh of Lincoln, Walter of Worcester, William of Coventry, Benedict of Rochester, bishops; of master Pandulf, subdeacon and member of the household of our lord the Pope, of brother Aymeric (master of the Knights of the Temple in England), and of the illustrious men William Marshall earl of Pembroke, William earl of Salisbury, William earl of Warenne, William earl of Arundel, Alan of Galloway, Waren Fitz Gerald, Peter Fits Herbert, Hubert de Burgh, Hugh de Neville, Matthew Fitz Herbert, Thomas Basset, Alan Basset, Philip d'Aubigny, Robert of Roppesley, John Marshall, John Fitz Hugh, and of other faithful subjects.

知道这一点,考虑到上帝拯救我们的灵魂,和所有我们的祖先和继承人,和你们的荣誉上帝和提高罗马教会,并为我们的改革领域,我们的意见尊敬的父亲,斯蒂芬坎特伯雷大主教,灵长类动物的所有英格兰和红衣主教的罗马教会,亨利都柏林大主教威廉的伦敦,彼得温切斯特,乔斯林巴斯和格拉斯顿伯里,休林肯,沃尔特伍斯特,威廉考文垂笃罗彻斯特主教;主Pandulf , subdeacon和家庭成员我们的主教宗的弟弟艾默里克(船长圣堂骑士团在英格兰),和杰出的男子威廉彭布罗克伯爵马绍尔群岛,威廉索尔兹伯里伯爵,威廉伯爵Warenne ,威廉伯爵阿伦德尔艾伦加洛威,瓦伦菲茨杰拉尔德,彼得适用赫伯特,贝尔德1646 ,内维尔休日,马修费赫伯特,托马斯巴萨特艾伦巴萨特,菲利浦德欧比尼,罗伯特的Roppesley ,约翰马歇尔,约翰费休,以及其他忠实科目。

Their names are part of history - John Logie Baird, Alexander Graham Bell, Alexander Fleming, James Watt.


Built like a bull, with angry eyes and a beard the color of a forest fire… no wonder Redbeard's enemies were scared of him.


Plenty of politicians wanted to burn the Bible Belt down to the dirt, but Redbeard bellowed them into silence.


Even Redbeard would have agreed.


The fact that later, electronic systems of television by Campbell-Swinton, Zworykin, Farnsworth et al eventually outmoded these earlier TV systems with their mechanical scanners does not detract from Baird's claim to invention.


更多网络解释与贝尔德相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


请以HotelsArea 服务来预订在贝尔格莱德(Belgrade)的 豪华酒店 . 如果您想要核实可能性贝尔格莱德(Belgrade) 豪华酒店 和实施一个在线预定,请使用寻找的表格. 您也可以按"预订"键以进入每所住处的预订表格. 其它城市在 塞尔维亚 (Serbia) 的其它城市地址: Poeka 67A - 贝尔格莱德(Belgrade), 塞尔维亚 (Serbia)

Partizan Belgrade:贝尔格莱德游击队队

Hajduk Split 哈德克霹雳队 | Partizan Belgrade 贝尔格莱德游击队队 | Red Star Belgrade 贝尔格莱德红星队

Partizan Belgrade:塞尔维亚的贝尔格莱德游击

CFR Cluj 罗马尼亚的克鲁日 | Partizan Belgrade 塞尔维亚的贝尔格莱德游击 | Red Star Belgrade 塞尔维亚的贝尔格莱德红星

John Baird:约翰?贝尔德

第一台真正意义上的电视于1925年问世,英国发明家约翰*贝尔德(John Baird)在"尼普柯夫圆盘"的基础上,发明了机械扫描式电视摄像机和接收机,并首次在相距4英尺远的地方传送了一个"十"字影像,宣告了世界首台电视的诞生,

John Logie Baird:贝尔德

人们通常把1925年10月2日苏格兰人约翰 洛吉 贝尔德(John Logie Baird)在伦敦的一次实验中"扫描"出木偶的图像看作是电视诞生的标志,他被称做"电视之父".

Laird Baird:地主贝尔德

05 你如歌 The Song Is You 2:58 | 06 地主贝尔德 Laird Baird 2:45 | 07 肯姆 Kim 2:58


SCHRANZ,Edgar埃德加?施兰茨 | SCHREIBER,EfrainGoldenberg埃弗拉因?戈尔登贝格?施赖贝尔 | SCHULDENZUCKER,Andreas安德烈亚斯?舒尔登楚克尔

Toby Kebbell:托比.凯贝尔

除了以上两位主演外,该片还邀请到了贾斯汀.朗(Justin Long)、伊万.雷切尔.伍德(Evan Rachel Wood)、托比.凯贝尔(Toby Kebbell)三位加盟. 其中贾斯汀.朗将扮演男主角的好友(一条胳膊的内战老兵)、伊万.雷切尔.伍德将扮演安娜.苏拉特(玛丽.苏拉特的女儿)、托比.凯贝尔将扮演杀害林肯的刺客约翰.布斯(John Wilkes Booth).

Thomas Berthold:托马斯.贝特霍尔德

贝尔蒂.福格茨 Hans Hubert "Berti"Vogts | 托马斯.贝特霍尔德 Thomas Berthold | 马库斯.巴贝尔 Markus Babbel

BELAID, Mohamed:穆罕默德.贝莱德

BEL HADJ AMOR, Mohsen;穆赫森.贝尔.哈杰.阿穆尔;; | BELAID, Mohamed;穆罕默德.贝莱德;; | BELALLY, Amadou;阿马杜.贝拉利;;