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The formation of martensite is accomplished by the immigration of well-defined glissile interface (121)fcc type and its misfit dislocations can produce the lattice invariant deformation on the basis of phenomenal theory of martensitic crystallography, however, LID is retarded slightly after the migration of interphase (121)fcc, i.e.a thin plate-like zone exists without LID in martensite near the well-defined interface. When the temperature reduces to the Ms point, the lattice parameter of austenite matrix is √3/2 times that of the martensite without LID. This critical condition for spontaneous transformation agrees with that the stack fault energy in matrix is less than zero according to Olson and Cohen's nucleation model.
Regional travel: travel Area, covering nearly 1 million square meters, is divided into Mangyuan Asia, the Asian forests, animal zone, the South African plateau, the five regional grasslands of East Africa, you can Zijia car or on the train entered the Tour, Mangyuan Asia and the Asia Forest, you can see elk, sika deer, peacock blue, red-crowned crane, as a stupid, white yak, and other treasured animals, in the beast you can see the world's largest zone of the White Tiger Group, Shihu coexistence with the breathtaking mountain scenes, high altitude in South Africa and East Africa you can experience the grasslands of China's largest giraffe group, the Mercedes-Benz Ma Kok bring you the joy, the District of one hour by car, you can enjoy " And animal counterparts,"the joy and stimulation.
Infanticide is almost unheard of among wild elephants. Mothers invest two years in their pregnancies, they live in stable matriarchal groups, and females collectively care for the young. In captivity, mothers are often held in relative solitude, undergo stressful and painful births, and then simply kill the source of all that suffering. Some mothers, Mason says, may even turn to infanticide because they just don't know what the small, squirmy creature that suddenly appeared in front of them is."Many females in zoos have never seen a calf," she says,"so they may not recognize it."
The result makes clear, mix in the area that put bee contrast in the area, the parasitism rate of smooth abdomen small bee is respectively 82.57% with 9.23%, litchi stinkbug elephant is planted the index is group of trends respectively 0.97 with 11.55, the index of interference action control that handles an area is 0.084, the control result that averages celiac small bee to be resembled to litchi stinkbug namely is amounted to 91.6%.
A system and method of information dissemination that permits the user to listen to the specific content of information when and where he or she wants to. A radio or television receiver system receives information from an FM subcarrier, a television vertical blanking interval transmission, an active picture area television transmission, a television separate audio program transmission or a dedicated radio channel and stores the transmitted information in a memory. A user interface allows selection from the memory of the stored information via a set of menus controlling a hierarchical database, so as to access particular items of the information.
For vortex-liquid phase,the E-J relation could be described according to the Kim-Anderson model:U=U0(1-J/JC).While for vortex-glass phase,the electric field decays verydramatically with decreasing current density,so it is difficult to be observed with theinstrument has limited precision.In the intermediate current region,the E-Jrelations of the both phases could be fitted in terms of a phenomenological model:U=(U0/μ)[μ-1],it was concluded that the sign of μ-value changes fromnegative to positive when the temperature decreases lower than the glass-transitiontemperature Tg,meanwhile,the activation energy U enhances dramatically.Whilein the large current region,Zeldov's logarithmic model was suitable for fitthing theE-J curves of the both phase.Moreover,there was no abrupt change of U or thecharacteristic current density IC.However,the effective radius of vortex line variesremarkably around Tg.
The main characteristics include: the quiet Sun corona has a rapid response to the flare heating, within 2 second the corona temperature increases nearly one order of magnitude, but later such increase becomes very slowly; the downward velocity at early stage of impulsive phase is too small to be negnected; chromospheric evaporation made by conduction shows some intensely, the maximum evaporated velocity may be as large as 1000 km/s; the chromospheric condensation appears just when the chromospheric evaporation takes place and its place always coincide with that of transition region in the early stage; the maximum of chromospheric condensation occurs also in the early stage of impulsive phase, at which the density in condensation may be larger two order of magnitude than that of surround and the downward velocity may be as large as 100 km/s; after the maximum of chromospheric condensation, its strongth decreases gradually but its width becomes greater with time and have a tendency to transport into deep chromosphere; the front of chromospheric condensation heats atmosphere obviously and the temperature in the chromospheric condensation is higher than the original case; the downware velocity of transition region may be greater than 100 km/s at the early stage; when the evaporated material collide at the top of loop, the densityand the presure there increase rapidly, which result in the formation of a shock wave; and so on.
Methods:①Make clinical scale of the magnitude of the tongue and the palate to the group of the OSAHS and the normal control②Successive scanning of the upper airway at the states of the normal inspiration and under the Müller action on both normal controls and the OSAHS patients with multi-slice spiral computed tomography. The scope of scanning was from the roof of nasopharynx to the level of hypohyal, bonding multiplate volume reconstruction,using the image workstation to survey the cross section area, sagittal diameter, coronal diameter on the soft tissue thickness in the lateral pharyngealwall and posterior wall of the pharynx, and the postzone of soft palate, uvula palatine ,tongue and epiglottis.
采用高分辨率多排CT(multi-slice spiral computed tomography,MSCT)对正常人和OSAHS患者的上呼吸道分别在平静吸气状态下以及Müller动作下进行连续扫描,扫描范围从鼻咽顶部至舌骨下缘,图象进行三维重建,应用图像工作站测量正常人和OSAHS患者的软腭后区(retropalatal region,RP)、悬雍垂后区(uvula region,UV)、舌后区(retroglossal region,RG)和会厌后区(epiglottal region,EPG)气道横截面积(cross section area,CSA)、矢状径、冠状径、咽侧壁和咽后壁软组织厚度以及舌体大小(包括舌体长度、舌体最宽处的宽度、中纵切面面积,舌背高度)。
As revealed by the voltage topographic maps and the tomographic mapping, the source location of the distinct N1 is in the occipitotemporal areas.
For image enhancement of digital radiography, the traditional processing methods originally used in various tomographic imaging modalities aren't available for enhancing the digital radiographic images, especially for the digital chest images because of the wide dynamic range of information between x-ray emerging from the heavily attenuated mediastinum (heart, spine, aorta, and other central features on the radiography) and subdiaphragmatic area and those that have passed through the air- filled lung.
- 更多网络解释与象区相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The human pita lookmay be all the rage in queens:[也许穿得象个比塔饼似的 在皇后区很流行]
you may want to take the betty-wear downjust a not... | The human pita lookmay be all the rage in queens, [也许穿得象个比塔饼似的 在皇后区很流行] | but in soho,they'll arrest youfor crimes against huma...
Cote de Beaune:伯恩丘区
金丘区(Cote d'Or)中南部的40公里区域被称为伯恩丘区(Cote de Beaune),葡萄园面积是夜丘区(Cote de Nuits)的2倍. 除了象夜丘区一样能够出产顶级的黑皮诺红葡萄酒,也同时出产世界顶尖的霞多丽白葡萄酒.
Boot sector:引导扇区
二)恢复软盘上的数据 软盘的逻辑结构有点象硬盘某分区的结构: 引导扇区(Boot sector)(占用一个扇区) 第一个FAT (用的是FAT12系统) 第二个FAT 根目录区 数据区 (用来存放各种文件的数据) 不知道你有没有遇到这样的情况,
continuous image:连续影象
continuous hydrolytic polymerization 连续水解聚合 | continuous image 连续影象 | continuous immersion zone 全浸区
Theme of Geffen:吉芬主题/好象也是宠物以后换的
12 Streamside 河岸/首都周遍地区 | 13 Theme of Geffen 吉芬主题/好象也是宠物以后换的. . | 14 Theme of Payon 斐扬主题/偶喜欢偶喜欢
立体视差 stereopsis | 视野单象区 horopter | 单眼深度线索 monocular depth cue
VIA visible image area:可视影象区
horizontal hold control 水平同步控制 | VIA visible image area 可视影象区 | 3.2.5 Devices 外设
image subtraction:影(图)象相减
image subsections 影(图)象子区 | image subtraction 影(图)象相减 | image transform 影(图)象变换
video-tape area distribution equipment:录象带区分布设备
video monitors;检视器;; | video-tape area distribution equipment;录象带区分布设备;; | videotape recorder;磁带录像机;;
image subsections:影(图)象子区
image stack 影(图)象栈 | image subsections 影(图)象子区 | image subtraction 影(图)象相减