英语人>词典>汉英 : 豆浆 的英文翻译,例句
豆浆 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

soya-bean milk · soybean milk
更多网络例句与豆浆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That the ancient streets early in the morning there selling milk and fried dough sticks every day, I will line up to buy a bowl of steaming soy milk, never mind pimento!


In temperature conditions, soya-bean milk bottle, as food bacteria can multiply, after 3 ~ 4 hours can make the soymilk rancidity metamorphism.


Sensory organ quality, gel intensity ,density of hydrosulfuryl in soya-bean milk are tested.


This paper introduces structure and opration process of soya milk processor .


Eggs and soyabean milk contains soap protein enzyme stayer,which can control liveness of flesh's protein enzyme,affecting protein digestion and absorption internal to the body.Egg white contains tough protein,which can integrate with soap protein enzyme in the soybean milk,blocking the break down of protein,thereby reducing the protein absorptivity of the body.


Do not mix up the milk and eggs, because the egg white will bind the antitrypsin, which is not conductive to the digestion and absorption.


It takes several steps to make it: firstly soak soybeans in well water; secondly grind it to make soya bean milk; thirdly filter it with a piece of gauze; fourthly boil the soya bean milk in a pot until it becomes thick; fifthly lay a piece of fine gauze in a container; sixthly ladle the soya bean milk over the gauze; seventhly lay another piece and repeat again many times until the container is full; then press them to get rid of water.


I review this case was in fact before the event occurs in the milk, I find that in fact machine emphasis, not how the machine is really improving, the machine has a lmproving process, I often also drink soybean milk, I know that when the soybean milk had residues'state's very hard to clean up, and later bought it out of use, and now you can put the Geordies and sharpened with that pulp, do not have to clean up, you put the crude fiber drink went, but real machine for Yang quickly, not just the cause of, or not merely to the machine itself, but it leads a new concept of health, which promote the mung bean, soya beans, black beans, and so on a drink into the body after what are the benefits for your body, and thus has a healthy concept is theteacher to be able to bring you health, health promotion, information on the health consumer guidance than publicity machine itself; it looks like there is one thing that actually it's clever.


In my house, there is a juicer machine that can make soya milk. In only 15 minutes, the machine can make 2 liters of soya milk.


Biased nature of the milk cold, indigestion, gas and belch poor kidney function, the best cutting milk.


更多网络解释与豆浆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Soybean milk:豆浆

豆浆减肥法- 无糖豆浆减肥法,喝豆浆减肥,豆浆减肥食谱,超商豆浆减肥,无糖豆浆减肥,豆浆减肥方法 豆浆减肥 豆浆(Soybean Milk)是将大豆用水泡后磨碎、过滤、

Soybean milk:豆奶,豆浆

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soya-bean milk:豆浆

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soya-bean milk:豆浆CLq中国学习动力网

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Perfect Match:豆浆油条

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soybean porridge:豆浆

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soy milk:豆浆

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soya bean:豆浆

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soya milk:豆浆

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