英语人>词典>汉英 : 豆形的 的英文翻译,例句
豆形的 的英文翻译、例句


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The results show that 154 species were found in the area,including 60 species of Polychaeta,30 of Crustacea,28 of Mollusca and 24 of Echinodermata;the dominant species are not very distinct,the relative important or common species are Listriolobus sp.,Xenophthalmus pinnotheroides White and Cossurella dimorpha Hartman.

本次调查共获得长江口附近海域大型底栖动物154种,其中多毛类环节动物60种,甲壳动物30种,软体动物28种,棘皮动物25种,其它类群动物11种。群落中优势种的地位都不明显,只有螠虫(Listriolobus sp。)、豆形短眼蟹(Xenophthalmus pinnotheroides White)、拟单指虫为相对重要的种类。

Find the bean in the cake full of beans get beans give sb.beans haven't a bean without a bean jelly bean know how many beans make five know beans like beans not care a bean not know beans not worth a bean old bean spill the beans string bean three blue beans in a without a bean three blue beans in one blue bladder 44-bear cross as a bear n.


Polypodioideae are morphologic uniform; they are monolete, bilaterally symmetric, ellipsoidal in polar view, bean-shaped in equatorial view, and with or without perispore. The surface ornamentation is regularly verrucate.


Any of various other plants or their seeds or fruits, especially those suggestive of bean s, such as the coffee bean or the vanilla bean .


Any of various other plants or their seeds or fruits, especially those suggestive of beans , such as the coffee bean or the vanilla bean.


The differences in Meiliang Bay and Gong Bay were mainly because of high reproduce energy of eurythermal species.


Small bean-shaped organs around the body that are part of the body's immune system.


Small bean-shaped organs around the body that are part of the body's immune system.


Lymph nodes are round or bean-shaped structures strategically placed on lymphatic channel.


The spores are brown, monolete, and bean-shaped in the equatorial view and triangular in the polar view.


更多网络解释与豆形的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

furze:荆豆属植物 (名)

fury 愤怒, 狂怒的人, 狂暴 (名) | furze 荆豆属植物 (名) | furzy 多金雀花的 (形)

jelly bean:豆形胶质小软糖; 优柔寡断的人

without a bean [俚]一个钱也没有 | jelly bean 豆形胶质小软糖; 优柔寡断的人 | know how many beans make five 反应快; 有机智; 不易受骗

leguminous:豆科植物的; 豆类的 (形)

legumin 豆球蛋白 (名) | leguminous 豆科植物的; 豆类的 (形) | legwork 跑腿; 外勤工作 (名)

long beans:長形的豆

Bamboo Shoots 竹筍 | Long Beans 長形的豆 | Squash 南瓜之一種


鞘翅目(Coleoptera)豆象科(Bruchidae)900多种甲虫的统称,幼虫生活于乾豆上,并以其为食. 卵圆形或卵形,长110公釐(大至2/5吋),黑或褐色. 成虫鞘翅短,腹端露出,头部延伸为宽而短的喙. 生命周期以豌豆象(Bruchus pisorum)和大豆象(Acanthoscelides obtectus)为代表,

Enterolobium cyclocarpum:{象耳豆}

略轻软至略硬重,略脆而不耐腐. 常作地板、细木工、胶合板、包装箱和纸浆材等用. 豆科中环果象耳豆(Enterolobium cyclocarpum)称墨西哥核桃木. 分布于中美洲及西印度群岛、南美洲北部. 木材栗褐色,微波形排列的管孔,与核桃木有几分相像.

furzy:多金雀花的 (形)

furze 荆豆属植物 (名) | furzy 多金雀花的 (形) | fuscous 暗褐色的; 深色的 (形)


"盔形亚族(大戟科)","Galeariinae" | "盔形的;兜形的","galeate" | "山羊豆属(豆科)","Galega"


"盔形的;兜形的","galeate" | "山羊豆属(豆科)","Galega" | "山羊豆族(豆科)","Galegae"

Philyra pisum:豆形拳蟹

豆形拳蟹(Philyra pisum)是生活在河口附近的一种潮间带螃蟹,在退潮后的小水滩中,常可发现它们的踪迹. 虽然它的体型不大,背甲的长度及宽度很少超...