英语人>词典>汉英 : 豆制品 的英文翻译,例句
豆制品 的英文翻译、例句


bean products
更多网络例句与豆制品相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hot diet, hot tea, dryrigidityfood, pickledvegetables, fast hot diet, cigaretter smoking, alcoholic drinking, family history of esophageal cancer had great loading in the first common factor; the second common factors were lower body mass index, education, occupation, economic income; the third common factors were inhabitancy landform, polluted water drinking; the forth common factors were battercake, pickledfoods, tinpot vinegar, mildewedfoods; the fifth common factors were tea drinking, greenness vegetables fruit, bean products and garlic and gingers and the sixth common factors were upperalimentary canal diseases, chronic oesophagus inflammation, pharyngitis, stomatitis and decayed tooth.

结果 34项影响因素间存在6个主要公因子,其中,第一公因子上因子载荷较大的有喜烫食、烫茶、干硬食物、口味重、热食且快、吸烟、饮酒、及家庭关系、脾气性格、家族史,第二公因子上因子载荷较大的有BMI、文化程度、职业、经济收入,第三公因子上因子载荷较大的有居住地形、饮水污染,第四公因子上因子载荷较大的有煎饼、腌制品、醋、发霉食物,第五公因子上因子载荷较大的有饮茶、蔬菜、水果、豆制品、姜、大蒜,第六公因子上因子载荷较大的有消化道病史、慢性食管炎、咽炎、口腔溃疡、龋齿。

It is bean curd product and you will like it.


Wish to eat more calcium-rich foods such as dairy products, soybean products, sesame, dried small shrimps, seaweed, bone soup, black fungus, walnuts, sardines, eggs and so on.


The synthesis of γ-amino butyric acid in traditional fermented soybean product s was analyzed by HPLC in this study.


Mainly rely on the source of calcium intake of calcium-rich foods such as milk, soy products, egg yolk, dried small shrimps, cabbage, celery, sesame and so on, in particular, dried small shrimps high calcium can eat chopped egg.


Such as soy, milk, seaweed, Chinese cabbage of calcium also high.


High protein content Tangwu soybean and springwater from headstream of Qiantangjiang River were used as materials to produce soybean food with unique sour slurry curdling,salting and baking processes,by which astringent and bitter taste,coming from soybean product curdled with gypsum or bittern,was eliminated.


Consumption frequencies of fresh vegetable, fruit, milk and milk product, preserved food and sweetmeat were variable in different provinces. The consumption frequencies of fruit, bean product, preserved food and sweetmeat were variable in different age groups.


Once again they have been popularized by a powerful industry which has been pulling the wool over our eyes by emphasizing a healthy tradition in fermented soy use and confusing it with unfermented soy.


Ban's byproduct is traditional food in China,it'll produce high concentration organical water during the production .In this paper ,we use 4000 m3 one step anaerobic process to treat the wastewater which quantity is


更多网络解释与豆制品相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Baked Beans:烤豆子

一盘烤豆子 (baked beans) 中含有超过100毫克的钙. 鹰嘴豆、豆腐、或者其它豆类或者豆制品,也都有大量的钙. 这些食物也有含镁,而我们的身体用镁和钙一起制造骨骼. 说到高度浓缩的钙源,每一杯添加钙的桔子汁或者苹果汁含有超过三百毫克的十分容易吸收的钙.

be reluctant to sell out:惜售

be on the sale / selling 行销 | be reluctant to sell out 惜售 | bean product 豆制品

hydrogen peroxide:过氧化氢

据台湾媒体报道,台消基会说,豆干、豆丁等豆制品是端午节粽子里不可或缺的食材,却可能残留杀菌剂;为确保饮食安全,抽检传统市场22件豆制品,包含5件豆丁、7件豆干及10件小豆干,进行"过氧化氢"(Hydrogen peroxide)残留检测.

soybean lecithin:豆磷脂

豆制品:Soybean food | 豆磷脂:soybean lecithin | 大豆:Soybean cyst nematode


印度人还常以一种被称为"馕"(Naan)的面饼为主食. 无论在高级餐馆还是在街头树阴下,时常可以看见印度人席地盘腿而坐,用手撕下一块馕,蘸上菜糊、汤汁以及用豌豆、绿豆等各类豆制品熬成的豆汤,津津有味地吃着. 还有一些食物把饼与土豆结合起来.

Pastries Factory:糕点厂

Bean Products Factory 豆制品厂 | Pastries Factory 糕点厂 | Tea Processing Factory 茶厂

Product space:可积性

商品税:product-tax | 可积性:product space | 豆制品:bean product

Wheaten Food:主食厨房

165 豆制品 Bean Products | 166 主食厨房 Wheaten Food | 167 日用百货 Daily Household Necessities

Wistar rats:大鼠

豆制品:rats | 大鼠:Wistar rats | 肥胖:obese rats

soy products and soy protein products - tamari can be used in small amounts:豆制品和大豆蛋白产品-塔马里可用于少量

fried food, margarine and hydrogenated fats - can... | soy products and soy protein products - tamari can be used in small amounts豆制品和大豆蛋白产品-塔马里可用于少量 | tinned and frozen packaged food...