- 更多网络例句与谘询的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
We had the first meeting of the new term of the Digital 21 Strategy Advisory Committee today.
The researcher adopted the approach of data coding and self-reflection to analyze the factors that influence collaborative consultation and to investigate the roles that a preschool special education itinerant teacher plays. The results of the study contribute to a collaborative consultation model for constructing itineration in preschool special education.
For example, once an orthopedist came, then the migrant workers who came to see the doctors got a lot of problems about low back pain, muscle pain or the spine diseases.
If you have injury caused by accidents, consult a physiotherapist so that he can come out with a program that will not worsen your injury.
Our service includes a free orientation programme (with free accommodation and meals during that period), an airport pick up, guaranteed accommodation, visa advice and assistance. It also includes FREE in–sessional English classes and careers advice.
The oral spray formulation of zolpidem tartrate is intended for short-term use, and prolonged use of any sedative hypnotic should be avoided without first consulting a physician.
口服喷雾剂型的zolpidem tartrate适合短期使用,而在没有先与医师谘询的情况下,应该避免延长任何镇静安眠药物的使用时间。
We underwent a retrospective study which covered a period of four years beginning from 1991 through 1994. During this time, twelve cases with a history of exposure to metaldehyde and reported to the Poison Control Center-Taiwan were included, and the clinical data such as sex, age, cause and route of exposure, dose, symptoms, signs, severity, and duration between exposure and first aid in the hospital were analyzed.
Immigration of transborder flights.
In addition, the political issues cause the aeromedical transports more difficultly. For the purpose of injury prevention and control, we suggested that providing 24-hours telemedicine consultation may help the Taiwanese patients going abroad.
The southern city of Kumamoto, where the hatch is located, said a help hotline it set up on May 7 amid the controversy had received 357 consultations, with 64 people coming in person.
- 更多网络解释与谘询的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
advisory committee:谘询委员会
由1993年第51号第3条修订)"谘询委员会"(Advisory Committee) 指根据第7条设立的旅行代理商谘询委员会;"获豁免人士"(exempt person) 指根据第3条获给予豁免的任何人或任何类别的人.
Banking Advisory Committee:银行业务谘询委员会
(由1990年第43号第2条修订)"银行牌照"(banking licence) 指根据第16条批给的银行牌照; (由1990年第43号第2条修订)"银行业务"(banking business) 指以下业务的一种或两种─"银行业务谘询委员会"(Banking Advisory Committee) 指由第4条设立的银行业务谘询委员会;
advisory board:谘询委员会
或向一间在香港以外地方经营业务或进行其他活动、但由一间在香港经营业务或进行其他活动的公司直接或间接控制的公司,累算付出的代价; (由2000年第66号第3条修订)"谘询委员会"(Advisory Board)指根据第10条设立的谘询委员会;
Astrological Consultation Track:占星学的谘询
F.Vocations -职业与才能的研究 | Ⅱ.Astrological Consultation Track-占星学的谘询 | A.Counseling Techniques -指导的技巧
consultative committee:谘询委员会
但如该人只负责有关投资或保管该等资产方面的事宜,则不在此列;"精算师"(actuary) 指─(e) 具有获处长接纳的资格的人,而该资格的水准是处长接纳为相当于(a)、(b)、(c)或(d)段所述的人的资格的水准的;"谘询委员会"(consultative committee) 指根据第34条组成的委员会;
consultative machinery:协商制度;谘询结构
consultative document 谘询文件 | consultative machinery 协商制度;谘询结构 | consultative machinery at personal level 个人层面的谘询结构;个人层面的谘询制度
genetic counseling:遗传谘询
也因为大部份的罕见疾病都是遗传疾病,所以遗传谘询(genetic counseling)团队在照顾这些患者上也扮演了一个很重要的脚色,它包括了遗传专科医师、遗传谘询员、护理人员、营养师、心理医师、心理治疗师、专业复健治疗师及社工人员.
Consultation Paper on Proposals for a Scripless Securities Market:<关于建立无纸化证券市场的建议的谘询文件>
Consultation Paper on a Proposed Operational Mo... | Consultation Paper on Proposals for a Scripless Securities Market <<关于建立无纸化证券市场的建议的谘询文件>> | Consultation Paper on Proposals to En...
Consultation Paper on Proposals for a Scripless Securities Market(SFC):《关于建立无纸化证券市场的建议的谘询文件》(证监会)
证监会双重存档事宜顾问... | <<关于建立无纸化证券市场的建议的谘询文件>>(证监会) Consultation Paper on Proposals for a Scripless Securities Market(SFC) | <<关于律师及会计师提供附带投资意见的指引>>(证监会)...