英语人>词典>汉英 : 调蛋黄 的英文翻译,例句
调蛋黄 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
egg  ·  eggs  ·  egging

更多网络例句与调蛋黄相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thicken with diluted cornflour mixture, add in egg yolks, stirring slowly to make egg flakes, dish out into a bowl and sprinkle with multi-color chocolates chips.


This time your 宝宝 s food or milk, egg yolk can start with 1 / 4 started to increase, transfer of available milk, rice soup can also be adjusted when the 宝宝 has to adapt to a normal stool, and then increase the amount of one 宝宝 are not suited to start swallowing the action Therefore, it is very difficult, do not worry.


Originally eat 150ML / day five times, from 3 months after I go to work, feeding on a problem, to the present or each 150ML, 4 months after the beginning of Garmisch powder, half spoon of rice cereal to tune, out to 3 / 4, also increases over egg yolk, as not interested in hindsight, she always seemed reluctant to eat, they cut into the 4 th day of milk, the volume of the same, plus 1 / 3 spoon of rice flour in milk, the still do not have to闹着eating, tongue is not white, the other what is good and can play love to laugh, to sleep or every two hours during the day we should sleep 23:30 after eating milk can sleep the next morning, 8:30, still do not seem hungry.


One lay yelk, salt water, ginger, cumia powder, pepper and flour paste on a whole lamb, put its head down into Nang hearth, which is sealed soon. After about 1-hour's roasting, a roasted whole lamb is edible.


Will be a spoonful of potato flour with half a tune into the yolk of Health.


After the yolk bag of the inside goldfish fry body disappeared, the feeding should be starting with yolk water (50g egg yolk:5kg water ratio) by twice feeding daily.


更多网络解释与调蛋黄相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Corn Flour:玉米粉

一汤勺糖. 中火加热到煮滚. 同时另外碗里搅拌糖和蛋黄直到蓬松. 加入玉米粉(corn flour)搅拌均匀. 当牛奶煮滚后,调小火,慢慢加入蛋黄混和物. 直到牛奶和蛋黄渐渐变成半固体装. 关火, 常常搅拌一下防止表面凝固. 直到变凉.

almond green:杏绿[颜料]

allyl sucros? 烯丙基蔗糠 | almond green 杏绿[颜料] | alseco painting 绘壁画;用胶水和蛋黄调颜料绘画


法国菜一般做法:是肉类奄调后煎至金黄色,后用40度以上的酒(干邑、波多、马填)在小盆锅上烧肉类,吸了酒香后,再用奶油白酒丰汁(fond)或其它煸熟. 为增加该汁的柔滑,再用蛋黄奶油拌打或离火加黄油(Beurre),拌打后,把此汁浇在块肉上,肉与汁拌食精美无比.