英语人>词典>汉英 : 调整过的 的英文翻译,例句
调整过的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与调整过的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It implements a sorted list of adjusted timeouts such that the interrupt handler is only decrementing the first element at all times.


The adjusted R2 is a modified version of the R2 that does not necessarily increase when a new regressor is added.


The R2 and Adjusted R2 tell us whether the regressors are good at predicting, or "explaining" the values of the dependent variable in the sample of data on hand.


R2 The adjusted R2 is 1 minus the ratio of sample variance of the OLS residuals (after correcting the degrees of freedom) to the sample variance of y.


If we add a new independent variable to a regression equation, increases if and only if the t statistic on the new variable is greater than one in absolute value.


Mainly because we had to use unadjusted point differential and not SRS.


The adjusted R-square is still not an unbiased estimator of the population R-squared, because the ratio of two unbiased estimators is not an unbiased estimator.


Other images will break out of their containing elements,wreaking havoc on finely tuned designs.


Designed to a British Army specification, it is powered by a de-tuned, militarised version of the 3.5-litre V8 petrol engine used in the Range Rover.


The site features a selection of labs along with associated study materials , and assignments tailored for upperclass undergraduates.


更多网络解释与调整过的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


adjustable-pitch 可调节倾斜度的 | adjusted 调整过的 | adjuster 调停者

Channel Mixer:通道混合

(六)叠印滤光镜和通道滤光镜的使用 采用带色图层叠印(Multiply 图层叠印模式)在影像上,达到模仿物理滤光镜的效果,我们称之为"叠印滤光镜";采用通道混合(Channel Mixer)控制分别红光、绿光、兰光滤过的比例,达到模仿或调整物理滤光镜效果的目的,

Channel Mixer:混合

(六)叠印滤光镜和通道滤光镜的使用 采用带色图层叠印(Multiply 图层叠印模式)在影像上,达到模仿物理滤光镜的效果,我们称之为"叠印滤光镜";采用通道混合(Channel Mixer)控制分别红光、绿光、兰光滤过的比例,达到模仿或调整物理滤光镜效果的目的,


调整器(Regulator) 在充电系统中,能控制交流发电机电压的轮出,以防电压过高的装置. 电瓶水(battery acid) 电瓶内所用的电解液:是硫酸和水的混合物.

scale factor:比例因子

假如下标范围不从 0开始(这在P a s c a l和A d a中是可能的),就必须对下标值作一调整.其次,调整后的下标值必须与比例因子 (scale factor)相乘,比 例因子等于存储器中数组元素类型的尺寸.最后比例作用过的下标值加上基地址,

adjusted trial balance:经调整过的试算表

unaccrued revenues 未实现收入 | adjusted trial balance 经调整过的试算表 | unadjusted trial balance 未经调整过的试算表

try out:试用

说明:虽然可以使用现有的、有用的测验调整指导措施,来直接对测验进行调整,但这些指导并不能完全代替试用(try out)调整过的测验. 虽然这些试用的样本很少,不足以产生常模资料,但它们在检查调整的机制上则很有价值. 不过,在多数情况下,

armillary sphere:浑仪

调整挡板的位置使它正好遮住目标.由挡板与小孔距离及挡板宽度就可以算出被测物体的视直径,或两点间的视距.还有一种星盘(astrolabe),是有刻度的圆盘,可测天体的方位和高度.J.B.J.德朗布尔(Delambre)认为希帕霍斯还使用过浑仪(armillary sphere)([3]),是由几个圆环套起来的仪器,

unaccrued revenues:未实现收入

accrued revenues 应计收入 | unaccrued revenues 未实现收入 | adjusted trial balance 经调整过的试算表

Partial Vol. Filter:局部体素值的滤过

Enhanced Resolution:增强的(加大的)分析(能力) | Partial Vol. Filter:局部体素值的滤过 | (3)、VR Colors:VR的色彩调整