英语人>词典>汉英 : 调和的组成 的英文翻译,例句
调和的组成 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与调和的组成相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In search of the truth, they are wandering in the culture labyrinths of various ethnos and epochs, trying to combine some incompatible cultural layers.


This in essence is the karmic cause of retardation and a mongoloid human in earth's estimation; a brain with incompatible brain chemistry.


The finest music - in the two sonatas with obbligato harpsichord in B minor and A major, and in two with continuo alone, in E minor and E major - is top-drawer Bach , probably composed in the 1730s, teeming with melodic invention designed to put the newly fashionable instrument through its paces.

最好的音乐-在这两个奏鸣曲o bbligato古键琴与B小调和重大,在连续两,仅在E小调和E大-是最重要的巴赫,可能组成的1 7 30s,到处是旋律发明设计把时髦的新仪器通过其步伐。

Considering that tides are composed of various constituent, the paper here carries on the study on the changes of sediment concentration in estuarial region by means of harmonic analysis method of tides.


更多网络解释与调和的组成相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

silver amalgam:银汞合金

文章摘要:银汞合金(Silver Amalgam)是一种历史悠久的齿科充填修复材料,也是一种特殊的合金. 其组成中的汞在室温下为液体状态,能与固体状态的金属粉末成分经调和后形成合金,这一过程称为汞齐化(Amalgamation). 早在十一世纪,


以架构为中心,就是希望担任各个角色的软体开发成员,都能对开发中的系统有一致性(consistence)的全貌见解. 专案中有架构师最好 (若没有,也最好组成架构团队),他必须具备关照系统整体观的能力,也需要时时刻刻来 「调和」 各个角色的观点与产出.

conformism:盲从因袭的态度 (名)

conformation 构造, 调和的组成, 形态 (名) | conformism 盲从因袭的态度 (名) | conformist 遵奉者; 英国国教徒 (名)