英语人>词典>汉英 : 调味品瓶 的英文翻译,例句
调味品瓶 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

spice jar
更多网络例句与调味品瓶相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

HXY-501 Health cruet are my patented product, the product is an Environmental protection type kitchen, the product's function are:* access to condiments can be operated with one hand, the use of more convenient.


Our company newly develop automatic RMXP series bottle-washing units which based on the original domestic technology, aims at the existing fast bottle label, dirt recycling bottle and can't wash clean by normal bottle-washing machine. It can solve the cleansing recovery bottle problem fundamentally of present domestic breweries, milk factory, seasoning factory, fruit juices, beverage plants and various kinds of brewery.


A stand for cruets containing various condiments .


As we looked around and saw paper-covered tables with trays of cooked bright orange crabs, mounds of discarded shells, pitchers of ice cold beer, shakers of Old Bay seafood seasoning, and bottles of apple cider vinegar, we were hungry.


更多网络解释与调味品瓶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


任何西餐桌上,两样调味品(condiment)总是少不了的:盐和黑胡椒(pepper). 当调味瓶(castor)不在自己附近时,用餐者应轻声请求身边的人将东西传递给自己(always ask the person nearest to it or to you to pass it),

condiment set:调味品套具

saltcellar 盐瓶 | condiment set 调味品套具 | flower pot 花瓶


呆小症 cretinism | 迈氏 crevalle | 调味品瓶,调味品瓶架 crewet,cruet


crude zinc 粗锌 | cruet 调味品瓶 | cruet-stand 调味品瓶

cruet; crewet:调味品瓶;调味品瓶架

"粗盐","crude salt" | "调味品瓶;调味品瓶架","cruet; crewet" | "碎片;碎粒","crumble"

cruller, kruller:油炸麻花,油炸圆圈

调味品瓶,调味品瓶架 cruet, crewet | 油炸麻花,油炸圆圈 cruller, kruller | 面包心,碎面包 crumb

sterling silver cruet:标准银调味品瓶

sterling silver covered vegetable dish 标准银有盖素菜盘 | sterling silver cruet 标准银调味品瓶 | sterling silver desert stand 标准银高脚果饼盒

Cruets of precious metal:贵重金属制调味品瓶

140141 贵重金属制厨房容器 Kitchen containers of precious metal | 140161 贵重金属制调味品瓶 Cruets of precious metal | 140076 贵重金属制胡椒罐 Pepper pots of precious metal

Cruets, not of precious metal:非贵重金属制调味品瓶

210272 非贵重金属制厨房容器 Kitchen containers, not of ... | 210057 非贵重金属制调味品瓶 Cruets, not of precious metal | 210199 非贵重金属制家用或厨房用容器 Containers for household or kitchen use [exc...

Cruets, not of precious metal:调味品瓶

2101 锅盖 pot lids | 2101 调味品瓶 Cruets, not of precious metal | 2101 漏斗 funnels