英语人>词典>汉英 : 请求的 的英文翻译,例句
请求的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
petitionary  ·  solicited  ·  solicitant

更多网络例句与请求的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the lock request is granted, the MDS then uses the intention specified in the lock request to modify the directory, creating the requested file and returning a lock on the new file instead of the directory.

如果锁定请求被允许, MDS 就使用锁定请求中指定的计划来修改目录,创建请求的文件并且返回一个新文件而不是目录上的锁定。

The testing system of this article is composed by two parts: a remote terminal emulator in the front end, running on the client computer, manages the load generator and results analysis; the server program in the back end, running on the computer of system under test, takes charge of transaction processing.


Article 21 A maritime lien is the right of the claimant, subject to the provisions of Article 22 of this Code, to take priority in compensation against shipowners, bareboat charterers or ship operators with respect to the ship which gave rise to the said claim.


Article 21 A maritime lien is the right of the claimant, subject to the provisions of Article 22 of this Code, to take priority in compensation against shipowners, bareboat charterers or ship operators with respect to the ship which gave rise to the said claim.


"A system for enhancing network-browsing speed by setting a proxy server on a handheld device comprises a browser for sending a request for requesting a message from a website and receiving a response in response to the request, a proxy server for transcoding and compressing the request, and transcoding and decompressing the response including the requested message in response to the request, a wireless network communicably linked to the proxy server, Mobile Data Service gateway for transcoding and decompressing the request, and transcoding and compressing the response including the requested message from the website."

是这样的一个系统,在手机端增加一个代理服务器来为一网站请求一条信息发送一个请求,同时为此请求来接受一个反馈,代理服务器压缩和重新编译请求,同时对反馈包括信息请求的反馈进行重新编译和解压缩,无线网络可以转达到代理服务器,Mobile Data Service手机数据服务器路由来编译和解压缩请求并且编译和压缩来自网站的信息请求反馈。

"A system for enhancing network-browsing speed by setting a proxy server on a handheld device comprises a browser for sending a request for requesting a message from a website and receiving a resp**e in resp**e to the request, a proxy server for transcoding and compressing the request, and transcoding and decompressing the resp**e including the requested message in resp**e to the request, a wireless network communicably linked to the proxy server, Mobile Data Service gateway for transcoding and decompressing the request, and transcoding and compressing the resp**e including the requested message from the website."

是这样的一个系统,在手机端增加一个代理服务器来为一网站请求一条信息发送一个请求,同时为此请求来接受一个反馈,代理服务器压缩和重新编译请求,同时对反馈包括信息请求的反馈进行重新编译和解压缩,无线网络可以转达到代理服务器,Mobile Data Service手机数据服务器路由来编译和解压缩请求并且编译和压缩来自网站的信息请求反馈。

Article 21 A maritime lien is the right of the claimant, subject tothe provisions of Article 22 of this Code, to take priority incompensation against shipowners, bareboat charterers or shipclaim.


Based on the system study of CATV integrated service headend system, design and realize the first CATV Integrated Service Information Net of China. The main content of this article include: The second chapter is Combined to the demand of the system and analyzed some schedule model, a real-time schedule arithmetic base on memory is proposed.


Within the limitation period or after the expiration thereof, if the person allegedly liable has brought up a claim of recourse against a third person, that claim is time-barred at the expiration of 90 days, counting from the day on which the person claiming for the recourse settled the claim, or was served with a copy of the process by the court handling the claim against him.


Article 257 The Limitation period for claims against the carrier with regard to the carriage of goods by sea is one year, counting from the day on which the goods were delivered or should have been delivered by the carrier. Within the limitation period or after the expiration thereof, if the person allegedly liable has brought up a claim of recourse against a third person, that claim is time-barred at the expiration of 90 days, counting from the day on which the person claiming for the recourse settled the claim, or was served with a copy of the process by the court handling the claim against him.


更多网络解释与请求的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Multiple Choices:请求的资源可在多处得到

"206" : Partial Content 服务器已经完成了部分用户的GET请求 | "300" : Multiple Choices 请求的资源可在多处得到 | "301" : Moved Permanently 删除请求数据

NS Client:返回修改用户昵称请求的应答

REA Client NS 发出修改用户昵称的请求. rename nickname | NS Client 返回修改用户昵称请求的应答. | REG Client NS 发出修改联系人组的请求. rename group

NS Client:返回获取联系人组列表请求的应答

LSG Client NS 发出获取联系人组列表的请求. list groups | NS Client 返回获取联系人组列表请求的应答. | LST Client NS 发出获取联系人列表的请求. list

NS Client:返回获取联系人列表请求的应答

LST Client NS 发出获取联系人列表的请求. list | NS Client 返回获取联系人列表请求的应答. | MSG Client SS 发送消息到其他用户(聊天对象). message

NS Client:返回修改联系人组请求的应答

REG Client NS 发出修改联系人组的请求. rename group | NS Client 返回修改联系人组请求的应答. | REM Client NS 发出从联系人列表中删除用户的请求. rename user


petition 请愿 vt.向...请愿 | petitionary 请愿的,为请愿的,请求的 | petitioner 请愿人

petitionary:请愿的; 请求的; 为请愿的 (形)

petition 请愿, 陈情书, 诉状 (名) | petitionary 请愿的; 请求的; 为请愿的 (形) | petitioner 请求人; 离婚案原告; 请愿人 (名)

Temporary Redirect:申明请求的资源临时性删除

"307" : Temporary Redirect 申明请求的资源临时性删除 | "400" : Bad Request 错误请求,如语法错误 | "401" : Unauthorized 请求授权失败

Temporary Redirect:被请求的页面已经临时移至新的

305 Use Proxy 客户请求的文档应该通过Location头所指明的代理服务器提取. | 307 Temporary Redirect 被请求的页面已经临时移至新的url. | 4xx: 客户端错误消息: 描述:


400 Bad Request 服务器未能理解请求. | 401 Unauthorized 被请求的页面需要用户名和密码. | 402 Payment Required 此代码尚无法使用.