英语人>词典>汉英 : 诡辩 的英文翻译,例句
诡辩 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
casuistry  ·  legerdemain  ·  pettifogging  ·  quibbling  ·  quiddity  ·  sophism  ·  sophisticate  ·  sophistication  ·  sophistry  ·  choplogic  ·  pettifog  ·  casuiistries  ·  pettifogged  ·  pettifogs  ·  quiddities  ·  sophisticates  ·  sophisticating  ·  sophistries

更多网络例句与诡辩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Almost all of the latter were adherents of the Reformation, and though it cannot be said that they were formally and avowedly at conflict with the Casuists, the origin and object of their system were nevertheless essentially different from those of Casuistry.


Casuist:a person who is expert in or given to casuistry.


It is not a mere theoretical explanation, but is so replete with juridical and casuistical details that it may be called an inexhaustible fountain for manuals of casuistry.


Thus in a succession of characters Plato represents the successive stages of morality, beginning with the Athenian gentleman of the olden time, who is followed by the practical man of that day regulating his life by proverbs and saws; to him succeeds the wild generalization of the Sophists, and lastly come the young disciples of the great teacher, who know the sophistical arguments but will not be convinced by them, and desire to go deeper into the nature of things.


It is evident that a merely casuistical treatment does not come up to the demands of moral theology, and as a matter of fact, during the last decades, the speculative element was more and more insisted on even in works chiefly casuistic.


If there is question of a purely scientific explanation of moral theology which does not intend to exceed the limits of speculation, then the casuistical element is without doubt speculative, systematic discussion of the questions belonging to moral theology; casuistry then serves only to illustrate the theoretical explanations.


What is in reality little more than a bunch of quibbles, anomalies, loose ends and historical puzzles becomes a grand scheme of events, and thus more potent in attracting the gullible or prejudiced.


Almost all of the latter were adherents of the Reformation, and though it cannot be said that they were formally and avowedly at conflict with the Casuists, the origin and object of their system were nevertheless essentially different from those of Casuistry.


Long has studied some of Epictetus' debts to Socrates elsewhere; here, he treats the connections in their methodologies. Assembling extensive texts and arguments, Long convinces this reader, at least, that Socrates' elenchus was the standard for philosophical practice that Epictetus strove to emulate in his own teaching and research. When doing so, however, Epictetus adapted it to meet the demands of his system.


At present,some western countries say that the people planning project in our country has infringed upon human rights. The y cut off the connection of things.Some relativists analyze socialism and capitalism indefinitely.Some people negate reform just for blemish;they regard appearance of things as nature of things.


更多网络解释与诡辩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

casuist:决疑者, 诡辩家

casuarina | 木麻黄属的各种常绿乔木 | casuist | 决疑者, 诡辩家 | casuistic | 决疑的, 诡辩

sophism:诡辩 (名)

sophism 诡辩 (名) | sophist 诡辩家; 诡辩者; 博学者 (名) | sophistic 诡辩的; 强词夺理的 (形)


sophist 诡辩学者 | sophistic 诡辩的 | sophistical 诡辩

sophistic:诡辩的; 强词夺理的 (形)

sophist 诡辩家; 诡辩者; 博学者 (名) | sophistic 诡辩的; 强词夺理的 (形) | sophistical 诡辩的; 强辩的; 强词夺理的 (形)


sophism 诡辩 | sophistic 诡辩的,巧辩的 | sophistry 诡辩

sophistry:诡辩, 谬论; 诡辩法 (名)

sophistication 老于世故; 复杂; 有教养; 精密 (名) | sophistry 诡辩, 谬论; 诡辩法 (名) | Sophocles 古希腊悲剧诗人 (名)

casuistic:决疑的, 诡辩的

casuist | 决疑者, 诡辩家 | casuistic | 决疑的, 诡辩的 | casuistical | 决疑的, 诡辩


casuist /决疑者/诡辩家/ | casuistic /决疑论的/诡辩的/ | casuistical /决疑论的/诡辩的/

casuistic:决疑法的; 诡辩的 (形)

casuist 决疑者; 诡辩家 (名) | casuistic 决疑法的; 诡辩的 (形) | casuistical 决疑的; 诡辩的 (形)


casuistic /决疑论的/诡辩的/ | casuistical /决疑论的/诡辩的/ | casuistics /诡辩/曲解/决疑论/