英语人>词典>汉英 : 诡计 的英文翻译,例句
诡计 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
artifice  ·  deception  ·  dodge  ·  dodgery  ·  fetch  ·  fraud  ·  gadget  ·  machinations  ·  mousetrap  ·  ruse  ·  scam  ·  scheme  ·  shenanigan  ·  skullduggery  ·  sleight  ·  trap  ·  traprock  ·  trick  ·  trickery  ·  tricks  ·  underplot  ·  wile  ·  wiles  ·  fetched  ·  tricking  ·  pawk  ·  sculduddery  ·  designs  ·  dodged  ·  dodges  ·  fetches  ·  mousetrapped  ·  mousetrapping  ·  mousetraps  ·  schemed  ·  schemes  ·  skullduggeries  ·  tricked  ·  trickeries  ·  weaseling  ·  wiled  ·  wiling  ·  artifices  ·  deceits  ·  deceptions  ·  gambits  ·  gimmicks  ·  ruses  ·  shenanigans  ·  stratagems

hanky-panky · sleight of hand · crafty plot · cunning scheme
更多网络例句与诡计相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Two men who concealed £8m worth of cocaine in leggings and attempted to smuggle it into the UK on a luxury cruise liner were both jailed for 12 years Monday, the Daily Mail reported. The 2 unemployed Spanish men were arrested as they disembarked at Southampton on March 27. They were found to have 33kg of cocaine hidden in leggings when arrested.See photo


People tries to persuade he and them to so that manage investment project,meet normally, but he can detection their crafty plot, especially their adulatory, and say " not " when than saying " be " get more much.


Some of these potential uses include dealing with terrorist groups, crowd control, controlling breaches of security at military installations, and antipersonnel techniques in tactical warfare.


This trick is one more part of her political armoury.


This is "late Shakespeare," and he relishes artifice and dense poetry.


It is a cunning device to supersede the aristocracy, and make the king sole and absolute autocrat


Shiftiness could also be the result of being nervous, angry, distracted or sad.


Let us be diverted by none of those sophistical contrivances wherewith we are so industriously plied and belabored--contrivances such as groping for some middle ground between the right and the wrong; vain as the search for a man who should be neither a living man nor a dead man; such as a policy of "don't care" on a question about which all true men do care; such as Union appeals beseeching true Union men to yield to Disunionists, reversing the Divine rule, and calling, not the sinners, but the righteous to repentance; such as invocations to Washington, imploring men to unsay what Washington said, and undo what Washington did.


Oftware Description: About Scam Escrow Detector, This tool detects scam escrow Web sites in two ways: A live updated database, which contains over 400 scam escrows, and a verification procedure if the escrow is not contained in the databases.

cam Escrow Detector 这是件诡计契据检测工具。包含超过 400 份诡计待条件完成的契据的动态被更新的数据库,和查证过程如果等待条件完成的契据没在数据库里被包含。

Removing the camouflage with a shovel, then examining carefully the lower part of the land mine. Step by step he showed his students the process. In about ten minutes, a ten-centimeter long bar-shaped disguise was revealed. Only after the instructor inserted the safety pin did he pull out the disguise and begin to dismember it.


更多网络解释与诡计相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


尽管很明显,人造现实性确实暗指对时间的人造性(artificiality),但这是在被理解为文本(text)之"诡计(artifice)"的意义上而言的. 因而,德里达在这里要说的,并非今天时间的绝对虚构性,而是其根深蒂固的文本性(textuality).


artifact 人工制品 | artifice 策略,诡计 | artificial 人造,虚伪的


artificial climbing 徒手攀登 | artifice 技巧、诡计 | artificer 技师

artifice n.m:烟火,诡计,计谋

article n.m. 文章 | artifice n.m. 烟火,诡计,计谋 | artificiel, le adj. 人造的,人工的

artifice n.m:烟火,诡计,计谋 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

article n.m. 文章 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网 | artifice n.m. 烟火,诡计,计谋 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网 | artificiel, le adj. 人造的,人工的 urQ法语学习网--卓林法语网

Dark Awakening:五面怪的诡计

72 Chaos 浑沌怪 | 73 Dark Awakening 五面怪的诡计 | 74 Forever Is a Long Time Coming 岁月之窗


spike 尖铁 | guile 诡计 | wile 诡计

Some Particularly Hackneyed Devices:(一些独特的常见的诡计)

1. Snow and Rain(雪和雨) . | 2. Some Particularly Hackneyed Devices(一些独特的常见的诡计) . | 3. Devices Which Are Not Plausible(并不似是而非的诡计) .

put up job:勾当; 诡计; 圈套

put-up affair 勾当; 诡计; 圈套 | put-up job 勾当; 诡计; 圈套 | settle one's affairs 安排自己的事 在(遗嘱中)把财产安排妥当

put-up affair:勾当; 诡计; 圈套

pretty state of affairs [口]窘境 | put-up affair 勾当; 诡计; 圈套 | put-up job 勾当; 诡计; 圈套