英语人>词典>汉英 : 话旧 的英文翻译,例句
话旧 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
reminisce  ·  reminiscence  ·  reminisced  ·  reminisces  ·  reminiscing

talk about the old days · talk over old times
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Its application in discourse lies in two aspects: the first is from the addresser's point of view, concerning the deep semantic structure of a sentence; the second is from the addressee's point of view, concerning content of a discourse with emphasis on distribution of new and given information in it.


The Chapter 'Filmdom Anecdotes' written by George Shen contains detailed information on Yuen Yang-an, a key figure of early Great Wall days.


Page 35. Blatter's attempt to succeed Havelange was reported in detail by Kistner and Weinreich in Das Milliarden Spiel: Fusball, Geld und Medien, and in contemporaneous reports.


Why, is not this a lamentable thing, grandsire, that we should be thus afflicted with these strange flies, these fashion-mongers, these perdona-mi's, who stand so much on the new form, that they cannot at ease on the old bench? O, their bones, their bones!


These words afterward lay down the footnote her disregarded behavior that she ignore the old ethics morals but stick to doing in her one's own way constantly .


Against England, the most important of all the Protestant nations to reconquer, military might was not yet possible because the Catholic Powers were too occupied and divided: and so, in the 1570's Rome bent her efforts, as she had done a thousand years before in the days of Saint Augustine, to win England back by means of her missionaries the most important of all the Protestant nations to reconquer,这句话是同位语,说明England.


Against England, the most important of all the Protestant nations to reconquer, military might was not yet possible because the Catholic Powers were too occupied and divided: and so, in the 1570's Rome bent her efforts, as she had done a thousand years before in the days of Saint Augustine, to win England back by means of her missionaries the most important of all the Protestant nations to reconquer,这句话是同位语,说明 England.

对付英国,需要重新征服的所有基督教国家中最重要的一国,动用军事力量不可能。因为天主教大国们太忙,太分裂;因此罗马于 1570 年代就像一千年前,在圣奥古斯都统治时期它曾做过的那样,竭尽权力想通过传教方式把英国赢回来。写作方法与文章大意这篇文章论及"罗马教皇采用文武两手政策在欧洲,特别在英国,恢复旧教——天主教。"采用一般到具体的写作手法。可以说由大到小。大的欧洲背景,最后落实在英国的具体做法。重点在英国。答案祥解 1。

Instead of a friend in a post-chaise or in a Tilbury, to exchange good things with, and vary the same stale topics over again, for once let me have a truce with impertinence.


One oblivious instance is the atomic power that shows a promising future while yields the potential danger of nucleic leakage.moreover, it seems that the anxiety of its danger looms larger around the world; the depression overshadowed the merits of progress and made some pessimist underplay it as merely a matter of exchanging one problem for another.


Recently at home my television set as well as the fridge are getting upgraded, from the normal television set upgrade to the flat screen LCD set with good stero system and for the fridge from a 20 years old fridge upgrade to the nice and spacious Mistubishi fridge.


更多网络解释与话旧相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Formosa /福莫萨/台湾旧称/ | Formosan /台湾的/台湾人的/台湾话的/台湾人/台湾话/ | Forrest City /福里斯特城/


Reminisce追忆往事,话旧 | Manicurist美甲师 | Matrimony婚姻


Agree. 这句话的中文本身就很矛盾. 冷笑话的定义本身就是不好笑的笑话,或是过於老旧,老掉牙,大家已经讲了几百万次的,根本已经"不有趣了",更提不上"很"(very)有趣.

To bury the hatchet:捐弃前嫌,重修旧好

to call a spade a spade 有话直说 | to bury the hatchet 捐弃前嫌,重修旧好 | a cock-and-bull story 荒唐话,无稽之谈,吹牛