英语人>词典>汉英 : 诗人们 的英文翻译,例句
诗人们 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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V=dlfhoU66s4Y 转才来自英国的诗: bertolt brechtwhen evil-doing comes like falling rainLike one who brings an important letter to the counter after office hours: the counter is already closed.


Meanwhile choirmaster Euripides was the object of fulsome praise; in fact, people would have killed themselves in order to learn more from him had they not known that the tragic poets were quite as dead as tragedy itself.


Well-versed in ancient dream narratives and dream theories, Chaucerdoes not go out of his way to transcend the conventionalism, but plays with differentnarrative levels to include in his dream poems various subjects with contemporaryinterest such as love, fame, poetry and fortune.


Develops along with the social civilization unceasing progress, people's living standard also unceasingly is enhancing, people regarding housing quality request also more and more high, lives spaciously, lived comfortably, already was the people to the housing conditions most basic request, what but were more was expected the life shoved open the window in an early morning, could breathe the fresh air, could hear to the persuasive bird cry, west the setting sun under, bathed in like in the dream like poem scenery, abandoned this mortal world the worry, with nature intimate contact environment.


Current, the creation of children poem takes seriously with what although did not get answering having,publish, show some kind of " because of the reason of market demand even downfallen ", but, because people is subconscious medium the persistence to " poem " and pursuit, we have reason to believe, children poem can walk out of a new way in 21 centuries.


Not to call even those lofty bards here by Ontario's shores


Bards of the great Idea! bards of the peaceful inventions! for the


There are epics of the Zhou Dynasty, poems describing life on the farm, patriotic poems depicting soldiers garrisoning the frontiers, poems of compliant and satire, love poems and sacrificial poems.


Yet bards of latent armies, a million soldiers waiting ever-ready


Therefore the true poets, they who are seers, seek to express the universe in terms of music.


更多网络解释与诗人们相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Geoffrey Chaucer:杰弗里.乔叟

在600年前,"特许(franchise)"一词被英国诗人杰弗里"乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)认...戴尔(Dell)公司因为其出色的表现,引发了对其成功奥秘的探讨. 但是人们过多地把目...


人们在筵席上为祭祝酒神狄奥尼索斯所唱的即兴歌,称为"酒神赞歌"(Dithyramb). 与比较庄重的"太阳神赞歌"相比,它以即兴抒情合唱诗为特点,并有芦笛伴奏,朗然起舞的酒神赞歌受到普遍的欢迎. 到公元前6世纪左右,酒神赞歌开始负盛誉,




其实,"瓜"(melon)在希腊文中也是苹 果之意. 对于这节诗的涵义,人们众说纷纭. (注:譬如,有一种观点认为,这座乐园 与伊甸园不同,在这座乐园里,"摔倒"不会产生严重的


"......通过引起怜悯(pity)和恐惧(fear)而导致这些情绪的净化(purgation)"(第四章)首先是诗的起源,亚里士多德归结为两点:模仿的本能和音调、节奏感. 与柏拉图不同的是,亚里士多德在此强调,模仿可以使人们获得最初的知识,

Ruskin, John:罗斯金

在巴黎,这种融化的美就像圣心大教堂,被罗斯金(Ruskin John)在>中用诗一般的语言赞美着:白云、高山、阳光,拜占庭装饰中光的弥漫. 中世纪以后,人们不断地在各种经典建筑中添加装饰,甚至添加到无以复加的程度,

A Shropshire Lad:<什罗普郡一少年>

他的诗,特别是第一本诗集>(A Shropshire Lad)在欧美国家一直被人们广泛阅读. 他几乎所有的诗歌都是为了指明一个道理,即世界变幻,时光匆匆,人生易逝,只有死亡是唯一确定的宿命. 他的诗歌有一半多是关于死亡或消逝的主题,


他曾经 灵机闪现,为两岁的儿子克里斯托弗&bull;罗宾(Christopher Robin)创作了一首诗,题目叫>(Vespers),结尾的几句人们已是耳熟能详:"嘘!谁敢窃窃私语!克里斯托弗 罗宾正在做祷告. "米尔恩告诉妻子,如果她能把这首诗卖给杂志社,

Earlier Poets:[更更更更早早早早的的的的诗诗诗诗人人人人们们们们]

36) Reading a Copy of a 1919 Shanghai Paper [读读读读1919 年年年年申申申申报报报报] | 37) Earlier Poets [更更更更早早早早的的的的诗诗诗诗人人人人们们们们] | 39) In Sickness [病病病病中中中中]

Earlier Poets:[更早的诗人们]

35) Unexpected Words [偶然说起] | 36) Reading a Copy of a 1919 Shanghai Paper [读1919年申报] | 37) Earlier Poets [更早的诗人们]